Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 935 ideal life

Gu Qingzhou is immersed in the pool of warm soup and relaxed.

The same is true of the company.

The body is soaked in hot water, people are warm, so the cold air, inhaled into the lungs, the remaining temperature is only fresh and slightly cool.

Gu Qingzhou is full of energy.

The Secretary closed his eyes and dozed off.

"Si Xingfu, shall we go back to the city at dawn?" Gu Qingzhou asked him.

Si Xingfu didn't care. He was leaning on the wooden backrest and said, "listen to you."

Gu Qingzhou knew that he would not take her up the mountain for no reason. In the late night romance, he also had a purpose.

His purpose is to solve the problem for Gu Qingzhou.

Gu found the crux of the problem at once.

Si Xingqi said that he wanted to cultivate Gu light boat, so he taught people to fish, not to think for Gu light boat, not to make decisions for her, but to give some advice when her thinking was a little less smooth.

Like going up the mountain.

He taught Gu to grow up day by day.

The same is true for Gu Qingzhou.

She also needs to teach her students.

Now, so will future education.

Thank you very much Gu Qingzhou said, "I've got it. When are we going down the mountain?"

Si Xingfu smiles.

He didn't open his eyes, still reclining with his eyes closed, and he took a look at the boat and hooked his fingers.

Gu Qingzhou glided to him.

He hugged her and kissed her on her slightly wet hair: "now that you know it, have a good rest. Light boat, let's relax for a while and wait for the afternoon to go back, shall we? "

Gu Qingzhou makes a sound.

The water temperature slowly dropped, and the cold air swept the heat. Before showing its ferocity, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu went back to their houses.

Take a bath and change clothes again. The fire in the room is bright and warm.

Gu Qingzhou sits in front of the fire and bakes his hair.

Si Xingfu is also at the side, looking through a book.

There is a small bookshelf in the outer room. There are several books on it. The secretary takes one at will.

He didn't like reading books, but this one was about ordnance, and Si xingxu read it.

He can see it and he can think of it.

At five o'clock in the morning, Gu Qingzhou finally felt tired and Si Xingfu put down his book.

Two people fell asleep.

By the time they wake up, it's three thirty in the afternoon.

After changing clothes, Gu went to the bathroom to wash, and the Secretary rang the bell to let the servant in.

"... bring in your lunch." The secretary gave orders.

The servant said yes, and then said, "master Shi knows you are here, and wants to see you."

"I don't know him." Si Xingfu's manner was arrogant. "I'm a guest of governor ye, not from his shishizuo seat. I'm missing."

Gu Qingzhou comes out of the bathroom and has finished her appearance.

She did not speak.

When the servant saw that they did not want to see Shishi, he went out and gave orders.

Shishi soon learned.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he was a little uneasy and inexplicable.

After having dinner, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu got up and went down the mountain. Before going out, they saw the stone master on the side corridor, and the man smiled at them.

Si Xingfu frowned slightly, made a puzzled expression, and then went down the mountain.

They really have nothing to do with the junta.

His attitude also tells Shi shizuo that he doesn't even have the mind to deal with the military government, so he won't have a wide network.

Of course, Si Xingfu's arrogance and powerlessness show that he has no education, which makes Shi shizuo more at ease.

Hanging in the heart of the tone, finally out of relief, Shishi seat hummed a song, go back to the hot spring.

When you go down the mountain, you will have a porter on the mountain to carry the shelves, earn a small income and subsidize your family.

Gu went on a light boat. He took care of the business of the porter and saved himself from going down the mountain.

Si Xingfu is also very enjoying. He was carried down the mountain in a bamboo chair.

He gave a large reward, and the porters were grateful.

"Si Xingfu, you said desert island yesterday..." Gu chuckled, "do you really want to go to desert island to spend your days?"

At the mention of this, Si Xingfu is very excited.

"... with 800 soldiers, two hundred craftsmen and two hundred farmers, they gathered all the savages on the desert island. But in ten years, it is a rich and beautiful island.

It's ours. It's thorough. It's not stained with the traces of our ancestors. Our land, our world, is also the eternal foundation for children. " Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou said: "when the world is peaceful and it is more challenging to govern such a huge country, why do you have to go?"

"Peace?" The Secretary squinted.

He arrived at this moment, a little pessimistic, "light boat, reunification may not be able to peace.". I'm suitable for expanding territory, not for defending success. The killing at that time is soul stirring. "

Gu Qingzhou is slightly shocked.

Si Xingfu touched her head and said, "take it as soon as you see it, light boat, this is the way to go."

At the same time, he added, "wouldn't it be good to open up new islands and be a reserve force for the country in the future?"

"But soon, in the world of airplanes and cannons, there will be no way for poor islands to live. There is no pure land where the plane can arrive in a few days. " Gu said.

Si Xingfu ponders.

Everything needs to be re planned.

He clenched the steering wheel.

"Si Xingfu, when did you change your mind when you said you wanted to go to Suzhou to live in seclusion?" Gu Qingzhou asked him.

"Recently." He said.

Si Xingqi told Gu that he had changed his mind because the more his plan was advanced, the more he knew the crux of the problem.

After so many years of calling for disarmament, it has not been successful. Now that we have unified, we can centralize power?

It's a dream!

The next great war was long and bloody, and Si Xingfu didn't seem to see the end.

He had been looking forward to his people's survival in a peaceful environment since he was a child. His children's homes were not baptized by gunfire. However, none of this could be avoided.

When Si Xingfu found that the short-term peace could not usher in the real dawn, he knew that the artillery fire was inevitable, had to be stopped, was against development, and was acting in the same way as the royalists.

Si Xingfu didn't want to block the wheel of the times.

He longed for peace, but after countless bloody battles, even endless power struggles, he suddenly became boring.

A person can't stir up the progress of the whole era, and Si Xingfu is not a qualified leader. He is too headstrong.

Political compromise and forbearance did not suit him.

"Light boat, I suddenly see through a lot." "I've always told you not to do things that go against the progress of the times. You don't do it, and I won't do it. "

Gu Qingzhou makes a sound.

"So, we have been to the good days that we had planned," he continued. I'll take you to a savage couple! "

Gu Qingzhou suddenly moved in his heart.

She laughed. "I'm looking forward to that."

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