Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 956 intoxication

Along with the vision of Gu Qingzhou, Si Xingfu also saw Kang Yu and his girlfriend.

"It's an interesting dinner tonight," he said with interest

I'm not afraid of the stage height.

Gu Qingzhou gave him a little kick under the table and said, "keep back, we are here for dinner. Don't talk."

"We're here for a date, Mrs. Si," said Mr. Si

Gu Qingzhou chuckled.

Sit down and order.

According to the character of Si Xingfu, every time he orders food, he first serves one table, but this time he is very economical. He only orders two people, and then asks for a bottle of whiskey.

Si Xingfu said to Gu Qingzhou, "drink some wine to drive out the cold. You are too cold to move recently, like a hibernating snake. "

Gu Qingzhou said, "what metaphor!"

"That's like a frozen cat," he said with a smile

Gu Qingzhou kicked him under the table again.

His skin is rough and his flesh is thick. Gu Qingzhou kicks him. He doesn't respond at all.

Their table of wine came up, and ye Wu and Su Peng arrived.

Ye Wu was wearing the sable cloak that Gu Qingzhou gave her. The furry collar of sable set off a flawless face.

She has light make-up and is more mature than other students.

His cheeks are red and his eyes are bright.

As soon as ye Wu came in, she took off her cloak with the help of the waiter, and revealed a long cotton cheongsam, fresh and elegant.

Her eyes went straight for Gu Qingzhou.

Seeing that Gu Qingzhou did come, she felt at ease and smiled at Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou also smiles at her.

He glanced at Gu Qingzhou and said, "it's a good match."

Gu Qingzhou's aesthetic, Su Peng is quite like a foreigner, deep eyes and high nose. She said, "this man has a brain."

Si Xingfu looks again.

He poured the wine, clinked his glass with Gu Qingzhou and said, "thank you for inviting me to dinner."

Gu Qingzhou is surprised: "not you please?"

"Nonsense, it's clearly you please." Then sip a sip of whiskey into the mouth. Like a fire, the liquor burns the throat, ignites the stomach and makes the blood boil all over.

Si Xingfu nodded with satisfaction and said, "nice wine, thank you, madam."

"Give me the wallet," Gu said

He took out his wallet.

Gu Qingzhou took it and counted it. It's really a thick pile of money, enough to eat.

"Well, it's my treat." Gu chuckled.

She doesn't quite understand. Why does Si Xingfu care about this? I feel that Si Xingfu has no intention, but I don't know what's wrong.

Gu Qingzhou also took a sip of wine, which was not very good for the whole person. The spirit of wine rushed straight to his head.

Fortunately, she took only half a sip.

"This foreign wine is not as strong as white wine." Gu Qingzhou said, "drink white wine later."

He poured himself another drink and said with a smile, "don't you often say that we are old school people in the old era? Want to catch up with you, you are not happy? "

"Let the old send the old. It's the times that limit us. It's not that we are unwilling to advance." Gu Qingzhou road.

Two people in their twenties, speaking, are as dumb as seven or eighty.

They are so big that they don't pursue fashion, keep up with the trend, and bury themselves in the ruins of the old era. They just don't want to advance.

Gu Qingzhou also describes and mends.

As soon as she described and mended it, Si Xingfu smiled, "I listen to my wife."

At their table, the couple began to chat happily.

But there was movement.

As soon as Gu Qingzhou raised his eyes, he opened them wide: it turned out that Kang Yu took his girlfriend to greet Ye Wu and Su Peng, and then asked for a table to be mixed.

The waiter is helping them to put the tables together.

Kang Yu's female partner was not very happy, and whispered, "isn't that good? It will disturb others. "

What she really means is that others will disturb them.

Kang Yu didn't care: "there's nothing to disturb. Don't you want to know my friend? "

It takes skill to talk. A word makes a girl's heart full.

Ye Wu is also whispering to Su Peng.

Su Peng doesn't mind, but ye Wu is a little embarrassed.

Si Xingfu looks at his eyes and takes back his eyes with no interest. He thought it was interesting at first, but it was boring after a few eyes.

It's a little funny that young people fall in love.

According to the character of Si Xingfu, he will not act like this. He will go straight to rob and even kill his competitors.

"What are you nervous about?" See Gu Qingzhou motionless look at, Si Xingfu funny, pull her line of sight back.

Gu Qingzhou said to himself, "will you fight?"

"Hard to say." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou said, "I'm looking at ah Wu to see if she can ask me for help."

"It's unnecessary, it's a very personal thing. No one can interfere with it."

Gu Qingzhou's mind was slightly restrained and he thought it was true. It seems that there is no culture, but there is depth in his thought.

They served the dishes at this table first.

Gu Qingzhou is still watching. He sees the steak cut into small pieces and hands it to her.

"Eat." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou looks at this and his expression slightly changes.

"What's the matter?" The secretary was puzzled.

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head.

"Not really?" Si Xingfu's voice is a little low, it seems to be a threat.

Gu Qingzhou said: "I think of SIMU"

simu's face is slightly heavy.

Gu continued: "at that time, Wei Qingjia invited me to dinner, and Sima was there. As soon as he comes up, he cuts the steak for Wei Qingjia. "

His face was slightly Ji.

He reached out and touched her head: "I was not there at that time. You were wronged."

Gu Qingzhou thought of this scene, so he thought of Sima.

When I think of Sima, I think of his tragic death. I don't look good.

"No, I just thought about it. I was very impressed." Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu didn't want to criticize Si mu. After all, he died. The dead are respected, which is also obeyed by the secretary.

He asked Gu Qingzhou, "how about this steak or me?"

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head. He forks a small piece and puts it into his mouth.

Now that the warm atmosphere has been destroyed, Gu plans to ask for doubts.

She often wanted to ask if Si Xingfu had found out the cause of death of Fang Fei and Si mu. However, they didn't spend much time together, and Gu couldn't bear to destroy his good mood.

Now, she can ask.

"Do you have eyebrows?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

He cut a piece of steak and put it into the glass at hand: "boat, you see"

GU couldn't understand.

"After the murderer succeeded, he sank to the bottom of the water. If the murderer doesn't move, it's hard for me to catch, just like the steak in the glass.

All I can do is wait for this steak to ferment, change its flavor, and then slowly float up. So far, I can only find one killer. "

Gu Qingzhou's heart thumped.

"Is it me?" she said, biting her lips slightly

"It's you." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou's eyes flickered with water light. Her mood seemed unable to control herself. She asked, "it's all like this. Don't you doubt me?"

"No doubt. If it's you, I can't find you. " Si Xingfu road.

"Maybe I'll do the opposite?" Gu asked again.

"I'm not stupid. I've never doubted you," he said with a smile

Two lines of clear tears, along the face of Gu Qingzhou.

Si Xingfu reached out and wiped tears for her: "are you drunk?"

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