He always acts in a slow and orderly manner, even for Mrs. Hirano.

When she went out, she left a mark specially, and the people of the company would know where she was going.

She didn't ask why the guard was changed, let alone what the demon was doing when she suddenly recited sutras to a fan. She seems to be very emotional, following Mrs. Hirano to eat and pray.

That night, Si Xingfu went up the mountain.

I saw that Gu Qingzhou was wearing a plain linen long jacket, and his hair was also gentle and low. He was clean all over without any decoration. His eyes were bright.

It's beautiful to look at a boat like this. It's like a gem after removing impurities. It's pure.

Mrs. Hirano also saw him.

"Commander in chief, do you want to see the law tomorrow?" Mrs. Hirano asked him.

"Since I'm going up the mountain, of course, I have to do my best. I also believe in Buddhism," said Si Xingfu

Under Mrs. Hirano.

How dare Si Xingfu, who acts like a butcher, claim to believe in Buddhism and not be afraid of the Buddha's punishment?

Mrs. Hirano made a devout bow.

Gu Qingzhou also bowed down.

Si Xingfu takes the futon and sits beside Gu Qingzhou. After a while, he quietly asks her, "what's the matter?"

"Ah fan's evil spirit has come to haunt us. It's not bad to recite Buddhism." Gu Qingzhou's tone is light, and he is not very attentive.

The secretary was puzzled.

How could Gu Qingzhou believe such a thing? All of a sudden, she was so quiet that she was very curious.

"Do you want me to accompany you?" He asked again.

Gu Qingzhou shook his head and smiled at him: "no, it's quiet on the mountain. I'm trying to cultivate myself. I can't be quiet here."

Si Xingfu laughed.

Gu Qingzhou is bolder and more casual, not as awkward as before.

That's good.

That night, the deputy of Si Xingfu sneaked in from Houshan.

There are three groups in total. One group communicates with the abbot, among the disciples of the Japanese laymen; one group inspects the monks in the temple, and one group inspects the Buddha statues.

Where there are people, there is no absolute cleanness and transparency, so is the temple.

I found some things, although they almost destroyed the purity of Buddhism, they would not hurt Gu Qingzhou.

Therefore, before dawn, only two people were left in the company, and the others went down the mountain silently, as if they had never appeared.

When I got up early, the sun was shining, and I was eating vegetarian food together with Gu Qingzhou.

Mrs. pingye finished eating first, and went to the front hall with CAI Changting. Gu Qingzhou and Si xingxu were dawdling.

Si Xingfu asked her in a low voice, "really don't leave?"

"I agreed." Gu Qingzhou said, "really, eating and meditating make my heart a lot empty. I need another way to relax. Don't worry, OK? "

The Secretary nodded.

He made sure that he was OK. He took part in the morning ritual and had another vegetarian meal at noon. Then he went down the mountain.

Gu Qingzhou is very devout.

In the afternoon, Gu Qingzhou continued to follow Mrs. Hirano. She was more devout than Mrs. Hirano and prayed for him wholeheartedly.

Mrs. Hirano asked her, "have you ever dreamed of her?"

"No." Gu Qingzhou road.

Mrs. Hirano was upset for a while.

She can't calm down in the face of taking care of the light boat. Gu Qingzhou can always express her resentment and indignation with a few words at will.

Just like now.

Mrs. Hirano knows that this is the strategy of taking care of the light boat.

"I thought you would always dream of her." Mrs. Hirano said this lightly.

Gu Qingzhou was very serious and shook his head, as if regretting: "at the beginning, ah fan was a princess who was not friendly to me. I haven't been in touch with her for a long time, and my impression of her is very vague. "

At the same time, she said, "when she died, she wanted to hurt me. I dare not think about it. I'm afraid that I would hate her if I thought of her. She's dead, and I've decided to forgive her, so I seldom miss her, and now I'm finally at peace. "

Mrs. Hirano was stuck in her throat in one breath, unable to go up or down.

She also wants to use the death of ahun to increase the burden of taking care of the boat, so as to achieve the purpose she wants.

Can't think of it, ah fan has never been a mind demon who cares about light boats.

After she said that, on the contrary, ah Chen was sorry for her.

Mrs. Hirano turned to think that it was true. Ah fan was really planning to kill Gu Qingzhou.

But she is dead. The dead are respected. Besides, ah fan died because he calculated to take care of the boat. Shouldn't he feel guilty about taking care of the boat?

You can take care of the boat.

At this moment, Mrs. Hirano always felt that taking care of the light boat was very like her: she was wolf hearted and selfish.

This kind of character is very rare. Before Mrs. Hirano attacked, her family sent someone to train her.

The palace is the devil's purgatory. If the heart is a little weak, it will die without a burial place, and even affect the family.

For her own sake, and for the prosperity of her family, Mrs. Hirano learned those means, and her heart and nature were polished to be invincible.

She was very proud until she saw a similar character in the light boat.

At this time, she was shocked to realize how annoying such a woman is!

How can Gu Qingzhou have friends?

"Qingzhou, you are so tender at a young age, and erniang is surprised." Hirano man.

Gu Qingzhou said: "fickleness?"

"You're too mean to your sister." Mrs. Hirano was heartbroken.

Gu Qingzhou is silent. For a long time, she says, "Oh."

A word, like ice water pours down, almost crush Mrs. Hirano.

Gu Qingzhou is just like this. No matter how many accusations she makes, she is indifferent. How can you bear her?

Mrs. Hirano doesn't want to talk to Gu anymore.

In the evening, I still eat fast with the abbot. The abbot and several eminent monks are there.

They are all unpredictable and don't open their mouth casually. Gu Qingzhou mistakenly thinks that this is a simple dinner and a simple legal matter.

Until after dinner, the abbot asked Gu Qingzhou's mother and daughter to go to the front hall. In the Buddhist hall set off by thousands of lights, the abbot asked Gu Qingzhou, "Miss Gu, do you believe in Buddhism?"

Gu Qingzhou knew that the question was coming, but he did not move at all. He said lightly, "I believe in too many things. They are complex and complicated. I am not a pure believer, so I dare not answer you."

I pushed it clean.

The abbot said, "Miss Gu doesn't believe deeply. The Dharma is twenty-one days. Miss Gu would like to live in the temple for twenty-one days. Would you please explain Buddhism to me? "

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head: "I'm too dusty, I'm afraid I can't live for such a long time."

The abbot said again, "what about the three or five days?"

"This one will do." Gu chuckled and agreed.

The abbot breathed a sigh of relief.

At the moment, Gu Qingzhou still doesn't understand Mrs. Hirano's intention. However, she also needs a little time and cleanness to think about the problems she has encountered recently.

The temple is an excellent place to live. Gu Qingzhou's thoughts were clear yesterday, and so are today's.

Silence doesn't make Gu focus. Instead, it's the noise around her. Her meditation alone makes her more focused.

Meditation at this time is very important to her.

Gu Qingzhou lived in the temple for five days.

He went up the mountain the next day and said a few words to Gu Qingzhou.

When they hide and mutter, Mrs. Hirano will discuss with CAI Changting.

"Madame, don't you really need to tell her?" Cai Changting asked.

Mrs. Hirano took a deep breath and said: "she is not willing to help us. This time, even if she is my daughter's reward. "

Cai Changting said: "it's better to make it clear with her. If she doesn't agree, she'll make a fool of herself. "

Mrs. pingye also knows that Gu Qingzhou is so powerful that she is evil.

"You watch her." "This is your first and only mission, Changting," he said

Cai Changting nodded.

Mrs. Hirano added, "Changting, we've already spent a third of our planned time."

They are going to use five years to plan. Now more than one year has passed. There is progress and resistance.

In private, Cai Changting thought that the progress was the best now, but Mrs. Hirano was not satisfied.

She was in a hurry.

Is it ah fan's death that worries her, or her own old age that worries her?

If you want to be quick, you can't reach it. This is the motto that Mrs. Hirano taught Cai Changting for more than ten years. Now she wants to break it by herself.

Cai Changting's heart is clear, and he is only three points wary of Gu Qingzhou.

To be honest, he didn't give back hope for this time. He even felt that his wife was doing something harmful and useless.

Madam has her own vision. Cai Changting dare not disobey her, so she has to act according to her words.

Gu agreed to stay in the temple for a few days and recite sutras to ah fan.

When she was about to go down the mountain, the abbot found her.

"Miss Gu, no one in Shanxi knows your magic power in Sanqing temple." Abbot road.

Gu Qingzhou raised his eyes slightly, looked at him and said with a smile, "everyone likes ghosts and legends, don't they?"

The abbot said: "not so, but Miss Gu's magic power. The world is in turmoil. What we need most now is faith. The Buddha's compassion is too much to satisfy the yearning of the people. "

"Master, you are too pessimistic." Gu Qingzhou said, "I think the incense in your temple is good. There are still many believers."

The abbot sighed and said a difficult sentence.

He was silent and asked Gu Qingzhou, "Miss Gu, you are still proficient in traditional Chinese medicine, aren't you?"

Gu Qingzhou nods.

She thought about it.

The abbot remained silent for a moment.

He should have said something, but only wished to take care of the health of the boat, and then left.

Gu Qingzhou is confused.

When going down the mountain, Si Xingfu came to pick her up and asked her, "how do you feel?"

"I feel comfortable." Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "a lot of things have been figured out at once."

Si Xingfu was relieved and touched her head.

He asked again, "do you know what those people are doing?"

Seeing that he had no worries or even doubts, Gu Qingzhou smiled and said, "you seem to know?"

"You can talk about it first," said the secretary

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head.

She waited for the manager to tell her.

"It's related to your last time in Sanqing Temple"

when it comes to Sanqing temple, Si Xingfu is angry and doesn't fight at all. He takes Gu Qingzhou and sits on his leg. He warns her again and again that this time, no nonsense is allowed.

"Take care of the boat, your life is mine. If you dare to do anything wrong again, I will put you back to Pingcheng." He warned.

Gu Qingzhou shrunk his shoulders and said with a smile, "I dare not, I dare not. Talking about Sanqing temple, how can I get angry again? What does it have to do with Taoist temple to invite me to eat? They're going to fight? "

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