Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 967 robbing women

There are many people who are offended by Gu Qingzhou. When he comes to Taiyuan, there are several in the dark.

Hearing this, Gu chuckled, "I've always been kind to people."

Be kind to others, not to care for the boat.

Si Xingfu laughs and pinches her face. He doesn't care about it.

The next morning, the snow did not stop.

Last night's snowman was really submerged, and the courtyard walls became one.

Gu Qingzhou is not happy.

If neighbors see it, they have to laugh.

And the footprints on the street are all brand-new, and everything last night is gone.

It was covered in silver and solemn everywhere.

"I can't get out today." Gu chuckled, "you can knit at home."

Her sweater didn't start. It's not laziness or lack of time, but she's still practicing.

These days, she beat a lot of small things, such as gloves, scarves.

The one for Snowman last night was made by herself.

Gu Qingzhou loves that practice makes perfect. Practice a few more times, and you can always weave a decent one.

"Is it?" "Show me"

the expectation of his eyes made Gu slightly embarrassed. He smiled and said, "I haven't started yet."

The manager was stunned.

Immediately he laughed, "don't force it."

Gu Qingzhou touched his nose and said, "don't look down on people."

Si Xingfu laughed even more.

Just joking, Si Xingfu suddenly pushed open the window, skillfully climbed up the railing and jumped off the second floor.

Gu Qingzhou was frightened by him and rushed out.

In the cold wind, Gu Qingzhou saw that Si Xingfu had caught a child in shabby clothes.

The child was about thirteen or fourteen years old. He kept struggling to escape, but he was pinched by Si Xingfu. He could not move and was carried back by him.

Gu Qingzhou hurried downstairs.

Si Xingfu pointed to the child with a smile: "it was him last night, sneaky peeking. What are you looking at, kid? "

"I and I" children are afraid and cold, shivering so much that they can't say a complete word for a long time.

In the living room of Si Xingfu, there was a dragon burning. It was dry and warm enough to dispel the chill.

The child shivered for a moment, then drank a bowl of hot ginger soup which was brought to him by a kind servant, and gradually became less shivering.

"What's your name?" Gu Qingzhou asked him.

A child must never open his mouth.

"Si Xingfu smiled:" it's very powerful

After that, he would lift the child up and take him to the backyard: "let him taste it."

The child struggled hard and shouted, "help!"

Si Xingfu left him.

He would not say his name, but stared at the boat. His eyes showed fierce hatred from fear and said, "return my sister!"

Gu Qingzhou doesn't understand.

She looked at the ophthalmologist.

Si Xingqi just shook his head lightly: "I didn't forcibly rob the women of the people."

Gu Qingzhou squatted down and asked the kneeling child: "what's your sister's name?"

The boy thought about it, and finally said, "four girls."

Girls in rural areas are all called according to their rank.

The boy, presumably, has no proper name, so he won't say it.

"When did I take your sister?" Gu asked him again, "do you see that?"

"It's you!" The boy was furious and excited. "It's you, your man took four girls!"

At this time, Gu Qingzhou seemed to understand a little, and asked, "is it a goddaughter?"

The boy nodded hard: "give me back the four girls!"

Si Xingfu pulls Gu's arm.

Two people retreated to the small flower hall.

Gu Qingzhou ordered his servant to make a bowl of hot noodles for the child. He must be hungry.

The servant said yes.

Gu Qingzhou asked Si Xingkai, "did the goddess church begin to rob people?"

"Robbing people is not enough." Si Xingfu said, "look at that child. Although his clothes are thin and shabby, they can be sewed neatly. It seems that he has a father and a mother.

He's the only one who doesn't make trouble. Maybe his sister was sold by his parents to the goddaughter cult. He doesn't know. "

Gu Qingzhou thinks so.

She and Si Xingfu have been secretly avoiding Cai Changting's eyes and ears, and monitoring the goddess sect.

The Shinto cult is just in its infancy. It's the time to buy people's hearts. It will never do anything to rob the people's daughters.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu have the same opinions, so she is relieved.

The two men spoke for a moment.

The servant made noodles and served them to the child.

The child watched the servant carefully, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva in front of a bowl of hot noodles.

Gu Qingzhou looks a little distressed.

The servant looks charitable, just like his mother, and says to the little child, "eat well, my husband and wife are big people with a face and won't harm you a poor little baby."

Hunger is painful. Children can't resist the pain. So they can't afford to eat noodles without stopping.

When the servant saw this, he went to the kitchen and brought a bowl.

The child ate two bowls of noodles in a row, and his spirit improved a lot. He didn't hate the family so much.

When Gu came out of the boat, the child also stood up to show that he was responsible.

"What's your name?" Gu Qingzhou smiles. The smile is so kind and kind, unlike the fake smile of other people in the city.

After eating someone's noodles, he had a short mouth. The child mumbled, "dog."

He knew that people in the city would laugh when they heard this.

I don't think so, but this lady didn't laugh.

She just nodded and said, "OK, dog. Tell me again what's going on. It's not like you're saving people. "

The dog was shocked.

He was out of breath at once.

He said: "the godmother took my sister. I want her back. She doesn't want to leave home."

"How did you take it? What about your family? " Asked Gu Qingzhou.

The dog stopped talking.

"Even if there is no family, there is no one in your family. Why not stop?" Gu asked again.

The dog lowered his head.

Gu Qingzhou asked him, "did the goddaughter teach you money and take away your sister, which your parents would like?"

"No, they won't," said the dog

"Really not?" "Did you ask them?" Gu asked

The dog didn't ask. He was afraid to hear the answer. He just wants to find his sister. He doesn't care about the rest.

Gu Qingzhou sighs.

She thought of the child's use.

Gu Qingzhou said, "son of a dog, if you can stay here for a while and listen to me, I can give your sister back to you."

"Really?" The dog suddenly opened his eyes.

Gu Qingzhou is worried about a starting point, and has not found the right opportunity. Now that the dog has been sent to the door, it's time for the demons of the divinity to stop.

"It's true," she said with a smile. However, you have to suffer a lot and follow my advice! "

"I am willing to suffer, and I am obedient. I want my sister!" Dog way.

Gu Qingzhou asked his servant to take him down and temporarily live in the inverted seat where the servants lived.

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