Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 970 giving grace

Gu Qingzhou set up a theatrical troupe, and Si Xingfu left Taiyuan mansion, which soon spread to Mrs. Hirano's ears.

Mrs. pingye is confused by foxes. She turns her head and asks Cai Changting, "did she find out?"

"There's no airtight wall in the world, she knows." Cai Changting is determined.

The temple is high in the mountain. The wind blows through Susu, making the snow on the Qiu branch spread like another heavy snow.

The snow on the mountain is not melting. It is colder and colder. The branches are crystal clear. It seems that the trees are full of pear flowers.

Does Gu know that Cai Changting's attitude is casual and not afraid of her.

He spoke quietly to Mrs. Hirano and looked out of the window. Hidden under those twiggy trees is the small temple of the owner of the Gu Qingzhou circle, right?

"If she doesn't know, it's strange." Mrs. Hirano turned her face to the wooden fish in front of her, pondered and continued to tap.

When the sound of the wooden fish sounded, she stopped talking.

This matter is completely to Cai Changting.

Cai Changting retreated in silence.

Standing in the open space of the main hall, he looked down and saw the deep valley, where the clouds were shining, just like a fairyland.

Another day later, the end of the legal affair came. When Cai Changting got up early, he was ready to change clothes. His subordinates quietly went to the window and sounded a signal.

Cai Changting opens the door.

The subordinate handed a piece of paper to Cai Changting.

This is a leaflet with simple and coarse words: on the 15th day of the 12th lunar month, the goddess of Qingping Temple bestowed grace and widely selected envoys.

Cai Changting frowned slightly.

He took the flyer to Mrs. Hirano and said, "this is the idea from the boat"

"what does she want to do?" Asked Mrs. Hirano.

"Literally, she wanted to choose the emissary of the godmother." Caichangting road.

The establishment of each sect will have a variety of hierarchical systems, such as the Pope, Dharma protector, hall leader and so on.

In addition to the mysterious deities, the second level leaders are "emissaries". They gather the congregation to convey the opinions of the deities.

Gu Qingzhou can object to this, but the believers will not believe her objection.

Now, she has gone against the rule, openly supporting the church and even appointing an emissary herself.

"To stop her, she will destroy the godmother." Mrs. Hirano said lightly.

She thought about it a little, and then she knew what she wanted to do.

The Shinto cult is developing. With the help of temples and royalists, it has grown to tens of thousands of people, but the military government doesn't know it.

Such a church can play the role of the former White Lotus church and be used by Mrs. Hirano.

Mrs. Hirano always wanted to have a deity, but she couldn't find a good cohesion until the emergence of Gu Qingzhou.

Her "goddess" reputation has long been spread by Si Xingfu. After a fight with a Taoist, she is famous all over the world. No one is not convinced of her, especially those ordinary people.

Mrs. Hirano immediately seized the opportunity.

Ten thousand members of the congregation will reach one hundred thousand in another half year.

Mrs. Hirano's five-year plan can be advanced to three years.

She brought Gu Qingzhou to the temple to let the monks cooperate with her at ease.

"Yes." Cai Changting replied, turning around and walking down the mountain.

At the moment, Gu Qingzhou is teasing a pot of wintersweet with Ye Wu and ye Shan.

The slanting branches of wintersweet are stretched out, full of small yellow flowers, fragrant and fragrant.

This pot of wintersweet, half a person tall, is one of the gifts that the town hall gives to ye dujun. Ye Shan and ye Wu are eager to steal it.

When governor ye came back, he could not cry or laugh.

"send it to the yard of miss two, and buy two more exactly the same ones for miss three and Miss Gu." With a wave of his hand, governor Ye ordered the troops to go down.

Then he called to Gu Qingzhou, "Miss Gu, please stay."

Gu Qingzhou nodded and stopped to look at him.

After the two daughters left, governor ye took out the leaflet and asked her, "Miss Gu, you said that the goddaughter cult would make trouble. How could you build the goddaughter cult in a flash?"

"Of course I would not do such a stupid thing. The establishment of Shinto requires my reputation, but subsequent maintenance requires people and money. I happen to be different. How can I attempt to establish Shinto? "


"I'm going to give them some tough moves to make the cult disappear forever. Since it's a religion, suppressing or arresting will only arouse the reaction of believers.

In this way, I need to use the method of divinity to control the foreigners, and also use the mysterious things to deal with them, so as to eliminate the hidden dangers from now on. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Governor Ye frowned.

Gu Qingzhou said again, "governor, do you know how many people the godmother church has developed in less than a month?"

"Thousands?" said Ye

"Over ten thousand." Gu Qingzhou road.

Governor Ye shuddered.

Tens of thousands of believers are an extremely unstable group, whose existence cannot be tolerated by the governor Ye.

"How short" Ye was shocked.

He remembered that half a month ago, he sent someone to look into this matter, and the staff reported back to him. Only then did hundreds of people make a fuss, which was not a worry.

How can it develop so fast in just half a month?

"First of all, half a month ago, there were not hundreds of people. At that time, there were thousands of people. Your subordinates didn't find the real inside story.

Secondly, the people under the chaos are like laying eggs, and the people do not belong. Instead of relying on the protection of warlords, it's better to ask God for help, which makes it possible for the divinities to take advantage of it. " Gu said.

Governor Ye stood up and wanted to send someone to deal with it.

Gu Qingzhou stopped him and said with a smile, "Inspector, you can send someone to check now, but you still can't find anything. Why don't you trust me and give me a little support. I'll get rid of them and eliminate the future troubles for you? "

Ye Dujun was livid.

He looked at the boat and said seriously, "Miss Gu, you'd better clean it up. This is because of you. If there is any mistake, I will not let you go. "

After a pause, he continued, "you can tell me directly what you want, and I will try my best to cooperate with you."

Gu Qingzhou smiled a little and said, "governor ye, it's clearly the royalist Party's fight. You are ambiguous with the royalists. Only by using them all the time and even encouraging them, can you have a Shinto cult. I don't carry such a big black pot.

I don't want ordinary people to suffer from disaster, let alone donate their children and destroy their families. If you speak like this, I will not cooperate with you. "

Then she stood up and left.

Ye shouts for her.

He first said that his attitude was not right, and then advised Gu to handle the matter properly.

At the same time, he told Gu, "don't talk about my relationship with the royalists."

In fact, he can get a lot of benefits. No matter what the purpose is, it's not convenient for him to explain to his subordinates, not to mention to the public. Gu Qingzhou is not qualified to know.

Gu Qingzhou could understand and said with a smile, "I have not said these words in front of other people except you and Si Xingfu."

Ye dujun was satisfied.

Gu Qingzhou put out the propaganda page, and soon it became very noisy. The whole Taiyuan government knew it.

Taiyuan mansion, which has been quiet for a long time, needs gossip to kill the bitter winter.

"Goddess religion" is like a powerful medicine, which makes the whole Taiyuan people active.

Governor Ye told Gu Qingzhou not to make trouble.

Since he opened his mouth, governor ye could not pretend to be deaf and dumb. He said to Gu Qingzhou, "I'll lend you a hundred soldiers with new long guns. You can stabilize the situation for me."

It is not only to protect Gu Qingzhou and repay her for treating him, but also to help Gu Qingzhou destroy the divinity and nip the danger in the bud as soon as possible.

"Thank you, inspector." Gu Qingzhou road.

Ye Wu and ye Shan are ready to move. They ask ye dujun, "father, can we go and have a look?"

Governor Ye looked at the light boat.

If Gu agreed, there would be no danger.

"Yes." Gu Qingzhou road.

Ye Wu and ye Shan are very happy.

"Ye told them:" do not risk Remembering what they did last time, governor Ye admonished again, "don't make up your mind."

Ye Wu said.

Everyone is happy.

Gu Qingzhou also told her plan to Ye Wu and ye Shan in private, and told them to keep it secret.

Ye Wu is about to take the final exam. She is not in a good mood. Gu Qingzhou helps Ye Wu review while preparing.

It's the 15th day of the twelfth lunar month.

At the end of the term, ye Wu played normally, with the best results and excellent mood. Early in the morning, she urged Gu Qingzhou to go to Qingping temple.

Gu Qingzhou did not hurry and said with a smile, "no hurry, I will send a telegram back to Si Xingfu first."

As far away as Pingcheng, Si Xingfu will send a telegram to Gu Qingzhou every day, and Gu Qingzhou will reply one by one.

This is to reassure him.

"Look at your love." Ye Shan also came in and joked about Gu Qingzhou road.

After returning the telegram, Gu Qingzhou changed into a set of snow white long coat, which was also a snow color long skirt. Outside was a wind cloak made of white fox fur. His hair spread out and only a small pearl comb was decorated.

Her clothes are white, her skin is whiter, and the whole person is like a fairy.

"Good, good." Ye Shan praised again and again, "it's really a living goddess. For the first time, I found you were born beautiful

Gu Qingzhou chuckled: "don't talk nonsense, let's go."

So they went out to Qingping temple.

Gu Qingzhou is the topic figure, Qingping temple is not too far away, the factory work is also idle in the last month, the children are off.

Farmers in the countryside have no farm work until the last month, so they bring their families to catch up with the bustle.

The old, the young and the old have surrounded the Qingping temple.

When he was far away, he saw that the walls of the temple and the trees around him were full of children.

In Qingping temple, there is an altar.

The altar area is quite small, but there is a huge firewood pile beside it, on which there is a wooden frame.

Gu Qingzhou was in the middle of the soldier's road and slowly walked up to the altar.

There was no sound in the crowd.

Everyone looked at her as if they were feeling the baptism of God.

Gu Qingzhou said in a high voice, "who is the messenger of the Church of God, please come forward and I will give you grace."

People look at each other and even look for messengers.

Gu Qingzhou continued: "those who do not have God's daughter's grace are false messengers. If they catch them, they will be killed alive."

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