Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 972 the scoundrel looks after the light boat

Cai Changting is in a good mood and has a bright smile.

Although he failed, he didn't lose too much. Even Mrs. Hirano didn't give much effort.

When they did this, they succeeded in the reform of Buddhism and Taoism, which could restrain the military government, and made a good relationship with Buddhism when they failed.

Gu Qingzhou is not easy to deal with. Mrs. Hirano knows that.

At the beginning of the discussion with Gu Qingzhou, she would not agree.

"It's a little bit of a gain." Cai Changting said with a smile, "we know two things: first, the people urgently need a belief to appease the panic brought by this world; second, who can become our paws and teeth."

Mrs. Hirano pondered.

Cai Changting said: "madam, this is a drill. We have failed. We have gained more experience and lessons."

Mrs. Hirano's lips are slightly cocked.

Indeed, this is an excellent exercise.

It's better to build a "God" than to look after the boat.

The process of Gu Qingzhou becoming a "goddess" can be used for reference or copied to create another person similar to Gu Qingzhou.

It doesn't even need to be a specific person. It only needs an identity, a name and a shadow.

This existence can be a sharp weapon for Mrs. Hirano and Cai Changting.

This month, 10000 believers have been developed, which is amazing.

"Well, it's the best thing to leave the boat. She'll do something bad." Hirano man.

Cai Changting nodded.

Therefore, from the beginning to the end, Cai Changting did not take care of the light boat, but let go of it and try to develop the "goddess religion".

To this day, the "goddess religion" should no longer exist. Those people are worried that they will lose all the wooden cards because they call the believers of the God in disorder.

"Well, that's it." Hirano man.

Cai Changting road is.

After leaving the temple, Cai Changting's subordinates, who are the general guardians of the Shinto cult appointed by him this time, are a little reluctant to ask Cai Changting, "do you want to publicize the burning of people by the Shinto?"

"No one is dead." Caichangting road.

The general Dharma protector's heart moved and asked, "since he is not dead, is not it a better proof?"

"Faith is the fantasy of the heart. This fantasy has been broken, even if those people are not dead, you will not get the trust of the people. " Cai Changting is indifferent.

He waved. He didn't want the man to keep pestering him and let him back.

Cai Changting, alone, walked silently on the path, and his mind rushed up to let his steps stop. He walked so slowly that he reached the bottom of the mountain.

He arrived in the city and returned to the residence of Hirano.

However, Gu Qingzhou is now in the ye dujun's mansion separated by a wall.

Ye Wu and ye Shan tell the whole story to ye dujun.

"Ye Du Jun frowned:" openly said to burn people, but also burned five, the impact is not very good

"No, these superstitious behaviors can't be combated by the progressive people in the city. I have sent people to the editor's office of the major newspapers to invite them to visit.

I told the editors that I used superstition to fight against superstition. I didn't burn people. They were all masterpieces of the troupe. They can report.

Once they ask me, I will take out these people to hit their faces and let their newspapers lose their reputation. If they break through my lies and say that these people are not dead, and later the cult continues to develop, I will blame them all. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Governor Ye stared at the light boat.

Ye Shan laughs beside: "father, those editors and writers at that time, are also your expressions."

"You didn't get chased back?" Governor Ye returns to God and asks Gu about the light boat.

Ye Shan took the lead again: "why not? She was thrown out by everyone. "

Ye dujun was stunned, and then he laughed.

Newspapers are a medium. In the current world, they will encourage rumors.

Gu told them the truth, and he visited them with his family.

They can report, but the truth and lies, how they choose on earth, and taking care of the boat have given them a great problem.

"You are no different from bandits in your behavior. You are a scoundrel." Ye dujun evaluated Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou said: "you are flattered. Such a way of life, no rogue will be eaten without spitting. Do you want to make the matter more serious and set off a storm of public opinion in Taiyuan? "

Governor Ye is silent at once.

Sure enough, this is a very effective move.

The big newspapers visited by the patrons of the canoe had a meeting all night to discuss how to report it.

We can't tell the truth, we can't tell the people that these people are not dead, or they will go back to the cult, the people can't live, these newspaper people are sinners.

You can't lie and say that people are really burned, because in that case, Miss Gu will embarrass them and damage the reputation of the newspaper.

Once there is no credibility, the newspaper is over.

"Editor in chief, a guest is coming." A small compiler said to the editor.

The chief editor went out to have a look. He was a decent middle-aged man.

Only when I inquired about it did I know it was from the Jin family.

The people of the Jin family want the newspaper to criticize and take care of the boat, to make articles about her burning people, and the government to appear.

The editor in chief knows the grudge between Gu Qingzhou and the Jin family. If they dare to publish such an article, Gu Qingzhou will have a way to wait for them.

As a result, the chief editor rejected the Jin family.

"I don't believe Miss Gu to do such a foolish thing." The chief editor said, and then whispered, "to tell you the truth, no one was burned. The one who smelled was a pig."

The governor of the Jin family was so angry that he left.

Running four big newspapers in a row is the result, which makes the Jin family angry.

To file a complaint, the people in the police station speak more harshly.

"At the time of burning, the second and third ladies of the Ye family were present." The steward told Mrs. king.

All the people of the Jin family realized this. It was instructed by governor Ye.

They had to hold back the tone and not compete with Gu for the time being.

The next day's newspaper had to report on it, so they focused on describing the dangers of cults and encouraging citizens to resist them.

But nothing about burning people.

There are rumors in the community, not many people believe in it. Most of the people who have seen it with their own eyes have participated in the Shinto cult. At the moment, they are afraid of suffering from natural disasters and will not talk about it.

"Miss Gu takes one step and has calculated the remaining five steps. You can learn more from her." He sighed to his two daughters.

Ye Wu and ye Shan say yes.

What's more bizarre is that the families of those who were burned were all smiling, and they didn't want to sue the officials desperately.

When the neighbors asked, they only said, "he has saved our family from disaster, and we will let him go at ease."

Then, he secretly gave food to the man hiding in his cellar.

In the cold winter, the cellar is not so warm.

In such a cold and bitter weather, a large amount of money will be exchanged for singing to ensure that the whole family will not worry about their underwear and food for five years. It's strange not to laugh.

Of course, how can we talk about the matter of making a fortune? The God daughter of others told me that if someone knew, she would return the money.

Who can't live with his own man, who can't live with money?

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