Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 976 infection?

Under the eaves, there are ice pillars, which are illuminated by sunlight. They are bright and crystal like.

Gu Qingzhou sees a man standing at the gate.

He was dressed in a plain linen singleton. In such cold weather, he looked self-confident, but his face was a little yellow.

"Master!" Gu Qingzhou trots past.

Si Xingfu came out after her. After hearing this, he saw a middle-aged man. The clothes are thin, so the face is yellow and purple.

There are several masters in Gu Qingzhou. Si Xingfu also knows that this must be Qi Laosi.

"Master, you are indeed in the north." Gu Qingzhou is very excited, just like seeing his relatives, tears flash in his eyes.

Qi Laosi was silent, and now he had been holding it for a long time. Then he said, "how are you, Canoe?"

"I'm fine, master."

"What about Er Bao?"

"He's right here with me. Master, have you been in Taiyuan or have you just come here? " Gu asked again.

As she spoke, she led Qi Laosi inside.

Two treasure can't see, can hear Qi Laosi call "two treasure", he runs out precisely incomparably, happy way: "father."

Qi Laosi touched the head of Er Bao and said, "it's getting taller."

Gu Qingzhou was very ashamed and said to his father in a low voice, "I'm sorry, master, I didn't take good care of Er Bao. His eyes can't be seen so far."

Qi Laosi said, "everyone has destiny."

Ye Wu and ye Shan also know that there is a very important relative here, so they stand up and leave.

He gave them two jars of rice wine and told them how to drink it. They left happily.

As soon as they left, Gu Qingzhou invited Qi Laosi to the table and ordered the maid to add vegetables and change the dishes.

Qi Laosi didn't eat much, but drank a few drinks.

When he is silent, there is also a kind of inexpressible indifference and alienation.

Si Xingqi heard that Qi Laosi had been a killer, and later hid in Jiangnan. He didn't know what he was doing now. Just because he is so thin in winter, he is full of blood.

"Master, do you want to come here this time?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Qi Laosi put down his glass.

He pondered, did not answer Gu Qingzhou, but asked: "Qingzhou, there is a rumor in Jiangnan that you can cure the evil spirit, is this true?"

Gu Qingzhou hasn't thought of the disease for a long time.

Heart attack is very rare, and can not be cured, easy to die.

Gu Qingzhou, relying on his master's study of notes for many years, and his own understanding, cured one.

It happened to be a medical conference, so all my colleagues called Gu Qingzhou a doctor, and even sincerely respected her as "the first doctor".

The heart beat is the beginning of Gu's fame all over the world.

"You..." Gu Qingzhou looks at him. When he first came, his face was a little yellow. Now it's warm and swarthy.

"I didn't have it." Qi Laosi understood the intention of Gu Qingzhou and said directly.

Gu Qingzhou breathed a sigh of relief.

What else is she going to say? Two treasures over there come with Kang Han.

Kang Han has been reading in the room, which is a story book that Gu Qingzhou found for her.

Er Bao introduces Kang han to Qi Laosi: "Dad, this is Han Han, my best friend."

Kang Han's cheeks are slightly red. A girl in her teens knows how to be shy.

"How are you, uncle?" she murmured

Qi Laosi was a little restrained for a while.

Gu Qingzhou put a small box under the table for Qi Laosi.

Qi Laosi took it to Kang Han and said, "OK, good boy. Here you are. "

It's very dumb.

Kanghan happily accepts, opens a look, is a pair of Ruby's Earrings son, surprised and joyful. She thanked again.

Gu Qingzhou asked them, "come and have a meal?"

Kang Han was a little afraid of Si Xingfu. He thought about the book and said, "I'll eat it in the room."

She took Erbao's hand and went back to the house.

Qi Laosi is not interested in common things, but he is in great pain. So he asked Gu Qingzhou a little bit: "that girl..."

GU Qingzhou said: "she is the ten miss of the Kang family, have you heard about the Kang family who runs the bank?"

Qi Laosi's heart sank.

Of course, he knows the Kang family, which is a famous merchant in the whole northwest. How can such a family marry their daughter to ER Bao?

Er Bao has no family background and origin. He is also a little fool. Now he is blind.

Qi Laosi thought that Er Bao had hope, but he was disappointed and sighed.

"Go with the flow." "If my younger martial brother is good, I will come to ask for relatives. But two treasure like this... I can't really open my mouth. "

"Well." Qi Laosi sighs, very understanding.

He took another two drinks.

Almost drunk, Qi Laosi seems to have plucked up his courage to repeat his heart beating words and ask if Gu Qingzhou can be cured or even kept secret.

"Master, who in the world has this disease?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Qi Laosi is silent again.

He also looked at Si Xingfu beside his eyes.

He pretended not to notice that he would not leave anyway.

"Master, just say it. You don't believe in others, don't you believe in your own apprentices? " Gu Qingzhou road.

Qi Laosi said: "no..."

he was silent for a long time.

"Canoe, it's not your problem, it's their problem." Qi Laosi hesitated and said slowly, "they don't want to be born."

Hearing this, he finally stood up and said, "I'll go upstairs first, and your apprentices will eat slowly. Master Qi, rice wine and......

then he turned and left.

He knew that no matter which dynasty, there were some elite sects. They pursue eternity and longevity and do not contact with the secular world.

Qi Laosi used to be a killer with excellent martial arts. His origin is unclear.

Listening to his words, he has some contacts with people from outside the world.

These people are mysterious.

Si Xingfu doesn't worry about taking care of the boat. Few people can hurt him. He also knew that as a middleman, Qi Laosi would not put Gu Qingzhou in danger.

Qi Laosi came here specially. He must have been thoughtful.

As a result, he gave them the chance to speak alone.

He went upstairs.

After Si Xingfu left, Gu Qingzhou also dismissed the servants, only talking with Shifu and himself.

"Master, I don't want to get into trouble." Gu Qingzhou first expressed his attitude, "I am very clear about what can be said and what can not be said. If the patient is worried about my leaking the secret, he can rest assured. "

Qi Laosi said: "don't I trust you? I grew up looking at you. You are a master

"Well, tell me what it is." Gu Qingzhou road.

Qi Laosi said: "I don't understand. Everyone seems to have it. Is it infectious or not?"

Gu Qingzhou was shocked: "how could everyone have it? My master has only studied one case of this disease, and I have cured one. I don't understand it. "

Is it an infectious disease?

Gu Qingzhou was in a panic.

The patient she cured before, but in full view of the public, many people were present.

Gu Qingzhou puts his hands on those smelly pustules and squeezes them out. If he wants to infect them, Gu Qingzhou will be the first to be infected.

"Master, I have to go and have a look." Gu Qingzhou said, "I want to know about this disease."

Qi Laosi said, "that's good."

Gu Qingzhou nodded, a little impatient: "we can start tomorrow."

After that, she didn't care about the meal. She went back to the room and looked through the notes she had brought. Her master taught her that.

She won't miss a word.

Master treated once and failed. Gu Qingzhou treated one case. The patient's name was Qiu Quan, a Shandong surname. He succeeded.

While she was studying, the manager came in.

"What's the matter?" Si Xingfu stood in front of the book case, looking at her face full of anxiety, and asked.

Gu Qingzhou told Si Xingfu about her worries.

Hearing her words, sixingqi's heart was cold, but his expression was relaxed and casual, and he said lightly: "don't worry, it's not contagious. It's more likely to be inherited. "

"... this disease is rare. If it can be inherited or transmitted, there will not be only a few cases." Gu Qingzhou is now completely calm.

She guessed that it could never be an infection.

If it is an infection, Qiu's family will find Gu Qingzhou again.

This disease is special. Once there is a case, all traditional Chinese medicine will hear about it.

So, master Qi said that how did those people get dyed at the same time and how did they get dyed at the same time?

What is the cause of the disease?

These, Gu Qingzhou wants to find out.

"Si Xingfu, I'm going to have a look." Gu Qingzhou said to him, "this disease is hard to meet. Only my master and I have two records. Once something goes wrong, it's irresponsible for medicine.

Whether it's for the future of traditional Chinese medicine or for master Qi, I want to go with him. I'll go and have a look tomorrow and try to come back later. "

Tomorrow is new year's Eve.

Gu Qingzhou is going to be coquettish. He says something nice to Si Xingfu, but he doesn't want to say, "it's freezing. It's hard to walk. I'll go with you, or I won't rest assured."

He agreed with her to go.

Gu Qingzhou nods, but thinks of master Qi again. I don't know if he would like to let Si Xingfu go.

"I'll ask the master first," she said

"I'll ask." "I want to make my position clear to him," said Si

Master Qi is in Er Bao's room.

Two treasure talks, Qi Shifu listens. In the face of the two treasures, he seldom shows some kindness.

He told master Qi what he thought.

Qi Shifu pondered and said, "you can go. But when you get to the place, you have to stop and wait outside. "

"Good," said the secretary Then he asked master Qi, "can you come back in a day?"

Qi Shifu said: "I can't come back. Don't go tomorrow. I'll go again in the new year. It's a long way. Let's start in the morning of the second day of the first year. "

"Isn't it critical?" Gu asked

Qi Laosi sighed and said to Gu Qingzhou, "I haven't celebrated the new year for a long time..."

he also wants to accompany Er Bao for a year.

Heart disease is a death, but not an emergency, a few days delay will not affect life and death. When it's time to die, Gu Qingzhou can't come back. It's very sick.

This time out, just met the new year, I don't know which year or month there will be a chance.

Compared with master Qi, Gu Qingzhou is more anxious. Tomorrow's departure is also proposed by Gu Qingzhou.

"It's better to start on the second day." Si Xingfu suddenly aligns with the senior and gives birth to some good feelings

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