Mrs. Hirano ordered an old-fashioned restaurant.

The restaurant is very elegant. The lobby on the first floor is filled with all kinds of wintersweet and teahouses. This is a place for literati to have fun. There is no food but tea.

The tea on the first floor is expensive. There are different flowers all around. What we consume is our feelings.

The second floor and the third floor are dining rooms, all of which are elegant seats with carved wooden doors, heavy and simple.

The walls are also inlaid with boards, and the painters are invited to paint on them. Gu Qingzhou sees a picture of butterflies wearing flowers, which is lifelike and marvelous at the exquisite craftsmanship.

Such a dining room is more expensive than a western restaurant.

The boy invited Gu Qingzhou to a door, knocked on the door and walked out.

The wooden door is thick and open with a squeak. Cai Changting stands at the door.

He specially combed his hair and wore a beautiful brown bow tie. His lips were slightly raised and his smile was polite and gentle.

Gu Qingzhou nodded and entered Yajian.

Mrs. Hirano is here, too.

She saw Gu Qingzhou and nodded with satisfaction, "this dress is really beautiful."

Like a doll.

Mrs. Hirano likes girls to dress up lively and lovely. She is like a child who is not worldly and can be controlled by her.

"Madame has a good eye. Of course, the clothes you choose are good-looking." Gu said.

She spoke in the same manner and tone as before. Even if it is satirical to others, Gu Qingzhou's tone is as light as the breeze.

Mrs. Hirano doesn't like her very much. Every time she hears her talking like this, she wants to say something. Today, she is silent. She just smiles and sits down.

Cai Changting said, "madam, I'll go to the kitchen to see the ingredients."

The ingredients should be fresh and the chef's practice should be clean.

"Go." Hirano man.

After he left, Mrs. Gu Qingzhou and Mrs. Hirano chatted briefly.

Gu Qingzhou asked Mrs. Hirano, "have you seen the mother of Si Xingfu?"


"His stepmother, Cai Jingshu, is a close friend of sun qiluo. Can you keep me at home? I'm sure you have a close relationship with sun qiluo. Do you really don't know the mother of Si Xingfu? " Gu asked again.

Mrs. Hirano said with a smile, "light boat, do you think anyone can make friends with your e Niang?"

It's like thinking.

She pondered for a moment and asked Mrs. Hirano, "when I went to Yuecheng, my mistress gave me some letters, but only a few of them.

Those letters were written by Cai Jingshu to his mother. The words seemed to be apology, but in fact they were provocation. The mistress said that the letter behind was more terrible, but she didn't.

Have you got one, madam? Did Mrs. Si's letter to his mother directly force her to death? If Madame had not forced her to die, she would not have been threatened by me when she saw those letters, would she? "

She asked very clearly.

Mrs. Hirano looked at her with a smile.

Every time when she took care of the boat, Mrs. Hirano felt like a child.

What is it, not what is it?

There is no evidence that this kind of pimp is meaningless, except for wasting words.

Mrs. Hirano poured her a cup of tea: "I don't know, Yuecheng has these interesting things. This matter, if your mother is still alive, will answer for you, unfortunately... "

GU Qingzhou's expression is restrained.

When it comes to nanny, the top of my heart still shakes. It's painful and stuffy.

"... the rest of the letters are really out of your hands?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"I don't know," said Hirano

Gu Qingzhou will not talk much.

Cai Changting pushes the door.

He sat down and said to pingyefu, "madam, governor Ye is also entertaining in this house today. I heard that he is entertaining the general of the army."

Mrs. Hirano's face changed slightly.

Governor Ye has never been to this restaurant. This is what Mrs. Hirano has investigated.

Now, he suddenly comes, abnormal is the demon, let alone the evil such as Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu, how can they live in peace?

"Oh?" Mrs. Hirano lengthened her voice. "Is the governor here?"

"No, the kitchen people said they were preparing the dishes." Caichangting road.

Mrs. Hirano thought a little and gave Cai Changting a look.

"Madam, I'll ask. If governor Ye is here, there's no lack of etiquette to say hello." Cai Changting said.

Mrs. Hirano nodded.

Cai Changting is out again.

This time, instead of rushing in again, he found a place to pay close attention downstairs, waiting for governor ye and his generals.

As soon as governor Ye arrived, today's plan is only about to collapse.

Cai Changting would rather decorate it next time, but he can't make mistakes and put himself and his wife in danger.

When he had a plan in mind, suddenly there was a gunshot in the street.

"No!" Cai Changting was shocked and hurriedly looked out.

Mrs. Hirano heard it, and her heart was shocked.

She opened Yajian's door.

Gu Qingzhou is right behind her.

Just beside the tavern, there was a car crash, and then someone was shooting with a gun.

Chaos everywhere.

Someone else ran into the tavern.

In the war, Mrs. Hirano saw Si Xingfu. He was carrying Ruby's arm and took her to the tavern.

"Long Pavilion." Mrs. Hirano shouted.

The pavilion jumped in from the window.

Gu Qingzhou was shocked. Before she noticed where Cai Changting's cat was, she saw him jump to Mrs. Hirano's feet.

It's like he's been there.

"... here comes the head teacher. Pick him up." Hirano man.

"Yes." Cai Changting turns and goes downstairs.

Gu Qingzhou also wanted to follow, but was pulled by Mrs. Hirano. She was not allowed to run around. "It's in disorder. Don't walk around."

Gu took Mrs. Hirano's wrist and said, "madam, let's go to Yajian. It's safer to close the door."

Mrs. Hirano said yes.

The two of them are temporarily hiding in Yajian.

The movement downstairs did not stop. Mrs. Hirano and Gu Qingzhou listened to each other, but did not go out.

Gu Qingzhou heard footsteps.

The footsteps were heavy and complicated. They were like officers in leather boots. They wanted to break the floor.

Then the door of Yajian was opened.

Si Xingfu strides in and quickly guards Gu Qingzhou behind him: "Qingzhou, we have to leave first."

Mrs. Hirano's face suddenly changed: "you leave first?"

Si Xingfu just turned around and said with a smile, "madam, please wait a moment. Governor Ye has a few words to ask you."

As soon as his voice fell, several soldiers carrying guns rushed in and pointed their guns at Mrs. Hirano.

Mrs. Hirano was shocked.

This surprised past, she asked calm, sat down to pour himself a cup of tea.

These soldiers dare to point their guns at her, but they dare not go forward.

Until inspector Ye comes in.

"Madame, are you not hurt?" Ye asked politely.

Mrs. Hirano looked at governor ye, and saw that he was not hurt. She was a little determined and said, "I've been in Yajian, and I haven't been out. Naturally, it's OK - what's wrong with the street?"

"Someone tried to assassinate me and burst out, so there was a lot of noise." Ye dujun said.

Mrs. Hirano's heart suddenly said.

Isn't this her plan to deal with Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou?

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