Young Justice's Arrancar Gamer
Chapter 3 - Santa Prisca
[ Name: Ulquiorra Cifer
Lvl. 15 ( Exp to 16=2000/4000)
Race: Arrancar
Age: ???
Health: 1250/1250 Regen 40 per sec
Mana: 1250/1250 Regen 100 per sec(All your skills that require energy will be mana based this also includes skills that should be reiatsu based)
Str:40 ( Peak human: 50, Batman 60)
Dex:40 ( Peak human: 50, Batman 60 )
End:50 ( Peak human, Batman 60)
*New* Sense: 50 ( 10: human, 30: Highly trained human, 50: animal, 60:Batman{how is Bruce not classified as a fuċkɨnġ meta he is the most ridiculous human in comics and if you think of a stronger one Bruce probably still kicked his or her ȧss.}, 100: Superhuman, SuperBoy: 150, Superman: 300, Ridiculous: 500+ can see on the atomic level and can smell Year old smells, hear things in space)
Stat points:0
*New* Adonis: For reaching 50 Charisma you're body now looks physically perfect
*New* Mana apprentice: For reaching 50 int mana is now based on int times 25 instead of 20
*New* Mana Blessed: For reaching 50 Wis mana regen doubles
*New* Bronze skin: HP is calculated with a 25 multiplier instead of a 20, Physical Resistance skill boosted to 1% per level
Oxygen not required: As an Arrancar you do not require air to breath, talk or exist
Natural Talent: 10% more Exp to noncombat skills and 100% more Exp on combat abilities (Ever wonder why Arrancar and Hollow get strong fast even though most bȧrėly train this is why)
Gamer Mind: Protects against all harmful or unconsented mental changes, attacks or communication attempts. Also keeps emotions at bay ( Emotions, if strong enough, can simply ignore this, Ignores some emotions all together)
Gamer Body: No injuries appear on your body they merely take away health and after sleeping all injuries and mana are completely healed. Poisons and Diseases also act on game rules and have a time limit ( Does not prevent you from dying by poison).
Physical resistance: Lvl.10/100
10% physical damage reduction per level
Resurrección Lvl.5/100 (Cost:1000 Mana, 100 per second)
16-25 Stage 1: 100% Boost to all stats
26-50 Stage 2: 300% Boost to all stats + Wings/Flight skill ( First release)
51-75 Stage 3: 600% Boost to all stats + 100% more to Dex + Wings/Flight skill + 100% to mana attack's damage + Tail
( Second release)
76-100 Stage 4: 1000% to all stats + 500% more to all physical stats + Wings/Flight skill + 300% to mana attack's damage + Tail and Horns ( third release) * Look it up*
Swordsmanship: Lvl.30/100
150% sword damage + 5% per level
Str + Dex × 2 + 150% + Sword Sharpness
CQC: Lvl.30/100
Str + Dex × 2 + 150%
Sonido: Lvl.60/100
Burst of speed equivalent to
Dex + 600% + 10% per level Cost: 50 Mana ( Sound optional stealth over 50 sound is now togglable)
Hierro: Lvl.20/100
Hardens skill equivalent to End + 200% of End + 10% per level Cost: 100 activation 50 Mana per second
Cero: Lvl.5/100
Int + Wis × 4 + 10 (Charge time 15 seconds) Cost: 1000 Mana
Bala: Lvl.40/100
Cost: 50 Mana
Pesquisa: Lvl.50/100
Sense anyone and their position who has an equal or lower stealth skill level than Pesquisa's level Cost: 20
Regeneration: Lvl.5/100
Cost: 10 mana per second
25% HP regen on Use
Increases Hp Regen by 5% per level
Descorrer: Lvl.10/100
Teleportation to locations you have been
( Will increase to friends,places you have heard of, and finally anywhere)
Mana manipulation: Lvl.80/100
Self explanatory
Stealth: Lvl.60/100
Stops people with lower Stealth skills from tracking you and prevents people with lower detection from noticing you
The flight to Santa Prisca was brisk all things considered, Robin was thinking back on the what batman said and I well I was worried, because murder is the best way for EXP but both league's don't approve so I guess I will have to go ahead alone. Landing was easy enough, I lack fear so there was no problems except superboy almost compromising us by going in with nothing to slow his decent, it was pretty badass though. Robin disappears quickly, I follow suit however I got straight in the direction of the factory. The distance is small honestly especially compared to my speed when using sonido( which is faster than Wally at his current best. Dex:200 mine is Dex:340)
" ETA on trade?"
" 1 hour get the shipment ready."
" Yes Lord Kobra."
Well that answers what I needed to know, so I have about 40-50 minutes before the rest of the team gets here, well time to do a little murder spree obviously I won't slash them as that would be too obvious of a way to die, bala is best suited to do so it will only leave a bruise. I feel as though I have played enough ȧssassin creed for this to work as long as I stay out of Kobra's sense range.
My first move is obvious I sonido towards the control room and Bala the man in the seat, he is as dead as a door nail and I was right about the bruise that thing is massive thankfully it's under his clothes. My next move is taking out all guards on high levels, while keeping my eye on Kobra however my stare never lingers long enough for Kobra to feel it. On the metal platforms above everyone I sneak up behind each person and put my hand over their mouth muffling them and then while they are in slight shock I hit them with a bala to the back, holding them tightly so the force doesn't send them flying, doing even more damage per attack. To ȧssist in keeping them from breaking free and from me crying out in pain, I am using Hierro constantly. Staying stealthy is extremely hard with so many of them but it's worth the 100 EXP per person since I'm already at 20 people and have leveled up. The bad news is people will notice if anymore go missing which means I'm gonna have to go guns blazing from this point forward.
[ Level 16
+10 stealth
+20 Bala
+10 CQC]
Sending out 2 bala's kills two more guards but alerts the enemy. Sonidoing into the middle of the room catches everyone's attention.
" Fire!!"
I dance around bullets using short ranges sonidos and my natural agility, hierro is still active so even when a bullet hits it does no damage. I kill 20 more with Bala's but I can't do anymore unless I want to risk fighting Kobra with little to no Mana. So I decide to kill the last 10 with my sword also yes the titan did try to fight me but my Dex is alot higher than his so fighting with me is impossible for him especially in this large open space.
" Lord Kobra, is that right?"
" Yes."
" Hmm, I'm with the league I guess you could say however stopping your buyer or the supply is not my part of this mission so I would prefer a good fight instead, my combat skill is no where near your own however my species evolves best in active combat so once I am done killing your mammoth monster and your side piece, child slave, daughter, indoctrinated cultist, I expect a life endanger fight from you, seem fair?"
" If you live to fight me, yes."
" A man of few words, I was once like that, it got me killed let us hope you are different in that regard. Oh and before you ask or check, yes these people are indeed dead and no the league probably doesn't approve but I can just lie if need be."
Ulquiorra's neck cracks as do his knuckles in anticipation. That mammoth thing jumps towards Ulquiorra but Ulquiorra's talk was just to stall his Mana and his attack have both been charged. The millisecond that thing hits the ground Ulquiorra's Cero evaporates it and Shimmer giving Ulquiorra
[+ 60,000 EXP]
Ulquiorra in response almost cries.
" Well that was anticlimactic, no?"
" Hmm, Yes it would seem I would have to fight you myself."
" Good I was hopping we could finish this before the rest of my team gets here, they would ruin my fun."
Keeping Hierro active and running towards Kobra, Kobra's only response is to throw off his robe and stare at me, knowing a flank would be useless Ulquiorra just attacks upfront the contact is quick and ends with Kobra kicking Ulquiorra away like a rag doll, Kobra never let's up afterword for the next twenty minutes Ulquiorra and Kobra fight with Kobra having the overwhelming advantage Ulquiorra fights this by intermittently using balas' and Sonidos' which Kobra has to dodge or take decent damage, Ulquiorra of course gets hits off with Sonido attacks but much like a true fighter Kobra adapts to them and those strikes become few and far between. However the damage both take is constantly the same during the fight as both adapt to each other quickly with Ulquiorra's CQC constantly improving and Kobra getting more and more serious as the fight goes on, with Hierro, Natural regen and his Regeneration ability Ulquiorra keeps his health at a stable level while Kobra's health stays stable as well due to Ulquiorra's lack of skill. After that 15 minutes the team arrives but that doesn't stop the fight, it turns out the extra guards from around the island came back at Kobra's request so the team and bane are occupied, it seems he was also stalling during my speech. The battle stops when sportsmaster arrives, the helicopter doesn't even bother the fighters but, sportsmaster intervenes by throwing an exploding spear at Ulquiorra, disappointing both fighters because even though he will never admit it Kobra does enjoy a high octane fight. Ulquiorra looks at the two and decides to run for now figuring that a fight with them both may result in injury if they out pace his healing or Mana regen.
" It was interesting, Kobra we will do this again."
Kobra just stares at him in response
" Oh and sportsmaster, that Interference was unsportsmanlike."
" I know but sometimes you gotta cheat to win."
" Ahh good banter, I missed that when fighting Kobra. Chiao"
Using a Sonido Ulquiorra appears beside Robin.
" Dude where we're you?"
" Here, Comms are static I couldn't contact you all."
" You've been here fighting alone for the last hour?!"
" Of course it wasn't too hard, I stealthed for the first 35, took out all the armed guards in the control center and on the top, few on the bottom. However then I engaged in close quarters with the rest, I had to use my sword I can only hope none of them die."
" Understood but how were you fighting toe to toe with Kobra that man is strong and skilled?"
" My species evolves in active combat, I just kept getting stronger and he was holding back at first, a terrible mistake for him."
" Got it. Aqualad has ordered a retreat."
" Then follow his orders I have decided that my best chance of getting stronger is now, I will continue to fight."
" There is no way we are leaving you here to fight!"
" It was not a request Robin."
Ulquiorra then grabs Robin by the Cape and sonidos him to the team saluting them before sonidoing back, the cave caves in right after due to Superboy so they cannot follow Ulquiorra back. Mid Sonido Ulquiorra activates his Resurrección increasing his stats to peak human and or Batman level this comes at a cost of course, my natural Mana regen is all taken up, it seems stats don't auto add in combat like skills do so while I have gain stats they have not updated.
" Alright I'm back for my fight."
" Fire!"
" Kobra call off your men before they die and Sportsmaster gets cranky because he doesn't have his shipment. How about this for compromise me and you continue our fight and I will not interfere with your shipment however as another part of our bargain I wish to kill 13 more of you men."
" I agree to these terms."
" That's great but the decision is not yours Sportsmaster."
" I agree."
" There we go."
Then using my sword and some sonidos I kill the 13 I was permitted to and launch myself at Kobra. The battle between Kobra and Ulquiorra goes on intensely in the background as the rest of the enemies continue their mission. The hand to hand skill between the two levels out with them both at level 70 in CQC. However that still leaves Kobra with the slight advantage, Ulquiorra decides to switch to his sword to increase his abilities there too.
" Hey a sword isn't fair!"
Sportsmaster then throws Kobra a spear, Kobra of course catches like it's nothing and then he has the distinct advantage again because his spear skills are alot higher than my swordsmanship skills.
" Ahh this reminds me of our fight an hour ago, completely one sided."
Kobra just grunts, my league then appears much to my disappointment they do their thing while Kobra and I fight, I may or may not have ""accidentally"" deflected a few attacks, Kobra noticed while the others didn't. Then I over extend on purpose much to Kobra's dull amusement and understanding and then he kicks me towards the team.
" Ulquiorra, we will speak later."
" Understood."
the rest goes exactly how it did in the show including Kobra and Sportsmaster's escape.
A few hours later Batman chews us out and I am pulled aside
" Ulquiorra, Robin and Aqualad told me of your fight with Kobra."
" Yes.
" And your blatant disregard for the team just so you can become stronger."
" Yes."
" Why?"
" My race evolves during combat however as you also know we are cannibals and as you can imagine that means my race is alone for our entire, eternal lives we do not age like mortals do and we can also only die in combat. Strength rules all where I come from and Kobra was a direct challenge to me, after the Twister fiasco I guess you could say I wished to win back my pride. The most infuriating part of this to me is, I used to have no emotions adapting to them and this new life has been difficult."
" I can see why. But if this happens again I will pull you off the team until you prove you can work with them effectively."
" I understand Batman."
Lvl. 15 ( Exp to 16=2000/4000)
Race: Arrancar
Age: ???
Health: 1250/1250 Regen 40 per sec
Mana: 1250/1250 Regen 100 per sec(All your skills that require energy will be mana based this also includes skills that should be reiatsu based)
Str:40 ( Peak human: 50, Batman 60)
Dex:40 ( Peak human: 50, Batman 60 )
End:50 ( Peak human, Batman 60)
*New* Sense: 50 ( 10: human, 30: Highly trained human, 50: animal, 60:Batman{how is Bruce not classified as a fuċkɨnġ meta he is the most ridiculous human in comics and if you think of a stronger one Bruce probably still kicked his or her ȧss.}, 100: Superhuman, SuperBoy: 150, Superman: 300, Ridiculous: 500+ can see on the atomic level and can smell Year old smells, hear things in space)
Stat points:0
*New* Adonis: For reaching 50 Charisma you're body now looks physically perfect
*New* Mana apprentice: For reaching 50 int mana is now based on int times 25 instead of 20
*New* Mana Blessed: For reaching 50 Wis mana regen doubles
*New* Bronze skin: HP is calculated with a 25 multiplier instead of a 20, Physical Resistance skill boosted to 1% per level
Oxygen not required: As an Arrancar you do not require air to breath, talk or exist
Natural Talent: 10% more Exp to noncombat skills and 100% more Exp on combat abilities (Ever wonder why Arrancar and Hollow get strong fast even though most bȧrėly train this is why)
Gamer Mind: Protects against all harmful or unconsented mental changes, attacks or communication attempts. Also keeps emotions at bay ( Emotions, if strong enough, can simply ignore this, Ignores some emotions all together)
Gamer Body: No injuries appear on your body they merely take away health and after sleeping all injuries and mana are completely healed. Poisons and Diseases also act on game rules and have a time limit ( Does not prevent you from dying by poison).
Physical resistance: Lvl.10/100
10% physical damage reduction per level
Resurrección Lvl.5/100 (Cost:1000 Mana, 100 per second)
16-25 Stage 1: 100% Boost to all stats
26-50 Stage 2: 300% Boost to all stats + Wings/Flight skill ( First release)
51-75 Stage 3: 600% Boost to all stats + 100% more to Dex + Wings/Flight skill + 100% to mana attack's damage + Tail
( Second release)
76-100 Stage 4: 1000% to all stats + 500% more to all physical stats + Wings/Flight skill + 300% to mana attack's damage + Tail and Horns ( third release) * Look it up*
Swordsmanship: Lvl.30/100
150% sword damage + 5% per level
Str + Dex × 2 + 150% + Sword Sharpness
CQC: Lvl.30/100
Str + Dex × 2 + 150%
Sonido: Lvl.60/100
Burst of speed equivalent to
Dex + 600% + 10% per level Cost: 50 Mana ( Sound optional stealth over 50 sound is now togglable)
Hierro: Lvl.20/100
Hardens skill equivalent to End + 200% of End + 10% per level Cost: 100 activation 50 Mana per second
Cero: Lvl.5/100
Int + Wis × 4 + 10 (Charge time 15 seconds) Cost: 1000 Mana
Bala: Lvl.40/100
Cost: 50 Mana
Pesquisa: Lvl.50/100
Sense anyone and their position who has an equal or lower stealth skill level than Pesquisa's level Cost: 20
Regeneration: Lvl.5/100
Cost: 10 mana per second
25% HP regen on Use
Increases Hp Regen by 5% per level
Descorrer: Lvl.10/100
Teleportation to locations you have been
( Will increase to friends,places you have heard of, and finally anywhere)
Mana manipulation: Lvl.80/100
Self explanatory
Stealth: Lvl.60/100
Stops people with lower Stealth skills from tracking you and prevents people with lower detection from noticing you
The flight to Santa Prisca was brisk all things considered, Robin was thinking back on the what batman said and I well I was worried, because murder is the best way for EXP but both league's don't approve so I guess I will have to go ahead alone. Landing was easy enough, I lack fear so there was no problems except superboy almost compromising us by going in with nothing to slow his decent, it was pretty badass though. Robin disappears quickly, I follow suit however I got straight in the direction of the factory. The distance is small honestly especially compared to my speed when using sonido( which is faster than Wally at his current best. Dex:200 mine is Dex:340)
" ETA on trade?"
" 1 hour get the shipment ready."
" Yes Lord Kobra."
Well that answers what I needed to know, so I have about 40-50 minutes before the rest of the team gets here, well time to do a little murder spree obviously I won't slash them as that would be too obvious of a way to die, bala is best suited to do so it will only leave a bruise. I feel as though I have played enough ȧssassin creed for this to work as long as I stay out of Kobra's sense range.
My first move is obvious I sonido towards the control room and Bala the man in the seat, he is as dead as a door nail and I was right about the bruise that thing is massive thankfully it's under his clothes. My next move is taking out all guards on high levels, while keeping my eye on Kobra however my stare never lingers long enough for Kobra to feel it. On the metal platforms above everyone I sneak up behind each person and put my hand over their mouth muffling them and then while they are in slight shock I hit them with a bala to the back, holding them tightly so the force doesn't send them flying, doing even more damage per attack. To ȧssist in keeping them from breaking free and from me crying out in pain, I am using Hierro constantly. Staying stealthy is extremely hard with so many of them but it's worth the 100 EXP per person since I'm already at 20 people and have leveled up. The bad news is people will notice if anymore go missing which means I'm gonna have to go guns blazing from this point forward.
[ Level 16
+10 stealth
+20 Bala
+10 CQC]
Sending out 2 bala's kills two more guards but alerts the enemy. Sonidoing into the middle of the room catches everyone's attention.
" Fire!!"
I dance around bullets using short ranges sonidos and my natural agility, hierro is still active so even when a bullet hits it does no damage. I kill 20 more with Bala's but I can't do anymore unless I want to risk fighting Kobra with little to no Mana. So I decide to kill the last 10 with my sword also yes the titan did try to fight me but my Dex is alot higher than his so fighting with me is impossible for him especially in this large open space.
" Lord Kobra, is that right?"
" Yes."
" Hmm, I'm with the league I guess you could say however stopping your buyer or the supply is not my part of this mission so I would prefer a good fight instead, my combat skill is no where near your own however my species evolves best in active combat so once I am done killing your mammoth monster and your side piece, child slave, daughter, indoctrinated cultist, I expect a life endanger fight from you, seem fair?"
" If you live to fight me, yes."
" A man of few words, I was once like that, it got me killed let us hope you are different in that regard. Oh and before you ask or check, yes these people are indeed dead and no the league probably doesn't approve but I can just lie if need be."
Ulquiorra's neck cracks as do his knuckles in anticipation. That mammoth thing jumps towards Ulquiorra but Ulquiorra's talk was just to stall his Mana and his attack have both been charged. The millisecond that thing hits the ground Ulquiorra's Cero evaporates it and Shimmer giving Ulquiorra
[+ 60,000 EXP]
Ulquiorra in response almost cries.
" Well that was anticlimactic, no?"
" Hmm, Yes it would seem I would have to fight you myself."
" Good I was hopping we could finish this before the rest of my team gets here, they would ruin my fun."
Keeping Hierro active and running towards Kobra, Kobra's only response is to throw off his robe and stare at me, knowing a flank would be useless Ulquiorra just attacks upfront the contact is quick and ends with Kobra kicking Ulquiorra away like a rag doll, Kobra never let's up afterword for the next twenty minutes Ulquiorra and Kobra fight with Kobra having the overwhelming advantage Ulquiorra fights this by intermittently using balas' and Sonidos' which Kobra has to dodge or take decent damage, Ulquiorra of course gets hits off with Sonido attacks but much like a true fighter Kobra adapts to them and those strikes become few and far between. However the damage both take is constantly the same during the fight as both adapt to each other quickly with Ulquiorra's CQC constantly improving and Kobra getting more and more serious as the fight goes on, with Hierro, Natural regen and his Regeneration ability Ulquiorra keeps his health at a stable level while Kobra's health stays stable as well due to Ulquiorra's lack of skill. After that 15 minutes the team arrives but that doesn't stop the fight, it turns out the extra guards from around the island came back at Kobra's request so the team and bane are occupied, it seems he was also stalling during my speech. The battle stops when sportsmaster arrives, the helicopter doesn't even bother the fighters but, sportsmaster intervenes by throwing an exploding spear at Ulquiorra, disappointing both fighters because even though he will never admit it Kobra does enjoy a high octane fight. Ulquiorra looks at the two and decides to run for now figuring that a fight with them both may result in injury if they out pace his healing or Mana regen.
" It was interesting, Kobra we will do this again."
Kobra just stares at him in response
" Oh and sportsmaster, that Interference was unsportsmanlike."
" I know but sometimes you gotta cheat to win."
" Ahh good banter, I missed that when fighting Kobra. Chiao"
Using a Sonido Ulquiorra appears beside Robin.
" Dude where we're you?"
" Here, Comms are static I couldn't contact you all."
" You've been here fighting alone for the last hour?!"
" Of course it wasn't too hard, I stealthed for the first 35, took out all the armed guards in the control center and on the top, few on the bottom. However then I engaged in close quarters with the rest, I had to use my sword I can only hope none of them die."
" Understood but how were you fighting toe to toe with Kobra that man is strong and skilled?"
" My species evolves in active combat, I just kept getting stronger and he was holding back at first, a terrible mistake for him."
" Got it. Aqualad has ordered a retreat."
" Then follow his orders I have decided that my best chance of getting stronger is now, I will continue to fight."
" There is no way we are leaving you here to fight!"
" It was not a request Robin."
Ulquiorra then grabs Robin by the Cape and sonidos him to the team saluting them before sonidoing back, the cave caves in right after due to Superboy so they cannot follow Ulquiorra back. Mid Sonido Ulquiorra activates his Resurrección increasing his stats to peak human and or Batman level this comes at a cost of course, my natural Mana regen is all taken up, it seems stats don't auto add in combat like skills do so while I have gain stats they have not updated.
" Alright I'm back for my fight."
" Fire!"
" Kobra call off your men before they die and Sportsmaster gets cranky because he doesn't have his shipment. How about this for compromise me and you continue our fight and I will not interfere with your shipment however as another part of our bargain I wish to kill 13 more of you men."
" I agree to these terms."
" That's great but the decision is not yours Sportsmaster."
" I agree."
" There we go."
Then using my sword and some sonidos I kill the 13 I was permitted to and launch myself at Kobra. The battle between Kobra and Ulquiorra goes on intensely in the background as the rest of the enemies continue their mission. The hand to hand skill between the two levels out with them both at level 70 in CQC. However that still leaves Kobra with the slight advantage, Ulquiorra decides to switch to his sword to increase his abilities there too.
" Hey a sword isn't fair!"
Sportsmaster then throws Kobra a spear, Kobra of course catches like it's nothing and then he has the distinct advantage again because his spear skills are alot higher than my swordsmanship skills.
" Ahh this reminds me of our fight an hour ago, completely one sided."
Kobra just grunts, my league then appears much to my disappointment they do their thing while Kobra and I fight, I may or may not have ""accidentally"" deflected a few attacks, Kobra noticed while the others didn't. Then I over extend on purpose much to Kobra's dull amusement and understanding and then he kicks me towards the team.
" Ulquiorra, we will speak later."
" Understood."
the rest goes exactly how it did in the show including Kobra and Sportsmaster's escape.
A few hours later Batman chews us out and I am pulled aside
" Ulquiorra, Robin and Aqualad told me of your fight with Kobra."
" Yes.
" And your blatant disregard for the team just so you can become stronger."
" Yes."
" Why?"
" My race evolves during combat however as you also know we are cannibals and as you can imagine that means my race is alone for our entire, eternal lives we do not age like mortals do and we can also only die in combat. Strength rules all where I come from and Kobra was a direct challenge to me, after the Twister fiasco I guess you could say I wished to win back my pride. The most infuriating part of this to me is, I used to have no emotions adapting to them and this new life has been difficult."
" I can see why. But if this happens again I will pull you off the team until you prove you can work with them effectively."
" I understand Batman."
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