Young Justice's Arrancar Gamer
Chapter 6 - The Tornado triplets
" I would like a month of leave Batman."
" Why?"
" I ȧssume the team told you I almost died during the mission?"
" Yes."
" Well that was both true and untrue. I did die several times."
" What?!"
" For a few milliseconds at a time both my Heart and brain were dead as my natural regeneration struggled to stop the poison, technically speaking I died over and over for ten minutes. As such I would like to have personal time to right my mental state and to train a bit more, a month is an appropriate amount of time I feel."
" I understand. You can have a month free from missions."
" Also one last thing, I would like training equipment, stuff fit for kryptonians and Speedsters."
" Why?"
" My body can evolve and get stronger at a massively accelerated rate, with the equipment I would be able to get stronger faster."
" I can get those in the training room by the end of the week, I have been meaning to anyway since Superboy and Kid flash started working out of here."
[ Name: Ulquiorra Cifer
Lvl. 125 ( Exp to 126=0/200,000)
Race: Arrancar
Age: ???
Health: 10,500/10,500 Regen 1200 PS
Mana: 10,500/10,500 Regen 1200 PS(All your skills that require energy will be mana based this also includes skills that should be reiatsu based)
Sense: 300 (Ridiculous: 500+)
Stat points:
Inhumanely Graceful: for reaching 300 in Dex you move around easier, flow like water, Movement speed increased, increased dodge chance
Alien: For reaching 300 in str your body Extemely reduces stamina required to use abilities, HP regen quadruples, CQC and Swordsmanship boosted, 1 per day strength can be Doubled
Mana Master: For reaching 300 int mana is now based on int times 35 instead of 30
Mana Beast: For reaching 300 Wis mana regen quadruples
Steel skin: HP is calculated with a 35 multiplier instead of a 30, All Resistance skills boosted to 1% per level
Sense of a Magic Beast: For reaching 300 in sense Pesquisa is Extremely boosted, CQC and Swordsmanship boosted, Mana can be sensed.
Oxygen not required: As an Arrancar you do not require air to breath, talk or exist
Natural Talent: 10% more Exp to noncombat skills and 100% more Exp on combat abilities (Ever wonder why Arrancar and Hollow get strong fast even though most bȧrėly train this is why)
Gamer Mind: Protects against all harmful or unconsented mental changes, attacks or communication attempts. Also keeps emotions at bay ( Emotions, if strong enough, can simply ignore this, Ignores some emotions all together)
Gamer Body: No injuries appear on your body they merely take away health and after sleeping all injuries and mana are completely healed. Poisons and Diseases also act on game rules and have a time limit ( Does not prevent you from dying by poison).
Physical resistance: Lvl.70/100
70% physical damage reduction+1%PL
Poison resistance: Lvl.80/100
80% poison damage reduction+1%PL
Resurrección Lvl.80/100 (Cost:1000 Mana, 100 per second)
1-15 Stage 0: 20% Increase to all stats
16-25 Stage 1: 100% Boost to all stats
26-50 Stage 2: 300% Boost to all stats + Wings/Flight skill ( First release)
51-75 Stage 3: 600% Boost to all stats + 100% more to Dex + Wings/Flight skill + 100% to mana attack's damage + Tail
76-100 Stage 4: 1000% to all stats + 500% to all physical stats + Wings/Flight skill + 300% to mana attack's damage + Tail and Horns ( third release) * Look it up*
Swimming: Lvl.100
1000% Speed while Swimming
Flight(Special skill): Lvl.100
1000% Speed while flying
Swordsmanship: Lvl.90/100
900% sword damage + 10% per level
Str + Dex × 2 + 900% + Sword Sharpness
CQC: Lvl.90/100
Str + Dex × 2 + 900%
Sonido: Lvl.100
Burst of speed equivalent to
Dex + 1000% Cost: 50 Mana ( Sound optional stealth over 50 sound is now togglable)
Hierro: Lvl.80/100
Hardens skill equivalent to End + 800% of End + 10% per level Cost: 100 activation 50 Mana per second
Cero: Lvl.60/100
Int + Wis × 4 + 10 (Charge time 5 seconds) Cost: 1000 Mana
Bala: Lvl.100
Int + Wis × 4 + 10 Charge time 0 seconds
Cost: 50 Mana
Pesquisa: Lvl.90/100
Sense anyone and their position who has a stealth skill level 10 levels higher than, equal too, lower than Pesquisa's level Cost: 50
Mana sense: Lvl.50/100
Sense anyone with Mana and it's amount in their body, Mana in active uses can be sensed easier, People with Mana concealment that is higher than Mana sense's level you can only sense their active Mana
Cost: 50
Mana concealment: Lvl.50/100
You know
Regeneration: Lvl.50/100
Cost: 10 mana per second
250% HP regen on Use
Increases Hp Regen by 5% per level
Descorrer: Lvl.60/100
Teleportation to locations you have been and Friends
Cost: 200 Mana
( Will increase to places you have heard of and finally anywhere)
Mana manipulation: Lvl.100
Self explanatory
Stealth: Lvl.90/100
Stops people with lower Stealth skills from tracking you and prevents people with lower detection from noticing you
My stats and abilities have increased ridiculously but that is because I have not been eating nor sleeping for 3 months, I have only been training mainly because no missions have come in that I was able to participate in, the only time I wasted was when I was conversating with the team and the mandatory therapy with Black Canary. Today is the first time I will be back in combat in three months and it's not a mission it's the Tornado twins infiltration.
" You guys sure spend a lot of time fixing this bike. You know what you need, the wall man's help!"
I tune out the conversation and listen only to the fainter sounds around the cave, I hear nothing but insects, floor creaks and the wind blowing. After about thirty minutes of this bike being worked on and Aqualad ""subtly"" dropping hints about there being a traitor, there is a loud *BOOM* that rocks the cave and completely engulfs us in water then, while everyone is recovering they throw M'gann and Aqualad into a fire cage. I learned that no one knows that I don't require oxygen, I learned this when the robots put me with Wally and Superboy, you know the two that they are gonna drown.
I really can't do anything until Robin and Artemis save us because it wouldn't be a fun fight if I had to use team work.
2 hours later
I have been using both Mana sense and Concealment constantly for the last two hours which basically equates to 5 levels each( leveling a skill gets alot harder only after about level 60.) Artemis and Robin enter the building and are constantly hunted by the reds for about 30 minutes, I use Pesquisa to watch them move and dodge eachother the whole time and I gotta say, watching a cat and mouse game this intense is super entertaining. Finally Robin and Artemis try and do the EMP thing. Robin gets captured and Artemis steels her nerves after having a break down. The EMP breaks the bots and Red Tornado shows up. About 30 minutes after Red's arrival the EMP wears off and the two lesser reds' try and hijack his...brain? code? whatever. Red then sucks all the air out of the area, I send two Balas' towards the lesser reds, destroying them completely, then I pretend to fall unconscious.
(+200,000 Exp)
Instead of staying down, I start moving as soon as the reds leave. Sonidoing over to the main room and signalling the League that we need help.
It takes significantly less time for the League to get here then originally, only about 30 minutes instead of a few hours
" I would like a month of leave Batman."
" Why?"
" I ȧssume the team told you I almost died during the mission?"
" Yes."
" Well that was both true and untrue. I did die several times."
" What?!"
" For a few milliseconds at a time both my Heart and brain were dead as my natural regeneration struggled to stop the poison, technically speaking I died over and over for ten minutes. As such I would like to have personal time to right my mental state and to train a bit more, a month is an appropriate amount of time I feel."
" I understand. You can have a month free from missions."
" Also one last thing, I would like training equipment, stuff fit for kryptonians and Speedsters."
" Why?"
" My body can evolve and get stronger at a massively accelerated rate, with the equipment I would be able to get stronger faster."
" I can get those in the training room by the end of the week, I have been meaning to anyway since Superboy and Kid flash started working out of here."
[ Name: Ulquiorra Cifer
Lvl. 125 ( Exp to 126=0/200,000)
Race: Arrancar
Age: ???
Health: 10,500/10,500 Regen 1200 PS
Mana: 10,500/10,500 Regen 1200 PS(All your skills that require energy will be mana based this also includes skills that should be reiatsu based)
Sense: 300 (Ridiculous: 500+)
Stat points:
Inhumanely Graceful: for reaching 300 in Dex you move around easier, flow like water, Movement speed increased, increased dodge chance
Alien: For reaching 300 in str your body Extemely reduces stamina required to use abilities, HP regen quadruples, CQC and Swordsmanship boosted, 1 per day strength can be Doubled
Mana Master: For reaching 300 int mana is now based on int times 35 instead of 30
Mana Beast: For reaching 300 Wis mana regen quadruples
Steel skin: HP is calculated with a 35 multiplier instead of a 30, All Resistance skills boosted to 1% per level
Sense of a Magic Beast: For reaching 300 in sense Pesquisa is Extremely boosted, CQC and Swordsmanship boosted, Mana can be sensed.
Oxygen not required: As an Arrancar you do not require air to breath, talk or exist
Natural Talent: 10% more Exp to noncombat skills and 100% more Exp on combat abilities (Ever wonder why Arrancar and Hollow get strong fast even though most bȧrėly train this is why)
Gamer Mind: Protects against all harmful or unconsented mental changes, attacks or communication attempts. Also keeps emotions at bay ( Emotions, if strong enough, can simply ignore this, Ignores some emotions all together)
Gamer Body: No injuries appear on your body they merely take away health and after sleeping all injuries and mana are completely healed. Poisons and Diseases also act on game rules and have a time limit ( Does not prevent you from dying by poison).
Physical resistance: Lvl.70/100
70% physical damage reduction+1%PL
Poison resistance: Lvl.80/100
80% poison damage reduction+1%PL
Resurrección Lvl.80/100 (Cost:1000 Mana, 100 per second)
1-15 Stage 0: 20% Increase to all stats
16-25 Stage 1: 100% Boost to all stats
26-50 Stage 2: 300% Boost to all stats + Wings/Flight skill ( First release)
51-75 Stage 3: 600% Boost to all stats + 100% more to Dex + Wings/Flight skill + 100% to mana attack's damage + Tail
76-100 Stage 4: 1000% to all stats + 500% to all physical stats + Wings/Flight skill + 300% to mana attack's damage + Tail and Horns ( third release) * Look it up*
Swimming: Lvl.100
1000% Speed while Swimming
Flight(Special skill): Lvl.100
1000% Speed while flying
Swordsmanship: Lvl.90/100
900% sword damage + 10% per level
Str + Dex × 2 + 900% + Sword Sharpness
CQC: Lvl.90/100
Str + Dex × 2 + 900%
Sonido: Lvl.100
Burst of speed equivalent to
Dex + 1000% Cost: 50 Mana ( Sound optional stealth over 50 sound is now togglable)
Hierro: Lvl.80/100
Hardens skill equivalent to End + 800% of End + 10% per level Cost: 100 activation 50 Mana per second
Cero: Lvl.60/100
Int + Wis × 4 + 10 (Charge time 5 seconds) Cost: 1000 Mana
Bala: Lvl.100
Int + Wis × 4 + 10 Charge time 0 seconds
Cost: 50 Mana
Pesquisa: Lvl.90/100
Sense anyone and their position who has a stealth skill level 10 levels higher than, equal too, lower than Pesquisa's level Cost: 50
Mana sense: Lvl.50/100
Sense anyone with Mana and it's amount in their body, Mana in active uses can be sensed easier, People with Mana concealment that is higher than Mana sense's level you can only sense their active Mana
Cost: 50
Mana concealment: Lvl.50/100
You know
Regeneration: Lvl.50/100
Cost: 10 mana per second
250% HP regen on Use
Increases Hp Regen by 5% per level
Descorrer: Lvl.60/100
Teleportation to locations you have been and Friends
Cost: 200 Mana
( Will increase to places you have heard of and finally anywhere)
Mana manipulation: Lvl.100
Self explanatory
Stealth: Lvl.90/100
Stops people with lower Stealth skills from tracking you and prevents people with lower detection from noticing you
My stats and abilities have increased ridiculously but that is because I have not been eating nor sleeping for 3 months, I have only been training mainly because no missions have come in that I was able to participate in, the only time I wasted was when I was conversating with the team and the mandatory therapy with Black Canary. Today is the first time I will be back in combat in three months and it's not a mission it's the Tornado twins infiltration.
" You guys sure spend a lot of time fixing this bike. You know what you need, the wall man's help!"
I tune out the conversation and listen only to the fainter sounds around the cave, I hear nothing but insects, floor creaks and the wind blowing. After about thirty minutes of this bike being worked on and Aqualad ""subtly"" dropping hints about there being a traitor, there is a loud *BOOM* that rocks the cave and completely engulfs us in water then, while everyone is recovering they throw M'gann and Aqualad into a fire cage. I learned that no one knows that I don't require oxygen, I learned this when the robots put me with Wally and Superboy, you know the two that they are gonna drown.
I really can't do anything until Robin and Artemis save us because it wouldn't be a fun fight if I had to use team work.
2 hours later
I have been using both Mana sense and Concealment constantly for the last two hours which basically equates to 5 levels each( leveling a skill gets alot harder only after about level 60.) Artemis and Robin enter the building and are constantly hunted by the reds for about 30 minutes, I use Pesquisa to watch them move and dodge eachother the whole time and I gotta say, watching a cat and mouse game this intense is super entertaining. Finally Robin and Artemis try and do the EMP thing. Robin gets captured and Artemis steels her nerves after having a break down. The EMP breaks the bots and Red Tornado shows up. About 30 minutes after Red's arrival the EMP wears off and the two lesser reds' try and hijack his...brain? code? whatever. Red then sucks all the air out of the area, I send two Balas' towards the lesser reds, destroying them completely, then I pretend to fall unconscious.
(+200,000 Exp)
Instead of staying down, I start moving as soon as the reds leave. Sonidoing over to the main room and signalling the League that we need help.
It takes significantly less time for the League to get here then originally, only about 30 minutes instead of a few hours
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