Chapter 75: The Power of the Transporter Bead! Raffle prizes explode!

And at this time, in another room.

Zhang Xueming has already opened his system interface, and he has just played a card with Ruan Lingyu, and he is still a red card.

This lucky value should be bursting!

At this time, Zhang Xueming's lottery interface.

And also:

【Legendary Raffle Ticket X1】

【Rare Ticket X1】

【Normal Level Raffle Ticket X1】

This legendary and rare-level lottery ticket was given by Ruan Lingyu who had just completed his achievements.

The normal level is the reward for submitting to the golden glory.

This time, Zhang Xueming is ready to take advantage of his lucky value to drain it all!

"System! Extract them all! "

Buzz, buzz, buzz -

Accompanied by a tremor.

One prompt after another sounded.

【Ding! Dear host, congratulations on obtaining the 10km heavy rail structure]

【Ding! Legendary raffle tickets, trigger a hundredfold critical hit! 】

【Ding! Dear host, you have obtained 1000 kilometers of heavy railway tracks, 6 overweight Dongfeng heavy-haul trains (plus 40 train cars)! 】

【Ding! Dear host, congratulations on your rare grade improved Wuchang rice flower fragrance number fine seed ton]

(This good seed has the advantages of disease resistance, insect moth resistance, lodging resistance, etc., and the mu yield can reach 700-1000 kg.) )

"Eight two three".

【Ding! Dear host, congratulations on getting the Liberation brand truck drawing X1]

(Jiefang brand truck, full weight 2000 kg, maximum speed 65 km / h, can carry 4.5 tons!) )

"Lying groove, it's really lucky!"

Seeing the lottery results, Zhang Xueming couldn't help but be stunned.

As we all know, in the construction of the country, railways and highways, have always been a top priority!

Once a place is connected to a railway, the central control of the state will be greatly enhanced.

After the completion of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway that year.

Called the Heavenly Road by the locals!

Even in the song, it's sung.

"At dusk I stand on a high hill!"

"Looking forward to the railway being built to my hometown!"

"Dragon after dragon, it crosses the mountains!"

"Sent Ankang to the snowy plateau!"

What is well-being?

Well-being is!

Since the completion of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway.

This alone, that solitary voice has completely disappeared!

It's all thanks to the power of the railway!

Within 24 o'clock, an army group could be transported.

Who dares to disobey?

Of course, railways have so many benefits, but there is also a disadvantage.

That is: expensive!

In later generations, the most basic railway will cost about 30 million yuan per kilometer!

If it's a high-speed rail with a speed of more than 300 kilometers per hour!

The price is several times higher!

It can even reach a cost of hundreds of millions of yuan per kilometer.

A thousand-kilometer railway may cost hundreds of billions of yuan.

It can be said that the railway is the steel bloodline that the country smashed out of real money.

And this railway drawn by his own lottery is not an ordinary railway, but a more advanced heavy railway!

Heavy rail tracks can pass heavy trains!

A heavy-haul train can tow 40 cars, each carrying up to 60 tons.

That is to say, a heavy rail train can transport 2400 tons of goods in one trip.

This is simply a steel monster!

To be honest, I only smoked this one thing.

Zhang Xueming felt extremely excited.

But I didn't expect that I could draw [Improved Wuchang Daohuaxiang No. 2] later!

Before Zhang Xueming left, he traveled with the country of Huan and the country of beauty.

Large quantities of improved wheat, maize, potato and cotton seeds were purchased.

Only rice seeds were not purchased.

It's not that he doesn't want to buy it.

Rather, neither do foreigners!

Because of the different diets, Europeans eat wheat as the main food.

Only Asians eat more rice.

Since before the god of agriculture, Yuan Lao, scientists in Asia, that is, the Eastern Devil, have been studying rice improvement.


The thought of something that is a devil.

Zhang Xueming never wants to buy it!

The devils are so close, wait for the fight to come down later, and slowly colonize!

It's no different from the whip over there in Europe.

Every ocean he is now giving to the devil may really become a bullet that hits his body!

And this time the draw.

Directly solved their own problems.

As we all know, the rice produced in the Wuchang region of Northeast China is the best rice in the country, and rice is rich in carbohydrates, protein and vegetable fats!

Not only the taste is good, but the mu yield can reach about 700 kg.

Cooperate with our own newly built fertilizer plant.

I'm afraid that the mu yield can exceed 1000 kg!

As for the final Jiefang truck drawings, they are also extremely practical.

Historically, Jiefang brand trucks are the fist products of Northeast Changchun Automobile Factory.

It has been in production for 30 years since the 50s!

In the Great Xia Dynasty at that time, one of the two trucks was liberated, which shows its dominance!

Wait until you produce your own liberation truck.

In the future, long-distance freight relied on heavy-gauge railways, and short-distance freight relied on liberation trucks.

In one fell swoop, freight modernization was achieved!

"Good! I will have to check in with Ruan Lingyu in the future! "

"If only every draw was so popular!"

"The liberation of the whole country can be at least two years in advance!"

"At that time, I have to give Ruan Lingyu a military merit medal!"

Three days later.

The cargo ship arrives at the port.

Zhang Xueming did not wait for the brigade, and returned to Daqing in advance with his aunts and some strong laborers.

The brigade has not yet entered the city. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhang Xueming saw a group of people standing on a hill ten miles outside the city to greet him.

And the one who started was his eldest lady - Yu Fengzhi.

At this time, she was half a year pregnant, but her belly was half larger than that of ordinary women.

Without him!

Because she was carrying twins in her belly.

This is also why Zhang Xueming hurriedly found a gynecologist.

In this era, women giving birth to children is to go through the ghost door, and their eldest daughter-in-law still walks twice.

First, this Yu Fengzhi is a rare good wife and mother.

Second, she can give herself 200W ocean pocket money every month!

I had to keep her myself.

"Phoenix Zhi! Phoenix Zhi! "

I saw Zhang Xueming jump off the war horse, run to Yu Fengzhi like a fly, and take her into his arms.

"Ah! You're going to be reckless, you'll get your tires gas! "

At this moment, Yu Fengzhi, who was in Zhang Xueming's arms, glanced at Zhang Xueming fiercely, but the smile on his face continued unabated.

The husband has been absent for a month.

I didn't expect to be so affectionate as soon as I came back!

Yu Fengzhi only felt warm in his heart.

She even gave birth to a kind: the little woman has been worshipping Buddha for many years, and finally meets a good match!

"Fake it! How many women did this young handsome raise! "


"Do you want to stay in this icy mountain nest for the rest of your life?"

Just as Zhang Xueming was holding Yu Fengzhi and riding back to the city together.

Ruan Lingyu, who was hiding in the rear carriage, secretly saw all this.

But then.

Everything in front of her stunned her...........

Since entering the Daqing sphere of influence.

The road on the ground changed in an instant from a muddy country road to a flat asphalt avenue.

The road is surrounded by greenery, and horse-drawn trucks carrying workers in cobalt-blue overalls are constantly shuttling.

The clothes of these people are completely uniform, with only a few distinctive golden words tattooed on the left chest.

What "Thermal Power Plant No. 1", "Machinery Plant No. 2", "Textile Women's Factory", "Production and Construction Corps"!

After only a while, Ruan Lingyu saw more than a dozen different factory names.

She couldn't help but be stunned, how could there be so many factories in this small mountain nest?

Isn't this even more powerful than the magic capital.

"In addition to robbing people's women, this young marshal will also do business?"

"Fake! Right! It must be fake! "

"It's this Northeast donkeyman's trick to deceive people!"

Ruan Lingyu kept talking to herself, but Gu Ruiyu on the side was silent.

"Sister, look ahead!"

"Look further ahead? What to see? "

Ruan Lingyu poked her head out of the window of the carriage and tried to look forward.

Next second.

She was completely stunned.

At the end of the vision are towering chimneys, which stand like a forest, constantly emitting black smoke.

It was as if a giant steel behemoth was swallowing all available resources.

And next to these factories are bizarre four-story buildings!

At this time, the carriage happened to pass by a compound.

At the gate of the compound, there was already a long queue.

The guys at the registry office are also shouting.

"The line is lined up, check in by number!"

"There is a family number, 1 family per household, check in with bags."

"Bachelor Han takes double number, 4 people per room, no changeable number, no competition."

"If there are violators, they will be sent to the punishment camp and go to the bitter kiln to dig coal and labor camp for three months!"

Ruan Lingyu had naturally seen buildings in the magic capital, and even lived for a few days in the Sassoon Building, the highest 9-story building in the magic capital Ten Mile Ocean Field.

It's just that!

It's a concession!

It is a place for foreigners.

It is extremely difficult for ordinary Chinese people to enter the concession, let alone live.

And here is where!


A place that is not marked on the map!

There are so many houses.

And it's still for the people of Xia Country!

Ruan Lingyu was stunned, and she looked back at Gu Ruiyu. 2.7

"Sister Gu, this building is for the poor?"

"That's naturally true," Gu Ruiyu replied proudly.

"How can poor people afford to buy a house?" Ruan Lingyu covered her mouth: "How much does it cost to build this four-story house, this has to buy one, how much silver does it cost!" "

"Don't need money, work here for five years, everyone can share a house!"

At this time, looking at the bustling flow of people, Gu Ruiyu's eyes also showed an intoxicated look.

She vividly remembers that when she first arrived, it was still a wasteland.

There is no people, no life, only smelly blisters with a pungent smell.

And now.

One miraculous building after another rises from the ground.

There is also brilliance in the eyes of the common people.

Gu Ruiyu muttered.

"The young marshal told me that he wanted everyone in Daxia to have food and a house for everyone to live in."

"No more freezing and hunger, no more oppression!"

Ruan Lingyu was stunned: "Isn't that the Datong world of singing!?" "

After she said this, she immediately trembled.

Looking at Sister Gu with a hopeful face.

Ruan Lingyu shook her head frantically.


This young man Zhang Shaoshuai, the northeast donkey man Zhang Xueming!

How can you do something that even the ancient sages could not do!

Sister Gu must have been lowered by Zhang Xueming!


She must have fallen into the devil!.

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