Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1000: Won't let Xiaoxiao see them

"It's okay." Shen Qianyun smiled and shook his head, "I'm afraid that if you don't pay attention, you will go to work again, rest for a while, and then go to work."

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at her smile, always feeling weird, but couldn't tell what was going on. After thinking about it, she also agreed with a smile and said, "I don't have much work lately, so I will rest at home."

Gu Xiaoxiao's words seemed to relieve everyone. After dinner, Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Xiaoxi went upstairs together. When no one else was around, she couldn't help asking, "Xiao Xi, did something happen?"

Chu Xiaoxi looked down at her pulling her clothes, and shook her head in a complicated mood.

"What can you do, you are back, nothing happened. You will accompany me out for a while, let's meet one, and then take a few children out to play."

An Jingyan's grandparents have come to City B these days, so when Chu Xiaoxi went back to the old house yesterday, they didn't take him.

After going back and putting on makeup, Chu Xiaoxi took Gu Xiaoxiao and his two children away from home. After they left, Chu Yunfei sat on the sofa with an unhappy expression and looked at Yao Muqing and said, "They like to wait, so let them wait! Anyway, I won't agree to let the girl meet them!"

"I don't agree." Shen Qianyun sat aside and said in a cold voice, "They haven't done anything. They just want to recognize this granddaughter. How can there be such a cheap thing?!"

"I see, at the Bai family, Mingyuan and I will talk about it. Dad, calm down, don't worry, we will not neglect Xiaoxiao's affairs."

Listening to Yao Muqing's words, Chu Yunfei's expression only slightly improved.

"I have stayed in City B for this period of time. I look at the old thing in Bai's house. He dares to come out with something!"

The thought of Bai Anqing made Chu Yunfei's violent temper completely uncontrollable.

In Gu Xiaoxiao's absence in recent years, the relationship between the Bai family and the Chu family has not improved at all, but has become more and more rigid. Ever since I learned that Xiaoxiao was not dead, he came to City B and wanted to see Gu Xiaoxiao. But whether it was Chu Yunfei, Chu Yichen, or Shen Qianyun, they didn't want Gu Xiaoxiao to contact them.

Chu Yichen did this for his own reasons, while Chu Yunfei and Shen Qianyun were very straightforward, just don't want Gu Xiaoxiao to have any contact with the Bai family. The weird atmosphere Gu Xiaoxiao felt this morning was also because he received a call from the Bai family.

Chu Xiaoxi drove the car, secretly glanced at Gu Xiaoxiao who was sitting behind, and sighed secretly.

"My dear, shall we go to Italy next month?" Chu Xiaoxi suggested to ask with a spirit.

"Italy? Why go there?"

"It's boring, we made an appointment to travel and play before. These little guys weren't born at that time. Now that you're back, someone will accompany me again. I have to go out and wander around."

Chu Xiaoxi's words reminded Gu Xiaoxiao of her only motivation to keep working hard when she was in Japan.

She wants to travel and travel around the world, so she has to make a lot of money so that she has no worries.

Gu Xiaoxiao smiled bitterly when thinking of herself at that time. Subconsciously moved the bracelet on his wrist to block the ugly scar on his wrist.

When they arrived, An Chenglang, An Luli and others were still at home, chatting, and did not leave.

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