Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1019: Is she a stepmother?

Listening to their conversation, Chu Xiaoxi was very surprised. I really didn't expect Gu Xiaoxiao to have such friends.

"Do you want to use it yourself, or do you choose for your friends?" After the greeting, the two talked about business. Liang Qing looked at Chu Xiaoxi behind and asked Gu Xiaoxiao's opinion.

"Choose for the child." Gu Xiaoxiao beckoned Chu Muqian and Chu Muran over and introduced, "My son and daughter."

"Hello, uncle." The two raised their heads and greeted the stunned Liang Qing in unison.

Her child?

When did she have such a big child? Is this a marriage after returning to China, is it a stepmother?

Liang Qing was taken aback, and soon recovered, and smiled uncomfortably. Gu Xiaoxiao could naturally see what he was thinking, but was too lazy to explain it.

After choosing the board and armor, Gu Xiaoxiao and Liang Qing said goodbye.

"Send me an email if there is a game, and I will go over and watch it."

"Ok, bye."

Sending a few people to the door, Liang Qing sighed after watching them go far.

"Brother Liang, this is the beauty you met in Japan? Why do you look familiar?"

"As long as you are a woman, you are familiar with it?" Liang Qingguan murmured to himself after hitting him on the head, "When did I get married? Why didn't I hear any news..."

"Xiao Xiao, how did you meet the person just now?" Chu Xiaoxi couldn't help but curiously asked on the way back.

"When he went to Japan to compete, he lived with us. There is also a small playground nearby. There are a lot of people who skateboard there, and they are familiar with it. He is very good at Asian games. Top three."

"Mom, would you play this?" Chu Muqian asked Gu Xiaoxiao expectingly while holding the newly bought skateboard.

"Yes, mother will teach you when you go home. But you can't cry if you fall, you have to be strong, know?

"Mom, have you ever fallen before?" Chu Muqian frowned and asked again.

"I fell, but my mother didn't cry."

"Then I won't cry!"

After receiving a call from Yao Muqing, Chu Xiaoxi and the others were finally able to go home. Obviously it is his own home, but it is sneaky, like a thief, this kind of feeling is not good at all.

After returning home, Gu Xiaoxiao immediately went to Shen Qianyun and the others. When she came to Shen Qianyun's bedroom, she knocked on the door, and after seeing the two people in the room, she said, "Grandma, Grandpa, I'm back."

Shen Qianyun nodded with a strong smile, Gu Xiaoxiao could tell that she was upset at a glance. And Gu Hongcheng's face is not very good.

"Oh, look at this frowning brow, don't be unhappy." Gu Xiaoxiao stepped forward, sat down in front of Shen Qianyun and watched her coaxed: "It's not necessary to be angry for people who don't like. Worry, we don’t want to see them in the future."

After hearing Gu Xiaoxiao's words, Shen Qianyun sighed heavily.

"Okay, grandma, I'm not young anymore, I know what to do. Don't worry, go out and take a stroll. The weather is nice today."

Pulling Shen Qianyun and the two out, Chu Xiaoxi was already playing with the three children in the parking lot.

The helmets and knee pads are all on. Because they are beginners, they are very excited and enthusiastic. But as for how long it can last, Gu Xiaoxiao is not sure.

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