Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1045: Does she know that I like brother-in-law?

Hugging Feng Shengxi's arm, Bai Mo'er asked regretfully, "Mom, do you think she knew I liked brother-in-law before?"

When she thinks of this, she feels terrified. If Gu Xiaoxiao really knew, would it always be like this in the future and would not care about her anymore?

"It's been so many years, she didn't know before, how could she suddenly know now?"

Rubbing Bai Mo'er's hair, Feng Shengxi soothed.

"No, don't worry, maybe she is in a bad mood, or for other reasons. Think about it, how could she know that?"

"That's right... I don't know." Bai Mo'er murmured and nodded, "I have bought the photos. Those people don't have any evidence, and they dare not say anything."

"Okay, stop thinking about it, mom will stew bird's nest for you, go downstairs to drink a little and sleep."

With Feng Shengxi's company, Bai Mo'er felt better. She was thinking about how to please Gu Xiaoxiao, and Gu Xiaoxiao had already prepared her luggage and was going to Japan.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, Gu Xiaoxiao had already contacted the company. Su Zhiying also knows that she is going back, so she will pick her up at the airport.

Chu Yichen went to the company early in the morning, and Gu Xiaoxiao thought he would not see him today. Unexpectedly, he suddenly came back at noon.

"I'll take you to the airport."

After eating, he went upstairs with Gu Xiaoxiao. He picked up the packed suitcase in the room and walked outside.

"No trouble, just let the driver at home send me off."

Knowing that Chu Yichen is very busy every day, he deliberately ran back to see him off, which made Gu Xiaoxiao very sad.

"If you don't leave, maybe I don't want you to go."

Until now, Chu Yichen is still reluctant to let Gu Xiaoxiao go back to Japan. Although it was only a short week, but after all, I was still worried.

He went straight downstairs and put Gu Xiaoxiao's suitcase in his car. Gu Xiaoxiao had no choice but to get in his car and the two set off towards the airport.

In the position of the co-pilot, Gu Xiaoxiao looked down at the certificate in his hand and said nothing to him.

The in-car radio has been playing, and Su Zuonan and the others just released a new song that is currently hitting the charts. After listening to the DJ's introduction of this song, Gu Xiaoxiao listened to it seriously, and then secretly sighed that Su Zuonan really deserved to be the artists supported by the three companies. No matter whether it is investment or promotion support, there is nothing to say.

In such a short period of time, I set up a group, singing and variety shows, and thinking about the money of fans and fans in the concert circle. At the very beginning, this was a joke in the eyes of many people who thought they were whimsical and impossible. But now, those impossible things are happening one by one.

As soon as the new song came out, fans from China, Japan and South Korea were in a strong state. On the major charts, this song has always been in a far leading position, and the number of online broadcasts has also repeatedly broken new highs.

In fact, in terms of age, these three people are no longer at the level of small fresh meat. Because of the entertainment industry, teenage artists have caught a lot of them, and they have long been reduced to the level of old bacon. But I didn't expect that the old bacon would have such good results if it was re-fried.

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