"I'm sorry!" Gu Xiaoxiao replied angrily, her heart almost jumping out of her throat. When Chu Yichen stretched out his hand to pull her, she also refused.

"I won't get up! You let me sit down!"

I'm totally embarrassed to say that I can't stand up because her legs are still soft.

"Chu Yichen, can you not be so scary? Why did you come suddenly! Don't say hello!"

Looking at Chu Yichen angrily, Gu Xiaoxiao exclaimed and was picked up by him. Reflexively hugged his neck and walked into the house, Gu Xiaoxiao poked him with his finger unconvinced.

"I ask you something, why don't you answer me!"

"Ears are easy to use? I called your name just now. You were asleep and didn't hear you. I called you before I came, but you didn't answer."

"You lie! Why didn't I hear?"

Back in the bedroom, Chu Yichen threw it onto the bed. Gu Xiaoxiao turned over and sat there and continued to argue with Chu Yichen unconvinced.

"Where's the phone?" Chu Yichen stretched out his hand for her phone.

"In the bag, the living room."

Chu Yichen turned and left, a few minutes later, holding her mobile phone shook in front of her. Gu Xiaoxiao took a look at it and found that there was a missed call. After a closer look, the phone was muted.

Gu Xiaoxiao raised her eyes and looked at him, after thinking about it, she had a new reason.

"Then you should tell me before you come to Japan! But you didn't say anything!"

"I'm from Hokkaido who flew first. I'm not sure when I will come. What did I tell you so early?"

Seeing Gu Xiaoxiao's undecided look in his eyes, Chu Yichen smiled and sat on the edge of the bed, reaching out and pulling her over.

"Say, is there a ghost in your heart that makes you so afraid?"

While speaking, Chu Yichen's hand was naturally placed on Gu Xiaoxiao's chest, feeling her accelerated heartbeat, knowing that the little thing was really frightened.

"It's just a ghost, how about it?!" Gu Xiaoxiao pulled his hand aside and got up to go to work. Being so scared by him, the sleepiness has long since disappeared. "Chu Yichen, get out of the way, otherwise I'm really angry!"

Getting rid of his entanglement, Gu Xiaoxiao ran into the study quickly and locked the door.

Leaning on the door, she touched her still restless heart, thought about their conversation just now, and slowly lowered her head.

She has a ghost in her heart... Isn't he the ghost?

Sighing, the appearance of Chu Yichen really surprised Gu Xiaoxiao.

Although I had received a call from Chu Xiaoxi before and knew that Chu Yichen might have come to her, all signs indicated that Chu Yichen had not come. Just now when she and Su Zhiying came back and went to the parking lot, Gu Xiaoxiao also deliberately checked whether there was Chu Yichen's car there, but she was disappointed. Who could have expected that this person ran into her house silently.

Surprised and delighted, Gu Xiaoxiao thought about it, and felt a little grateful.

Fortunately... Ryugasaki Takumi did not come to look for her today, otherwise Chu Yichen would definitely be angry.

When she walked to the desk, Gu Xiaoxiao found that there was something from Chu Yichen on the desk. He seems to have been busy here for a while, the computer is on, and there are some data on the desktop.

Gu Xiaoxiao was curious, so she picked up the information and looked at it a few more times. It turned out that she didn't know it, and she was startled.

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