Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1092: Not a word of truth

"I don't want to see you now, Chu Yichen, you let me go."

It is useless to say more, silence is the best way to calm the two down.

"Where do you want to go? Where do you go? Go to Ryugasaki Takumi, or which man?"

"I'm going to find Yusuke Sakamoto! Are you enough, Chu Yichen?!"

Taking a step forward and pushing Chu Yichen away forcefully, Gu Xiaoxiao felt that he was unreasonable.

"Which man? Ha, well, let me tell you, I have more men, not bad for you!"

Glancing at him, Gu Xiaoxiao quickly ran out of the room and went downstairs. There was no one in the living room, and the two children didn't know how they were coaxed by Chu Yichen, and went back to the room to play by themselves.

Gu Xiaoxiao rushed out of the house and drove away. She was a little grateful that her memory was good, and she was also grateful that she was not a road idiot, because she remembered the way of Sakamoto's house and knew how to go.

Opening the car window, Gu Xiaoxiao rubbed her damp hair, trying to calm her emotions. After Chu Yichen stood upstairs for two minutes, he heard the sound of the car starting. When I went to the window, this **** really drove away.

Don't worry about her driving alone, let alone in this situation. Chu Yichen hurried to the two children's bedroom, picked up the two children who were rolling on the bed, stuffed them into the car, and headed towards Sakamoto's house.

The car was quiet, and both children felt Chu Yichen's impetuous mood, and they didn't dare to say anything.

"I want my mother..." After enduring it, Chu Muran couldn't help it. "Where did mom go?"

"Mom is a badass, don't look for her." Chu Yichen said angrily.

"You are the villain!"

The two children shouted in unison, making Chu Yichen's head hurt even more.

Good guy, now there is a three-person alliance to deal with yourself, right? !

"Bad dad, you are not allowed to say bad things about mother!" Chu Muqian yelled at Chu Yichen, and the shouting Chu Yichen wanted to throw him out. "Mom didn't go home because you bullied others!"

He bullies? No matter how you look at it now, he looks like the one being bullied.

Pressing his temples with a headache, Chu Yichen found that he was getting less and less status at home. The big ones are disobedient, and the small ones are disobedient. If this goes on, the consequences are really unimaginable.

Too lazy to take care of the two little things behind him, Chu Yichen frowned and watched. After seeing the car Gu Xiaoxiao was driving, her heart gradually calmed down.

After arriving at the destination smoothly, Gu Xiaoxiao got out of the car and checked the time. It was just right.

Ring the doorbell and walk into Sakamoto Yusuke’s home. Before Gu Xiaoxiao could speak, she heard Sakamoto ask her, "In a bad mood today?"

Gu Xiaoxiao was taken aback and shook his head to deny. But Yusuke Sakamoto's expression was telling her that he knew she was lying.

Sakamoto's smile that he knew everything made Gu Xiaoxiao inexplicably irritable. Sakamoto looked at her, pointed at the sofa, and asked her to sit down first.

After making tea, Sakamoto looked at Gu Xiaoxiao carelessly, and then spoke again.

"Why didn't Mr. Chu come with you today?"

"He is busy at work, so I came here alone."

As soon as Gu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, Yusuke Sakamoto chuckled. He shook his head meaningfully, and sighed: "You have not said a single truth so far today."

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