"Okay, I'll be more serious. Go ahead, do I book you the ticket?"

"No need, no need to do this little thing, I will do it myself!"

Waved his hand, Chu Xiaoxi got up and left, too lazy to talk to Chu Yichen any more. Go back and book a flight ticket to pack up and prepare to take my son out to play.

Chu Yichen always remembered what Teng Shuying said that night.

Who can get Gu Xiaoxiao's DNA report...

The ringing of the phone interrupted his contemplation, and he glanced at the phone number, Chu Yixuan's.

Chu Yixuan has already gone to Zhang An's home. Counting the time, it should have arrived.

Raising his hand to answer the phone, Chu Yichen frowned when he heard the other party's words.

"Checked? When did you hear the news?"

"Recently, I have been rectifying, and many people who have retired are inevitable. It seems that Zhang An has a lot of criminal records. Don't worry, I just tell you that you may not go back so soon. People. You can still see it. It only takes time. Leave it to me. If you have any news, you will be notified immediately."

Chu Yichen was a little impatient, and he had already reached this point. The truth was about to emerge as soon as he saw it.

Chu Yixuan knew nothing better about his younger brother. Chu Yichen, even though he still couldn't reach the point where he would avenge him, he was also very vengeful. Gu Xiaoxiao's matter has always been a thorn in his heart. If he can't remove it for a day, he can't feel at ease.

Chu Yichen naturally has nothing to say about Chu Yixuan's affairs. After a few simple conversations, he hung up the phone, and Chu Yichen leaned back in his chair, planning his itinerary for the last few days.

When he was in Japan, he had received several messages from Bai Mo'er, and the content was worthy of attention. However, when he called Bai Mo'er after he came back, it was turned off.

Not sure whether what she said was true or not, Chu Yichen was really unwilling to go to Guangzhou to see her in person. So this matter was temporarily suppressed.

Guangzhou Baijia has been shrouded in a low atmosphere for nearly a week.

Bai Mo'er was hospitalized again, but the situation this time was obviously much worse than the previous ones.

She has been in a coma for two days in the intensive care unit. Feng Shengxi kept guarding outside the ward, for fear that her daughter would leave her if she was not paying attention.

Bai Mo'er can't stand it anymore...This is something everyone understands, but they are not willing to accept it.

She doesn't even have the strength to walk now, and even her voice is very light and very small. Feng Shengxi felt heartbroken every time she saw her so painful and uncomfortable.

Time passed slowly, and finally Bai Mo'er woke up on the third day after being unconscious.

Opening her eyes, she saw Feng Shengxi whose eyes were red by the bed. He pulled his mouth far-fetched and said weakly, "Mom, I want to see my sister."

"Opening your eyes is Gu Xiaoxiao, what the **** is your child?" Feng Shengxi asked with frowning.

"Mom, I have something I want to tell her. If I can't say these things, even if I die, I won't be scornful."

Without looking at Feng Shengxi's expression, Bai Mo'er turned and looked out the window.

"What's not dead, don't talk nonsense."

Feng Shengxi's nervousness made Bai Mo'er smile slowly, she knew her own body better than anyone else. This time, she really won't live long.

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