Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1137: Gu Xiaoxiao's name is in the ring

Bai Mo'er was really naive and self-willed at the time, but she also really liked the ring because it was the first time she saw styles and everything.

However, I heard that Chu Yichen specially asked someone to order the ring, so I couldn't buy it outside. But why is this one in front of me so similar?

Bai Mo'er was full of doubts and a little delighted, thinking that when Feng Shengxi came back, he would come and wear the ring by himself. But looking again, Bai Mo'er found that something was wrong.

In this ring...Why is Gu Xiaoxiao's English name engraved?

Her eyes were stiff, Bai Mo'er's fingertips were shaking slightly.

She thought of many possibilities, thought of many excuses, but no matter which one, it seemed that there was no way to perfectly explain why the ring was here.

Suddenly got up, Bai Mo'er put all the jewelry on the table back into the jewelry box like a guilty conscience, and then put them back in place. Holding tightly in the palm of his hand, was the ring that looked like Gu Xiaoxiao's wedding ring. Bai Mo'er clenched her fists hard, causing her palms to tingle slightly.

Feng Shengxi's cloakroom has always been the only person who would enter by herself. Occasionally, the nanny and aunt would come to clean it. Bai Mo'er has her own cloakroom, and the rest of the family are men. Therefore, Bai Mo'er has no way to confirm when the ring appeared in her house, and whether Feng Shengxi bought it back or...

Not daring to think further, Bai Mo'er returned to her room uneasy, feeling that her heart was about to stop beating.

After sitting for a long time, Bai Mo'er gradually calmed down. It was quiet inside and outside the room. She lowered her head and stared at the ring carefully. It felt more and more like Gu Xiaoxiao's wedding ring.

The whole figure seemed to be sucked into a whirlpool. Bai Mo'er was a little weightless and fell on the bed without strength. Listening to her heartbeat clearly, she suddenly wanted to die like this. In this case, she would no longer need to know what happened to the ring...

"Mom, what the **** have you done..." In a low voice, Bai Mo'er felt particularly uneasy and sad. She will not return the ring, she has to figure out the truth.

Chu Yichen was busy in the study, top-heavy, the phone rang, tilted his head and glanced, after seeing Bai Mo'er's number, he mute the sound without saying anything, pretending not to see it.

Bai Mo'er was already very anxious, but he refused to answer Chu Yichen's call, which inevitably made Bai Mo'er feel at a loss.

What to do, what method does she use to determine whether this ring is Gu Xiaoxiao's? Is it possible that she will drag her half-dead body to find Gu Xiaoxiao? But even if she went, Gu Xiaoxiao would not be willing to see herself...

So annoying.

It's been a long time since I was so annoying.

Biting her lower lip vigorously, Bai Mo'er sent a message to Chu Yichen.

"Brother-in-law, call me back when you see the news. I have something I want to talk to you about my sister."

Lying on the bed holding a mobile phone, Bai Mo'er has long lost the thought of watching a bubble show. She didn't know Gu Xiaoxiao's current phone number, but she still knew Chu Xiaoxi's.

Deciding to make up his mind, Bai Mo'er called Chu Xiaoxi with the idea of ​​trying it out. What she didn't expect was that she got through...

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