Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1158: When do you want to hold Xiao Yiren?

Walking to Shen Qianyun, Chu Xiaoxi could see that she was very disappointed.

"But the doctor has already made some breakthroughs, so if you wait, maybe soon, she will remember the past."

"Well, no hurry." Nodded, Shen Qianyun was seen holding his hand and returned home.

"Grandma, this is a gift that my brother and sister bought for you!"

She took out something from her little schoolbag like a flattering, and handed it to Shen Qianyun's hands. An Jingyan sat upright, waiting for her to praise herself.

"Oh? Thank you for seeing you. Can I open it now?"

"Yeah! Yes!"

Blinking big eyes, An Jingyan stared at Shen Qianyun's movements motionlessly.

Unpacking, it is a jade hairpin. The color is very good, and it is expensive at first glance.

"They went with Xiao Xiao. They picked it right, but Xiao Xiao paid the money." Chu Xiaoxi explained with a smile, rubbing the hair of his cheeky son who came to ask for credit.

"What do you buy these things for good, really."

"Buying you something shows that she is thinking about you~ Not only this, she has a lot of things for you to buy there. Every time she goes out shopping, she never forgets your share. You granddaughter, even I have forgotten the past, and I can't forget to treat you well."

It was clear how to make Shen Qianyun happy, and Chu Xiaoxi smiled as soon as she said a few words.

"Let’s eat here tonight. Grandma will make you a good meal."

"Grandma, I want to eat meat!" An Jingyan raised his hand impatiently and said, as if Chu Xiaoxi wouldn't feed him meat at home.

"Well, I'll make meat for you."

"Then I will call Chenglang later and let him come over at night. By the way, grandma, what about my mother? I called her before I came, and she clearly said she was at home." I looked around, but nowhere. Chu Xiaoxi asked questioningly about Yao Muqing's figure.

"I went to the beauty salon, I should be back soon, wait a minute."

"This liar..." With a helpless sigh, Chu Xiaoxi continued to crooked with Shen Qianyun. After about half an hour, Yao Muqing finally returned from outside.

Holding An Jingyan and playing with him for a while, while Shen Qianyun got up and left, Yao Muqing asked mysteriously, "What's the matter with your brother? We didn't dare let your grandma know about the news."

"It was designed. I heard that when I returned to the hotel that day, I found a woman in the house."

"Recently, the scandal between him and Xiao Yiren has spread again. When is this Xiao Yiren, when Chenglang is going to hold it?" Yao Muqing asked with cold eyes, "When the contract is up, let it go properly."

Chu Xiaoxi understood her meaning from the lines of Yao Muqing's words.

Because of Xiao Yiren's popularity, the scandal between her and Chu Yichen has attracted much attention.

Chu Yichen's status in society cannot be changed, but Xiao Yiren, an actor, wants her to be hot or not, it is a simple matter.

Let Xiao Yiren's enthusiasm drop, the paparazzi will not keep staring at her and Chu Yichen. In this way, it is also easy to get rid of her as the subject of the scandal and re-establish the perfect husband and wife relationship between Chu Yichen and Gu Xiaoxiao in the eyes of media netizens.

Gu Xiaoxiao once said that Chu Yichen is a capitalist. The so-called capitalists usually have another image, that is, a robber.

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