Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1207: Peeking at Bai Mo'er's diary

"Where are you now?"

A low voice with a trace of anger came from the phone. Feng Shengxi answered truthfully after hearing it. "I just arrived in Hong Kong and I am preparing to go to the hotel."

"No need to go, come back."

"Why? Give a reason." Feng Shengxi frowned, not accepting such an unreasonable request from Bai Yingjie. How can there be any reason to go back right after arriving at the destination?

"When you come back, remember to bring Mo'er with you."

Bai Yingjie deliberately mentioned Bai Mo'er, which gave Feng Shengxi a particularly bad feeling. After dealing with him a few words, he hung up.

"Mom, is Dad calling? What's wrong with him?" Bai Mo'er asked suspiciously, turning his head to look at Feng Shengxi. "He is angry?"

"It's okay, tell us to have fun, and that he may not be at home when he goes back."

Without telling Bai Mo'er the truth, Feng Shengxi didn't plan to be as Bai Yingjie wished, so he would take Bai Mo'er back now.

Bai Yingjie was sitting in Bai Mo'er's room, looking at the photos on the bed and a few diaries, his anger had already reached the top of his head.

Chu Yichen asked him to find the ring, but he did not find it, but found them.

The whole box is all about Chu Yichen. The diary also clearly expressed Bai Mo'er's love for him and the pain he couldn't get.

"Why do all of this belong to my sister? She obviously didn't do anything, she was not so good, why did he have to be her? I hate this feeling, I really want to destroy all of this. I want to be with him. Being together, even if it's just a day."

Seeing these few lines, Bai Yingjie's eyes were red. He didn't expect to see this kind of thing when he peeped at his daughter's diary for the first time.

What a mess! ! !

Angrily got up and walked out of Bai Mo'er's room, waiting for Feng Shengxi to bring her back. Unfortunately, from morning to afternoon and then to dark, I didn't wait for a few people to show up. When I called Feng Shengxi again, it was already turned off.

Bai Mo'er's plan for this trip is one week. According to Feng Shengxi's attitude, Bai Yingjie will have to wait until a week later if he wants to see Bai Mo'er.

A punch hit the table, and Bai Yingjie made two more calls. Since they didn't plan to come back, he had to send someone to bring them back.

At 11:30 in the evening, Bai Yingjie was still calming her anger in the study. Feng Shengxi's active call made Bai Yingjie feel irritable again.

"Mo'er and the others are already asleep. What do you mean by that phone call today? Is there anything urgent at home?" Feng Shengxi asked softly, "Mo'er is so happy once, it is impossible for me to take her back so soon. Yes. Tell me what is going on first."

"You mother, you are really used to her."

Bai Yingjie's tone made Feng Shengxi unhappy. "That said, my daughter, who can I count on if I don't hurt? Are you a father who hasn't been at home all the time? Bai Yingjie, what is going on with you today?"

"Does Mo'er like Chu Yichen?"

Bai Yingjie's sudden question made Feng Shengxi silent.

How would he know? Why did you mention this suddenly?

"You knew it a long time ago?" Bai Yingjie came to a conclusion based on Feng Shengxi's reaction. It is precisely because of this that he is even more angry.

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