Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1218: What do you remember?

Yusuke Sakamoto watched the two leave, with one hand in his pocket, and did not intend to return to the house after he finished smoking.

He stood in the yard for a long time, for more than an hour, and then suddenly rushed into the house, shocking Su Qian.

Seeing Yusuke Sakamoto heading straight to the study, Su Qian knew he must have thought of something again. When Sakamoto was teaching at school, he occasionally got "nervous" like this. But this is a good performance, Su Qian is very clear.

Chu Yichen took Gu Xiaoxiao back home, the car stopped, he turned his head to look at Gu Xiaoxiao's profile, and gently woke her up.

Slowly opening his eyes, Gu Xiaoxiao silently looked at the surrounding environment. She has become accustomed to this, unconscious at Sakamoto's house and sober at her own house.

Without saying anything, Gu Xiaoxiao unfastened her seat belt and walked towards the residence. Chu Yichen strode to catch up with her, pulled her slender wrist, and hugged her into his arms with distress.

"We don't want to. I don't want you to think about those things before." I lowered my head and kissed her forehead. Every time I saw Gu Xiaoxiao who was tortured, Chu Yichen would ask himself, he wanted her to regain her memory. Is the move right or wrong?

"Did you drink?" Gu Xiaoxiao said softly, looking up at him. "Whatever nonsense, it has been treated for so long, so there is no reason to give up."

"I will call Sakamoto tomorrow to arrange for him to return to Japan."

"No!" Gu Xiaoxiao shook her head and refused. "I'm fine, I just feel a little tired. Moreover, I also think that Mr. Sakamoto's method should have some effect."

"Why do you say that? What do you remember?"

"Uncertain." Gu Xiaoxiao was a little confused, she could only truthfully convey her feelings to Chu Yichen. "When I was hypnotized by him before, I didn't feel at all. But the last few times, I felt a little scared. I don't know what makes me scared. I... I don't know how to deal with you. Described, like, like a layer of window paper, I can feel something on the opposite side, but I can't see it."

"Have you said these things to Sakamoto?" Chu Yichen asked with a frown.

"Yes, I talked to him about this last time, so don't worry, I will be fine."

The worry between Chu Yichen's eyebrows was not pretended, Gu Xiaoxiao could see it at a glance.

"Let's go back first, there are a lot of mosquitoes outside." Taking Chu Yichen's hand and walking back, Shen Qianyun was teaching two children to paint, and An Jingyan had been picked up by Chu Xiaoxi.

"Mom, do I still need to go to kindergarten tomorrow?" Chu Muqian asked in a low voice, lying on the bed after taking a shower, watching Gu Xiaoxiao who had just given him a goodnight kiss and was about to leave.

"Going." Turning and squatting down, Gu Xiaoxiao touched his soft hair, thought about it, and said, "Just like mom and dad need to go to the company to work every day, this is a must. It's a task. We can occasionally be willful and give ourselves a vacation, but we can't give up this task, do you understand?"

Chu Muqian nodded without understanding, "In short, you have to go to kindergarten."

"We go to work in the company, and you go to work in the kindergarten. When you grow up, you can be like us. Isn't that good?"

"Then I hope I can grow up soon."

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