Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1236: Don't lie to me, okay.

"Okay, I know." Chu Yichen nodded impatiently, "You have told me about this for ten minutes, so don't talk about it anymore."

"Just know!"

Chu Xiaoxi gave him an unhappy look, and Chu Xiaoxi thought he was strange. But seeing his impatient appearance, he didn't dare to say anything, so he swallowed the rest of the words back into his stomach and went downstairs to find Gu Xiaoxiao.

Chu Yichen watched her leave and sighed.

This girl is so sloppy, he thought she wouldn't know what happened last night, but he had suppressed the news. It seems that his sister is really paying attention to the movements of Xiao Yiren...

Someone took pictures of Chu Yichen attending the dinner with Xiao Yiren last night, and Chu Yichen taking Xiao Yiren home. When Chu Xiaoxi saw it this morning, almost his whole body was about to explode. I was busy all morning because of this, and then I came to Chu Yichen to settle the account.

What Chu Xiaoxi never expected was that she thought this incident would pass. However, some bold media reported it.

When seeing the gossip news on the mobile phone, Chu Xiaoxi almost burst into foul language. This Nima...what **** who is not afraid of death dare to fight her against her! ? She is going to smash his job! !

When Chu Xiaoxi saw the news, Gu Xiaoxiao would naturally also see it.

Sure enough...

After reading those photos, Gu Xiaoxiao had only this thought in her mind.

Sure enough, he was with Xiao Yiren last night.

In fact, when Chu Yichen came back today to take a bath, Gu Xiaoxiao had this idea. But she had no evidence, and she couldn't talk to Chu Yichen based on her own feelings.

Putting her hands around her knees, Gu Xiaoxiao sat on the bed. After Chu Yichen came back from the outside, she looked at him quietly with a sad and aggrieved expression.

"You didn't tell me you were with her." When Chu Yichen approached, Gu Xiaoxiao said in a low voice.

"I'm afraid you will think too much. I'm sorry, but my dear, things are not what you think." Chu Yichen explained by rubbing her hair. "I just met at a banquet, chatted a few words and drank a few glasses."

Talked a few words and drank a few cups...


If it hadn't been for Chu Yichen's perfunctory answer, Gu Xiaoxiao would not have realized that she felt so uncomfortable in her heart.

Originally, she wanted to ask Chu Yichen what was going on with those photos of Bai Mo'er, and whether it was calculated by someone to be captured like that, but now, she didn't want to say anything.

"Okay, I believe you."

After sighing, Gu Xiaoxiao nodded and said something against his will.

"But next time... can you tell me in advance if you encounter this kind of thing? Chu Yichen, I am not the kind of person who can make a fool of myself, but I don't want to hear such things from those gossiping people."

"Well, I promise you." Tears loomed in Gu Xiaoxiao's eyes, but she didn't even notice it. Chu Yichen looked in his eyes and couldn't help but hugged her into his arms distressedly. "Don't cry, I will pay attention to it in the future."

The word "Don't cry" made Gu Xiaoxiao's nose sore. Slowly raised his hand to hug him, feeling the temperature on his body, closing his eyes tired.

"Chu Yichen." After speaking in a low voice, Gu Xiaoxiao told the secret that had been pressing in his heart. "I like you, I really like it. Don't lie to me, never lie to me, okay?"

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