"No." Chu Yichen denied, but at this moment, his words were not so credible.

After sighing, Yao Muqing didn't want to argue with him, just warned, "I tell you, those messy people, I won't agree to let her enter the gate of Chu's house."

Chu Yichen knew that there was something in her words, and it was Xiao Yiren. Keeping his eyes on the phone screen, Chu Yichen didn't bother to explain anything. Besides, he can't say anything now, so he will follow them to guess and scold.

Gu Xiaoxiao's phone was finally turned on, but the location...

Big hospital? !

With a flash of eyes, Chu Yichen ran out in a panic. Yao Muqing didn't know what happened. When he chased to the door, Chu Yichen had already driven away.

In the hospital, Gu Xiaoxiao was lying on the bed with red eyes, and let the doctor treat her wounds.

Suicide by cutting the wrist, the same position, the same technique. If she didn't wake up in time, I am afraid she is no longer in this world.

She didn't know what Maekawa had done to her, but his promise did.

Jin Jing, Mu Yunfan, Ling Qianyu.

Shen Qianyun, Chu Xiaoxi, Chu Yichen.

That day, that call, that car accident.

She remembered all the familiar people and the things that happened.

Memories swept over like a tide, surrounding her. Scenes of the past flashed quickly in her mind, but she did not feel happy.

"All right."

The doctor sutured the wound on her wrist, glanced at her contemptuously, and turned around.

Most doctors look down on people who commit suicide. The one in front of Gu Xiaoxiao was one of them.

Sitting up far-fetched, Gu Xiaoxiao was still bleeding a bit too much. Looking down at the blood on her clothes, she sighed.

Just now she heard a nurse whispering and discussing her identity. If unsurprisingly, they must have felt that she could not bear the scandal between Chu Yichen and Xiao Yiren, so she chose to commit suicide.

Oh, how ironic.

Sitting on the hospital bed, Gu Xiaoxiao kept her eyes closed. It was not until all the blood in the blood bag was infused into her body and the nurse came to pull the needle for her, and she slowly opened her eyes.

"I can go now." Standing up, Gu Xiaoxiao asked softly. Seeing that the nurse was hesitant to speak, she strode out of the ward without waiting for her answer.

Not wanting to stay here for a moment, Gu Xiaoxiao walked quickly to the elevator entrance, looked down at the vibrating mobile phone in his hand, and refused Chu Yichen's call.

I don't want to listen to his voice or talk to him. She just wanted to find a place to sleep well, and leave everything else alone.

When the elevator came to the first floor, Gu Xiaoxiao headed straight towards the exit. She didn't pay attention to the pedestrians around, so when she was grabbed by the arm and forced to stop, Gu Xiaoxiao looked at her angrily, but she didn't expect to see Chu Yichen with a frightened face.

"Why are you here?"

She glanced up and down quickly, and when Chu Yichen's gaze fell on her wrist, Gu Xiaoxiao subconsciously put her hands behind her back and turned her head, not wanting to look at his face.

Want to cry.

Gu Xiaoxiao thought, no one should be able to appreciate the complicated emotions in her heart that were sad and happy when she saw him.

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