Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 125: Don't want to congratulate them

Although Chu Yichen hadn't had a temper in front of Gu Xiaoxiao, Gu Xiaoxiao had always felt that his temper might not be as good as he thought.

"You will know by then."

Chu Yichen smiled mysteriously and caught Gu Xiaoxiao's curiosity in his throat.

"When Jin Jing and Mu Yunfan get married, can I take you to their wedding?" Chu Yichen touched Gu Xiaoxiao's head and asked in a low voice.

"Their wedding?" Gu Xiaoxiao thought about it seriously, then shook her head and said, "No."


"Because I don't think I can be generous enough to go to the wedding scene to congratulate them." Leaning on Chu Yichen's arms, Gu Xiaoxiao would have lingering fears as long as he thought of those things that had happened. "Jin Jing has done so many bad things, it is too late for me to hide from her, so I don't want to see her again!"

Lowering his head, Gu Xiaoxiao grabbed Chu Yichen's hand, and absently pulled his sleeve.

"Xiao Xi said before that if they dare to invite me to their wedding, she would dare to take their photos in black and white as a portrait and give them as gifts. Although I don’t have that idea, I still don’t want to go, let alone Hope they can invite me."

"I thought that Xiaoxiao in our family didn't want to go to the wedding because of that person."

Although Chu Yichen didn't mention Mu Yunfan's name, Gu Xiaoxiao immediately realized who he was talking about.

"Don't think about it!" Gu Xiaoxiao hurriedly turned back to look at Chu Yichen. Because of his anxiety, he did not notice the playful smile at the corner of his mouth. "I don't like him anymore! Who he is with has nothing to do with me!"

After speaking, Gu Xiaoxiao later realized that her tone was a little anxious, and she explained again because she was afraid that Chu Yichen thought she was doing this because of a guilty conscience.

"Actually, it's normal for two people to separate and merge together. He chose someone else and I have nothing to resent. It's not so much that I was sad because of him, but rather it was a relationship I regretted for so long, and he I sold me with Jin Jing. I don’t regret knowing him, nor have I regretted being with him, but I don’t want to do it again, and I know that he will not have me in his future stories, I He will no longer be needed in future life."

"Madam's remarks meant to tell me, what you like now, what you need in your future life, is it me?"

The faint smile in Chu Yichen's eyes made Gu Xiaoxiao regret that she had said so much. Turning his head and not touching his scorching gaze, Gu Xiaoxiao curled his lips and whispered in a low voice: "Anyway, what you say makes sense, but I can't tell you."

Embracing Gu Xiaoxiao's soft body, Chu Yichen kissed her side face, and leaned on the sofa without saying anything.

His little wife can always make him happy unknowingly, but she doesn't even know it.

"That's right, I forgot to ask you something last time." Gu Xiaoxiao stayed for a while, waited for her face to stop flushing, then looked back at Chu Yichen, incarnate as a learning baby and asked: "The two stocks, you were originally On what basis did they choose them?"

Gu Xiaoxiao wanted to ask him before, but he didn't expect to fall asleep when he came here, and he didn't succeed.

"I have made a lot of money! I have earned back all the previous losses!" Gu Xiaoxiao looked at Chu Yichen with admiration, "You teach me, okay?"

"Want to learn?"

"Of course I want to learn!" Gu Xiaoxiao nodded repeatedly, and said sincerely: "You are so good, you must have some secret?"

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