Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1257: Is Chu Yichen acting?

Gu Xiaoxiao was stiff, listening to these words of Sakamoto Yusuke, she had only two thoughts in her mind.

One is that this perverted Maekawa is really perverted.

The second is...Her husband hasn't been lost, she doesn't need to get a divorce and go to court.

Looking at Yusuke Sakamoto intently, after confirming that he was not lying to herself, Gu Xiaoxiao wanted to go out to eat barbecue.

She hasn't eaten well recently, shouldn't she make up for it? But having said that, even if it is acting, Chu Yichen, the bastard, is acting too much...

Thinking of the photo of him and Xiao Yiren hugging each other, Gu Xiaoxiao's teeth itchy.

"Mr. Sakamoto, if I don't tell him about recovering my memory, then I know that he lied to me. Don't tell him for now, OK?"

Gu Xiaoxiao also wanted to see what other tricks Chu Yichen could perform.

Seeing Gu Xiaoxiao's careful thinking, Yusuke Sakamoto nodded with a smile. He did this not only for Gu Xiaoxiao. Moreover, there are also reasons from Maekawa.

There is no doubt that Maekawa will shoot Gu Xiaoxiao. Sakamoto Yusuke can't go back to Japan yet, he wants to stay here to stop Maekawa's behavior. The only reason he stayed here was to continue to treat Gu Xiaoxiao.

If Maekawa wants to watch a good show, they will show him.

The two went out of the study one after another, and Chu Yichen and Chu Xiaoxi looked back one after another.

Standing behind Gu Xiaoxiao, Sakamoto Yusuke slowly shook his head, indicating that Chu Yichen is still making no progress.

Gu Xiaoxiao walked directly to Chu Yichen and the others, and asked, "I want to go back to the company and send Mr. Sakamoto back by the way. Do you want to go together?"

"Well, together."

The three of them left as soon as they said they left, and Chu Xiaoxi was left alone in the family soon.

An Jingyan had a better cold today, so he went to kindergarten with Chu Muqian and the others in the morning. Chu Xiaoxi stayed at home alone and bored, after thinking about it, he also drove out.

After Gu Xiaoxiao sent Sakamoto back to his place of residence, he went to the company. Sitting in the position of the co-pilot, Gu Xiaoxiao had long expected that Chu Yichen would ask herself something. So when he really asked, she answered very easily.

"Didn't you say that you don't want to receive treatment? Why are you so cooperative today?"

"Well, I called grandma last night, and after a few conversations, I thought it would be better to remember."

"When I went out last night?" No wonder I was so cold, it seemed that I had been standing outside for a long time.


Back at the company, Gu Xiaoxiao quickly entered her office and sat in a chair with a giggle. One hand is in a state of "waste", so she uses one hand in everything, and the speed will naturally be much slower.

Chu Yichen...should be going to see Yiren Xiao recently, right? Does Xiao Yiren also know that Chu Yichen is acting?

I want to know this, but I don't have the right opportunity. Gu Xiaoxiao looked at the documents on the desk and received a call when it was approaching four o'clock.

Gu Xiaoxiao recognized its owner by looking at the phone number.

Bai Yingjie...what did he call himself for?

Answering the phone hesitantly, Gu Xiaoxiao knew that he was in city B now.

"Want to see me?" Listening to the other party's request, Gu Xiaoxiao frowned and nodded. "Then I'm down now, you wait a moment."

Bai Yingjie is here, just downstairs in the company.

Gu Xiaoxiao sighed and went downstairs. Looking at the man standing at the gate, he slowly slowed down.

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