Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1260: Don’t worry about things you shouldn’t care about

"Xiao Yiren just called you, I was annoying, so I refused to answer. Would you like to call Xiao Damei?"

Chu Yichen didn't even look at his cell phone, and he lifted the quilt on the bed and sat next to Gu Xiaoxiao.

Gu Xiaoxiao tilted her head to look at him, not as if she was drunk. So she teased and said, "You didn't get drunk after drinking so much today. Why did you drink a piece of it at a dinner with Xiao Yiren that day?"

"What do you want to say?" Chu Yichen raised her eyebrows lightly and asked rhetorically when she heard that she was deliberately making fun of herself.

"Is Xiao Yiren drinking? Looking at her, I drink more?" Gu Xiaoxiao's expression was unusually serious, and Chu Yichen looked at it, not knowing if she was joking or what.

"She drinks, then what do you drink?"

"I'm going to eat! I cook so delicious, how can she compare." Gu Xiaoxiao answered his question dismissively. "Forget it, let's go to sleep~ good night."

Going into the bed, Gu Xiaoxiao was afraid that she would reveal her original form as she spoke... Ever since she talked with Sakamoto Yusuke that day, she wanted to rush to hug him, kiss him, and talk to him every day. say something.

Watching Gu Xiaoxiao's behavior, Chu Yichen reached out to help her cover her quilt, and then turned off the TV.

Gu Xiaoxiao thought he would sleep later, but after waiting for a long time, he still sat there.

Turning around slowly, Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but curiously asked, "What are you thinking?"

"Can't sleep with the light on?" Chu Yichen asked instead.

"No." He shook his head and pulled the quilt to cover his face.

"No, it's not, why don't you see anyone?" Chu Yichen sighed secretly while rubbing her hair and turned off the light.

Bai Yingjie came to City B this time to find someone. Before leaving, he explained to Chu Yichen the origin of the ring in Bai Mo'er's hand and Feng Shengxi's remarks.

For those words, Chu Yichen would definitely not believe it. And Bai Yingjie himself was also dubious, so he came over in person to find out.

When Bai Yingjie came here, Feng Shengxi would naturally be uneasy. The truth was revealed, and her anger needed someone to vent. And that person is most likely the one beside him.

How to do? If possible, Chu Yichen really hopes to fold her up like folded clothes, stuff her into her pocket, and take it with her wherever she goes. In that case, it won't be like now, as long as you can't see her, you will feel restless...

Chu Yichen did not receive Xiao Yiren's call. And the next morning, when Chu Yichen first arrived at the company, she called again.

"There is a charity dinner tonight, do you want to go there together?"

"I have something tonight, it is not convenient to go there, let's find someone else."

"Really don't come?" Chu Yichen's refusal made Yiren Xiao feel a little disappointed. "It seems that the man named Ito Rye would also be there."

Ito Rietsu, also known as Ryusaki Takumi. It seems that Xiao Yiren has spent a lot of time on Gu Xiaoxiao during this period.

Chu Yichen didn't know if Long Qi came to China. But he knew very well that he needed to remind Xiao Yiren.

"Do your own duty. If you shouldn't be in charge of it, don't make trouble."

Listening to Chu Yichen's unhappy warning, Xiao Yiren bit her lip.

"Well, okay, I get it. That's it, you're busy first, call me if you have anything to do."

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