Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1263: Shao Chu's concentration is not enough today

The other party saw them too, but he didn't intend to get closer now.

Chu Yichen smiled meaningfully, raised the wine glass in his hand and took a sip. When Gu Xiaoxiao saw this, she also drank the red wine in her glass, and Chu Yichen frowned.

Ignoring his gloomy gaze, Gu Xiaoxiao deliberately pretended not to see it. Turning his head, he looked at Long Qi with a smile, and chatted with him about what happened during this time.

"Is you coming to China for the business of Hefengyang Group?"

"Our partners in China are not only Fengyang." Ryugasaki Takumi denied, "If you have time, I hope you can walk with me more and meet customers."

"You are so magnanimous... I am currently working in Fengyang Group, so you are not afraid that I will reveal the secrets of your company?"

"I believe in you and know who you are."

Long Qi Takumi's trust made Gu Xiaoxiao feel a little bit embarrassed. If he knew, she promised to accompany him to the banquet today, just to vomit with Chu Yichen, I wonder if he would laugh and say those just now.

"Are you not going to return to Japan recently? Didn't you go to see that Sakamoto Yusuke every once in a while?"

"Mr. Sakamoto is here now, so I don't need to go back for the time being. There are still some things that have not been processed here." Gu Xiaoxiao answered truthfully, "And..."

"And what?"

"And even if it's done, I might not live in Japan any longer." Seriously looking at Ryugasaki Takumi, Gu Xiaoxiao said in a low voice, "I think I still prefer here more."

Ryugasaki Takumi smiled faintly when he heard this, and stretched out his hand to straighten the hair around her ear.

"No matter where you are, the most important thing is that you are happy, and the others don't matter."

The interaction between the two of them was naturally not low-key, and Chu Yichen had always been staring in their direction. When he saw Ryusaki Takumi touching Gu Xiaoxiao's hair, his face was terribly ugly.

Xiao Yiren stood beside him, and his reaction to him was naturally very clear. The heart was boring, and Xiao Yiren knew that Gu Xiaoxiao's position in his heart was still unmatched. Otherwise... he would not come to himself for Gu Xiaoxiao.

"Do you want to go there?" Xiao Yiren suggested when he raised his eyes to look at Chu Yichen. "After all, we all know each other. It's good to have a drink and say a few words."

Xiao Yiren knows how to catch the sight of others in the crowd. If the four of them stand together tonight, maybe how many people will be photographed. There is no need to think about the headlines tomorrow, it will definitely be this.

There was no answer to Xiao Yiren, but Chu Yichen had already opened his legs and walked towards Gu Xiaoxiao.

Gu Xiaoxiao secretly noticed the movement on his side and smiled slyly.

I can't calm down before her~ Hey, it seems that Shao Chu's concentration is not enough today.

Pulling the corners of Long Qi's clothes with his back facing Chu Yichen and the others, Gu Xiaoxiao motioned for him to come "guest". Ryuqi Takumi looked back, smiled slightly, and turned to look directly at Chu Yichen.

The two went straight to them. Gu Xiaoxiao also smelled the fragrance of Xiao Yiren's body. It seemed that she really liked the smell.

"President Chu, it's been a long time."

"long time no see."

The wine glass in his hand touched, and Gu Xiaoxiao watched them drank the wine in one fell swoop, and thoughtfully took the empty wine glass in Long Qi's hand and exchanged one for him.

The two of them looked at each other and smiled. It was not the first time that they knew this kind of cooperation.

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