Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1296: Chu Yichen is careful and grudges!

Chu Yichen smiled silently, thinking of something that happened in Japan a few months ago.

It was very exciting for Chu Yichen to find Gu Xiaoxiao.

After a few years of separation, Gu Xiaoxiao's temperament will change, which is also expected by Chu Yichen. Losing her memory, she was estranged from him, and Chu Yichen could understand this. However, Gu Xiaoxiao was so close to other men, which made Chu Yichen unacceptable.

Long Qi Takumi, Chu Yichen had heard of his name before going to Japan, and knew a little about him.

When Gu Xiaoxiao tried to persuade Chu Yichen not to be too stiff with Longqi Takumi, there was a saying that was right. In Japan, no matter what you want to do, you cannot ignore the relationship with the local underworld elements.

Now these gangsters/Daoists, even though they are no longer what they used to be, they always yell at them. This is especially true for the upper-class people. In the final analysis, their identity nature is still there, so in some respects, it will not change. For example: yin and cruel.

Chu Yichen is going to set up a branch in Japan, and the preparations must be done well. So he went to Huo Yunxiu, who also had a black/dao force in his family, and asked him something about Ryuqi Takumi.

Huo Yunxiu and Longqi Takumi have met twice, once in the United States and once in Hong Kong.

"Unscrupulous", this is his entire evaluation of Ryugasaki Takumi.

Ryugasaki Takumi has his own way of doing things. He might suddenly throw you a cold arrow and hit you by surprise. Although he is young, he has accepted all the business of the family and the company, and is deeply supported by his subordinates.

Knowing this from Huo Yunxiu's mouth, Chu Yichen would naturally no longer despise the Longqi Takumi who had never met. And before he went to Japan and saw the scene of Ryugasaki Takumi and Gu Xiaoxiao together, Chu Yichen had never thought of fighting Ryugasaki Takumi.

The strong dragon can't beat the earth snake, this sentence definitely has its reason. Chu Yichen only wanted to make money, but didn't intend to provoke the Longqi family. but……

Robbing his wife is unbearable. You can not make money, and your wife cannot give it away. In the relationship between the two, Chu Yichen still clearly distinguished.

Gu Xiaoxiao was in Japan at that time, and she was particularly reluctant to meet with Chu Yichen. But she and Ryugasaki Takumi were together, but they laughed very happily.

According to Huang An’s investigation, Gu Xiaoxiao played a game in Japan. And that game was also developed and produced by Longqi's company. I heard that Ryugasaki Takumi also played with Gu Xiaoxiao, and the two got married in the game. When Chu Yichen heard this, he was furious. Later, I quarreled with Gu Xiaoxiao because of other things. When I left, I saw the computer she had placed on the table, glanced at it, and took it to heart.

"So, you hold a grudge against me because of this incident. You spend manpower, material and financial resources to avenge me specifically?!"

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at Chu Yichen dubiously.

"You are too careful and too hateful! And Huang Xing lied about military affairs! My game is married, but the male number is my own, my trumpet! What's the problem with my own marriage? ?!"

"So, Huang Xing is to blame for this matter, and you can't blame me." Chu Yichen followed her words and said, naturally shifting the responsibility to Huang Xing.

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