Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1300: Embarrass Xiao Yiren

Looking back, Gu Xiaoxiao scanned the crowd in the store. When Chu Yichen responded to the waiter, she also saw Xiao Yiren with a bad face.

"There are only two people."

Throwing a word lightly, Chu Yichen turned around, glanced at the direction where Xiao Yiren was, and patted Gu Xiaoxiao on the head.

"Let's go, it's not that you are hungry, why are you still here?"

"I..." Gu Xiaoxiao looked at him hesitantly, still not understanding what was going on.

Is this a tripartite talk? Choosing such a place must be photographed. When did Chu Yichen like doing such high-profile things?

Ignoring Gu Xiaoxiao's embarrassment, Chu Yichen took her shoulders and led her towards that way.

Xiao Yiren did not expect that Chu Yichen would bring Gu Xiaoxiao over, so the moment Gu Xiaoxiao walked in, there was no smile on her face. After the two people came before them, they used the professional skills of the actors again and greeted them with a smile.

"Yi Chen, Xiao Xiao." Standing up to talk to the two, Xiao Yiren already felt that someone was taking pictures.

Chu Yichen walked up to her and made Xiao Yiren's heart stop beating for a while. Seeing him pull the chair back, and then push Gu Xiaoxiao to sit on it, Xiao Yiren's mind goes blank.

"Thank you for helping us locate the son. Now you can go back."

Without looking at Xiao Yiren's instant pale face, Chu Yichen sat down opposite Gu Xiaoxiao.

Help them locate the sub? He didn't say that before...!

Xiao Yiren stood there stiffly, and Gu Xiaoxiao looked at her expression, knowing that she must have been put on by Chu Yichen.

But why did Chu Yichen do this?

"You need to be so polite with me." Soon, Xiao Yiren reacted and adjusted to the best condition.

She smiled slightly, looked down at Chu Yichen in the seat, and said softly, "I heard from my friends that the things here are indeed pretty good, Xiao Xiao, your hand injury should be almost healed, right?"

"Well, thank you for your concern." Gu Xiaoxiao nodded and watched her one-man show.

"That's good, I'm still worried, I want to find a chance to see you, I finally saw you today, you..."

"Don't leave yet?" Chu Yichen looked at the talking Xiao Yiren and asked in a cold voice. The perfect mask that Xiao Yiren had only half-speaking had finally cracked.

The smile at the corner of his mouth became stiff, and Xiao Yiren picked up the handbag beside the table and took a deep breath.

"Then I'll go first, you have a good meal."

After speaking, she turned and strode away. Gu Xiaoxiao stared at her thin back, feeling the girl a little bit painful.

Slowly retracting her gaze, Gu Xiaoxiao looked at the opposite person with her hands resting on her cheeks. Seeing that she had been staring at herself, Chu Yichen asked innocently, "What's wrong?"

What's wrong... He was so embarrassed to ask what's wrong.

The waiter walked over to place an order for them. Gu Xiaoxiao temporarily left the words on his lips, looked at the menu, and then handed it to Chu Yichen with a tangled expression.

Chu Yichen had expected this a long time ago, and asked with a smile, "I don't know what I want to eat?"

"Well, you order."

After quickly helping her decide on today's dinner, the menu was returned to the waiter, and Chu Yichen looked at her again. "What are you laughing at?"

"Laughing at you." Gu Xiaoxiao still put her hands on her cheeks, "making Miss Xiao be so embarrassed, do you want to ask someone out in the future?"

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