After chatting a few words about Bai Yingjie with the other party, Su Zhiying hung up and went to work on her business. When she came to China this time, she didn't say hello to Gu Xiaoxiao, nor did she want Gu Xiaoxiao to know. I heard that Gu Xiaoxiao has recovered her memory. I don’t know when they will meet next time...

Gu Xiaoxiao arrived at the company with Chu Yichen in the morning, but as soon as he walked to the door of the meeting room, he was called away by a call, and then he did not come back all day.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Gu Xiaoxiao came to Chu Yichen's office. Looking at the empty room, I don't know what happened, because when I called Chu Yichen, it was turned off.

In a small alley in City B, Chu Yichen parked the car at the door of a certain house.

That's it, Maekawa's hiding place for so many days is here.

"Are you sure you don't need me to go in with you?" Chu Yichen looked at Yusuke Sakamoto next to him when he opened the door and felt that if he started with the people inside, he would have no chance to prevail.

"If I don't come out in ten minutes, it's not too late for you to go in again."

Sakamoto Yusuke glanced back at him, walked over and knocked on the door. Chu Yichen leaned on the car, looked at the slowly opening door and the face that appeared inside, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

I have to say that this Maekawa is really amazing. I swaggered out of the prison, not to mention, and went to other people's homes to eat and drink for so many days.

Those who live in this area are all migrant workers. Most of them are not familiar with the neighbors who live next to them when they leave early and return late. In addition, since Maekawa has not been out since he came here, it is even more difficult to be discovered.

Sakamoto Yusuke insisted on coming to see Maekawa, and wanted to chat with Maekawa alone. Chu Yichen didn't understand what he wanted to do, but it was impossible for him to let go of Maekawa Yong.

With a gun around his waist, he stood there calmly, smoking a cigarette, waiting for others to appear.

Just on the way here, Chu Yichen had already shared the address with Chu Yixuan and others when Yusuke Sakamoto was not paying attention. Not surprisingly, they will appear here in two or three minutes.

In the dim and narrow room, Maekawa was bent over, and it was difficult to stand up straight.

Sakamoto Yusuke looked at the environment here, it is hard to imagine that Maekawa Yusuke, who is serious about cleanliness, would hide here for half a month.

"Don't give up?" Sakamoto's gaze fell on the table, looking at something there, he whispered, "You can't escape. You should know that you can't leave the city by any means. ."

"Maybe, I can hypnotize people outside in just ten seconds?"

"Give up this idea. He is not Gu Xiaoxiao. For ten seconds, not only will you not be able to hypnotize him, but you may die at his hands." Sakamoto Yusuke said with certainty, "I know you are not. I will give up, so this time, I will follow you myself until you are executed."

"Am I going to die? Not necessarily." Maekawa smiled weirdly, glanced at the direction outside the house, and raised his eyebrows. "It seems that your worries are reasonable. They are so fast. ."

As soon as Maekawa said, the fragile door was kicked open from the outside.

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