Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1317: Try to marry the eldest brother!

Seeing Li Youran turning around to leave, Gu Xiaoxiao asked on a whim, " your phone number the same?"

Li Youran was taken aback by her question, turned her head to look at her, her face full of consternation.

"Do you remember my cell phone number?"

"Um..." Gu Xiaoxiao frowned, trying to think about the snowy winter, the girl who accidentally forced Chu Yichen's car to stop, and the series of numbers she said.

"I don't seem to remember..." Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't remember the matter too long. She stepped forward to Li Youran in two steps and asked in a low voice, "Say it again?"

"Hmm..." Li Youran hesitated for a while, nodded and said okay. He whispered a series of numbers in her ear, and then walked forward, accompanied by those people to visit the child.

As soon as she left, Gu Xiaoxiao quickly entered the number into the phone, for fear that she would forget it again. I took my baby home happily. After I went back, I did not forget to report the good news to Chu Xiaoxi.

"Guess who I saw today?"

The two sat on the sofa eating watermelon, and Gu Xiaoxiao asked mysteriously.

"Who is it?" Chu Xiaoxi glanced at her obliquely, "Don't tell me, just say it quickly."

"Little sister, I saw her."

"Which little Taimei? When did you still know Xiao...Little Taimei?!" As she said, Chu Xiaoxi remembered who she was talking about. "How can you always meet her? I can't see it!"

"Fate?" Gu Xiaoxiao smiled, "I asked her to call, ask her to go out for a meal another day?"

"Make an appointment! Don't change the day, just tomorrow! Anyway, everyone has time!" Chu Xiaoxi was even more anxious than her. "By the way, is she married yet?"

"do not know……"

"Then meet and ask, hey, we are really broken for the sake of elder brother..."

"Big brother doesn't want you to worry, okay?" Gu Xiaoxiao said with a wry smile.

"He has no right to speak now. He is in his thirties and is about to be an old man. You can't let him rotten at home. He has to find a way to sell it quickly. I will admit it with more dowry!"

Chu Xiaoxi's tone was like Chu Yixuan was a defective product that she had kept in her hand for a long time, as long as she gave money, she would sell it.

Urging Gu Xiaoxiao to Yue Li Youran to come out, there was no way, Gu Xiaoxiao had to send her a message.

Li Youran returned to the room after finishing his meal downstairs, saw the message from Gu Xiaoxiao, thought for a moment, and replied.

"Sorry, I can't meet you tomorrow if I have something."

"Look, I was rejected." Gu Xiaoxiao looked at the phone and sighed faintly.

But while she sighed, Li Youran sent another one, "If you don't mind, let's make an appointment on Tuesday afternoon, okay?"

May I?

of course can!

Gu Xiaoxiao answered her quickly, and then smiled at Chu Xiaoxi.

"How do I think we two are good eight women?" Gu Xiaoxiao smiled afterwards, "If I let the eldest brother know, I will definitely be angry."

"Where is the eight-woman? The country advocates late marriage and late childbirth, but does it not advocate that he is not married and infertile?! I just said that he is thirty, but it is because he is my elder brother to give him face. Actually... he is thirty-one! Let me tell you, we are doing good deeds! Push him out, our house really has no idlers!"

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