Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1319: My brother doesn't suit your appetite?

What Li Youran said was very helpless, Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Xiaoxi both saw this feeling on her face.

Chu Xiaoxi looked at the car outside thoughtfully again. The rich and powerful people in City B are gathered, and there are also a lot of rich and powerful people. Listening to Li Youran, the backing of the family must not be small. Otherwise, he would not worry that his daughter would be robbed when he went out.

The family is either rich or expensive, and the surname is Li...

Chu Xiaoxi thought hard, wondering who's daughter she is, and whether she might know her at home. In this way, it can also be kissed.

"Xiao Xiao, where have you been in the past few years?" Li Youran finally said something down-to-earth, making Chu Xiaoxi less sleepy.

"Japan has always been in Japan."

"Is Japan fun?" Li Youran asked curiously, "I haven't been there yet."

"It's okay. If you have time, let's go and play together. I'm quite familiar with that."

"I'll talk about it later." Li Youran's eyes sank, "I may not be able to come out usually."

Somehow, when Gu Xiaoxiao heard her say such things, looking at the expression on her face, he would always think of the "little Taimei" from before. At that time, Li Youran was much happier than now.

"You Ran, are you married?" Chu Xiaoxi tilted his head and asked about the key things.

"not yet."

"Wow, introduce your boyfriend? Would you like it?" Chu Xiaoxi raised her eyebrows and continued to ask.

"Okay, as long as it's not your elder brother, everyone is fine." Li Youran also responded with the same smile, but when she came out, Chu Xiaoxi's expression suddenly froze.

The mind was dismantled, and also directly refused.

Li Youran knew she had guessed right when she saw her reaction. She pursed her lips and said with her eyes down. If it does, forget it, the two of us are not suitable."

"My brother doesn't suit your appetite?"

"I don't like him."

"That's because he has a stomach problem. I'll just go back and get him some medicine." With a sigh of relief, Chu Xiaoxi stared at Li Youran while resting his cheeks with both hands.

If she said that, it was still a bit interesting to Chu Yixuan... Isn't it obvious that women chase men's interlayer yarn?

"Your house is so strict, so you won't be invited to our house for dinner today. Don't come out next time, go directly to the house." Chu Xiaoxi continued to pursue the iron while the iron was hot. Gu Xiaoxiao sat next to her, watching her behavior, saying that she was like a matchmaker, and embarrassed to interrupt her...

"Okay, I'll have a chance next time." Li Youran nodded and looked at the two opposite people enviously. He concealed the gloom in his eyes and said, "Then I will go back today. I'm glad to see you two. Let's meet again next time."

"Well, don't embarrass you, go back soon."

The two got up to send her out, and after seeing the car quickly disappearing from sight, Chu Xiaoxi shook his head frowningly.

"What age is this? Her father is too strict."

"It might be because of my distressed daughter, we don't understand the situation, so don't jump to conclusions so quickly. She is willing to see us, I think it's pretty good. Anyway, there is more time, so take your time."

"Wrong, time is running out, I must sell my big brother this year."

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