Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1322: The Chu family is indeed valuable

He took a breath, and finally sighed when he left Li's house.

Chu Xiaoxi sat in the back of the car and wailed twice before accusing Chu Yichen.

"Brother!! Didn't you say that Li Jing has a daughter!"

"He has a daughter." Chu Yichen felt innocent. "Have you seen it just now?"

"Then... Then why don't you make it clear?! You didn't tell me that Li Jing's daughter is only two years old!!?"

"People are old enough to have children, and the law doesn't stipulate that you can't have children when you are old. And you didn't ask me, how do I know what you want to do?"

Chu Xiaoxi felt ashamed. Fortunately, she didn't bring Yao Muqing with him today.

When returning to the old house last night, Chu Xiaoxi couldn't hold back and told Yao Muqing about Li Youran. Originally, Yao Muqing wanted to go with them to meet his future daughter-in-law, but then I thought that this pomp was too big and it was easy to scare people. After all, the character hadn't been written yet, so I just endured waiting at home. Good news for Chu Xiaoxi.

"If Mom followed and saw her daughter-in-law is only two years old, how would you feel in my heart?" Gu Xiaoxiao turned around and teased, Chu Xiaoxi wanted to cry.

"Gu Xiaoxiao, don't gloat! You have to take half the responsibility for today's affairs! Go back and quickly call Li Youran and ask her dad what is his name. Next time, I must not find the wrong person! Today is really embarrassing. Now, let me tell you, Li Jing must have had an injection on his wife’s **** and face!"

Chu Yichen didn't say a word, listening to the conversation between the two quietly, already guessing something.

Li Youran... I seem to have heard this name somewhere...

The wrong person was found, which made Chu Xiaoxi a big blow. After returning home, Gu Xiaoxiao was forced to call Li Youran and then ask her out.

Li Youran was at home at this time, having dinner with Jiang Sheng, who had rarely come back. The last time I saw him was a month ago.

"Who did you go out to meet the other day?" asked Li Youran casually about the past few days, and Li Youran was not surprised by his questioning.

"Meet two friends."


"It's not a friend or friend, don't worry." Li Youran said unhappily while eating, "I didn't reveal my identity. Haven't you always felt that I was ashamed of you and couldn't integrate into the upper class? Then I will have two. Friends from the upper class are good. The wife and sister of the president of Fengyang Group, they were the last time I went out to meet. Not surprisingly, I should see them often in the future. Although they are merchants full of copper, but There should also be political people in the Chu family. Is it an enemy? Or a friend? Do I need to do something?"

Li Youran answered straightforwardly. She stared into Jiang Sheng's eyes, waiting for his answer. Seeing him nodded and Yoyo said something like "Chu Family, there is indeed some value for use", she almost threw the chopsticks in her hand.

"Well, I will have a good relationship with them."

Holding back his emotions, Li Youran said obediently. Jiang Sheng glanced at her, didn't say anything, and went to the study after eating.

Li Youran returned to her room and saw Gu Xiaoxiao's missed calls and messages sent, feeling heavy and complicated.

"If you know the purpose of my going to see you, will you find me again in the future...?"

Li Youran lay down on the bed dejectedly, and Li Youran began to reply to Gu Xiaoxiao's text messages.

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