Back home, Li Youran immediately ran to the study, turned on the computer, and swiped the web to read the news, check the information and read the comments. But after half an hour of busying, she realized that what childish behavior is she doing?

If these things can be seen by just reading a few reports and listening to the remarks of a few anonymous netizens, isn't she looking down on Jiang Sheng's IQ? !

There was a nameless anger in her heart, and now, Li Youran really doesn't want Gu Xiaoxiao and the others to come and find herself again. Even if she wants to have more friends, it's okay to go out and see some people she likes. However, when the two heartless girls just had this kind of thought, a phone call came, causing Li Youran's body just lying down to jump up again.

Staring straight at the phone, Li Youran was dare not answer the call. When the bell finally stopped, she slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"I didn't answer, should I be sleeping or something?" Gu Xiaoxiao turned to look at Chu Xiaoxi, "I think she should not be able to get out today, let's go by ourselves."

"Well, I also think, let's go~"

Chu Xiaoxi nodded, and the two walked out of the house one after another.

Fu Ziheng and Chen Jingyao's wedding is coming soon, and Su Zuonan, as Chen Jingyao's younger brother, can't stop attending. He had an announcement in City B today, so he called Gu Xiaoxiao. I don't know what's urgent, I must see her.

The big celebrity can't help but give face, so Gu Xiaoxiao obediently went to meet, and also accompanied a proprietress.

"How did you come?"

"What's your tone?" Chu Xiaoxi looked at Su Zuonan who was interrogating, and raised an eyebrow dissatisfiedly. Why do you look disgusted?"

Chu Xiaoxi said it nicely, but in fact, she just came to join in the fun at home because she was bored at home. Everyone can see this very clearly.

Su Zuonan was too lazy to expose her and changed the subject. "Chen Jingyao gets married, will both of you pass by?"

"Sure, what's the matter?" Gu Xiaoxiao nodded and asked, "Don't you want to go back too?"

"Go back, you help me pick a wedding gift these days."

"Su Zuonan, aren't you, let me help with this kind of thing?"

"I don't have time. I have to fly to Shenzhen after I'm busy at 12:30 in the evening. You two are looking at the selection. Also, what's the situation between you and Xiao Yiren?"

"I and Xiao Yiren?" Gu Xiaoxiao looked confused, "What can I do with her? Why do you suddenly ask?"

"Isn't it a while ago that the two of you had a fight? Her assistant called me today, and it seemed that she wanted to get close to me."

"I think Yiren Xiao will be destroyed by her assistant sooner or later." Thinking of that Mai Kexin, Gu Xiaoxiao snorted. "I even wonder if Xiao Yiren really knows about her calling you."

Several people walked downstairs to eat. Su Zuonan recently added a lot of announcements inexplicably because of Xiao Yi, which made him unhappy. Although he made a lot of money in this way, he is not short of money now, only time to rest.

After arriving at the place to eat, Su Zuonan said slowly, "Oh, yes, this place today is Xiao Yi's choice. Not surprisingly, she should be waiting in it now."

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