"Feng Shengxi, you are... hopeless!" Bai Yingjie was incredulous as she listened to what she said. "What do these things have to do with Xiaoxiao?"

"If you are not so nervous when you mention her, then maybe these things have nothing to do with her."

Bai Yingjie's reaction made Feng Shengxi's face a sarcastic smile.

"Do you care about her so much? You never felt so nervous when Mo'er was there?"

"You are really crazy." Bowing her head, Bai Yingjie put away the divorce agreement, not wanting to waste her tongue. Leaving straight from her, Bai Yingjie left the house at night, leaving Feng Shengxi in the room alone, sad.


She actually got divorced.

Feng Shengxi has experienced this feeling like a dream twice recently.

Sleepless all night, Feng Shengxi went down early the next morning. Looking at Bai Anqing, who was sitting on the sofa watching the morning news, walked over.

"Dad." When she came to Bai Anqing, she whispered, "I divorced Yingjie."

Bai Anqing's eyes flashed and looked at her intently, but after all, she didn't say anything.

There have been too many things at home during this period of time, one after another, making Bai Anqing, the old man, more and more able to bear it.

"Sit down, I will ask you two things."

After patted the location beside her, Bai Anqing spoke after a long silence. Feng Shengxi sat down obediently, and then heard him say.

"The marriage between you and Yingjie was originally decided by me. Now that you are divorced, I must be unwilling to do so. But Yingjie has already gotten his heart out. No matter what I say is useless, so I can't help it. I know you. Some things have happened in my family recently. Don’t think that I am afraid of their Chu family, so I want to let you leave my house. The reason I have not spoken about these things is that I am waiting for you to give me an explanation."

Bai Anqing fixedly looked at Feng Shengxi's eyes, and asked every word.

"You really did what Gu Xiaoxiao did? Why did you do it?"

Even if the evidence is conclusive, Bai Anqing still can't believe that his daughter-in-law, who has served him for decades, would actually do those things.


Feng Shengxi flickered, and finally made Bai Anqing impatient after hesitating.

"Yes or not?!" Bai Anqing looked at her sternly, Feng Shengxi nodded slowly after shaking her body.

"Yes, I did it. I did it for Mo'er. I just let her leave for a few years. It didn't hurt her, did it?"

"Okay, I see." Bai Anqing spoke for a long time, "I already know about your father, and Yingjie told me what Yingjie meant. I will try my best to handle this matter."

When she got up, Bai Anqing went upstairs directly with disappointment on her face.

Feng Shengxi watched him go upstairs intently, and then he leaned limply on the sofa, losing strength.

Anyway... Since Bai Anqing also spoke up personally, then the safety of his father can really be guaranteed.

Slowly lowering his eyes, Feng Shengxi comforted herself secretly. After she had breakfast, she went upstairs to clean up her things, and then left the white house.

Bai Anqing stood at the window watching her leave in the car, frowning.

The granddaughter died and the daughter-in-law left home.

Can life be worse?

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