Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1349: Longqi's company may not be right for you

Gu Xiaoxiao has done enough preparation work, and the survey data has been deeply engraved in her mind.

"In fact, up to now, especially this year, many people have already focused on VR. I think Mr. Xu should have some understanding, otherwise he would not agree to consider cooperating with us. The concept of VR is hotter than ever, including equipment manufacturers. , IT vendors, and Internet companies all want to launch their own VR products.

With the development of economy and technology, we have to admit that VR does represent a trend, but it needs more effort to truly enter the lives of ordinary people. In terms of technology, content, supporting facilities, etc., our company is currently the most advanced in China. Of course, Ryugasaki Co., Ltd., which I talked to with Mr. Xu before, also made very good products. But Mr. Xu, one thing is very important. I think I should remind you. "

"Which point? You say." Xu Jianyang asked seriously.

"Longqi's VR technology has always been developed based on his own company's games. They only started to open our domestic market last year. Do you think their understanding of the domestic game industry will be higher than ours Besides, let’s put aside the matching degree of game technology, there is a very important point, their products are imported products. Taxes, taxes, this is not a small amount. With consumption tax, the product price is really real Can it be controlled within Xu's expectations?"

Gu Xiaoxiao hit the nail on the head, no matter what business you do, you need to consider costs, which is really important.

Seriously thinking about what Gu Xiaoxiao said, after Xu Jianyang was silent for a while, he smiled and nodded at her.

"Japan's electronic product technology has always given people the feeling that it is high-end and reliable. So they took the initiative to contact me this time, and I also want to see how advanced the technology of the famous Ryugasaki Co., Ltd. is."

Xu Jianyang is explaining to Gu Xiaoxiao why he met Hasegawa. Gu Xiaoxiao looked very understanding, without any discomfort on her face. But I was muttering in my heart, who doesn't know you profiteers? Even if you talked with Chu Mingyuan so happily before, once there are other partners who are more beneficial to you, you are still very likely to not give face to your old friends, right?

Having been with Chu Yichen for such a long time, Gu Xiaoxiao knew a little about their profit-only businessmen. So she was not surprised at all about the current situation.

"I understand Mr. Xu's concerns. As I said before, Mr. Ryugasaki and I are relatively familiar with each other. I have also played their company's games in Japan, and I know the advantages of their company. Choose the right cooperation. My partner, this is a very important thing, of course I can understand."

"That's good."

Xu Jianyang was obviously relieved. After the two chatted a few words at random, Gu Xiaoxiao took out two documents and handed them to him.

"This is the data of several foreign game companies in the last two years. I have compiled a copy. Mr. Xu can check it out when he has time. The data shows their data growth after accessing VR technology. And this one, this It’s our company’s VR product information. Before meeting with Mr. Xu, we were just talking about it, and we didn’t actually show you some product data samples."

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