Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1363: Your Excellency, Old General Chu has brought

Chu Yunfei quickly left with the two strange men, not allowing the driver at home to follow, leaving the family at a loss, worried and confused.

Who on earth is this who can make the old man meet so easily?

Chu Yunfei was sitting in the car with a rare stiff. Look out the window from time to time to confirm the route ahead. After arriving at the destination two hours later, I was asked to get off the car and looked at the heavily guarded environment around me, knowing that I had come to the right place.

Follow the person who led the way forward, and after entering the building, he stopped in front of a room on the second floor.

"Your Excellency, Old General Chu has already brought it."

"come in."

When the door opened, Chu Yunfei looked at the stopped man, smiled, and stepped in.

Inside the room, Jiang Sheng sat behind the table and got up with a smile after seeing Chu Yunfei.

Chu Yunfei is a person who has seen the world, and he has not never seen these people above. It's just that when I saw you last time, it was a few years ago. Times have changed, and now people have changed, so for the people in front of them, they are limited to seeing them on TV.

After saluting and shaking his hand, Jiang Sheng asked Chu Yunfei to sit down and began to be polite.

"The old general has been in City B for some time, right?"

"It's almost a month. I have nothing to do at home. Come and see my grandson and great-grandson and pass the time."

Chu Yunfei seemed to be talking to him easily, but he knew in his heart that Jiang Sheng knew everything about him. I found him today, and in all likelihood it was related to things in Guangzhou.

"It's a good thing to be full of children and grandchildren. Now there are not many people who have the blessing of your old age." Jiang Sheng smiled lightly, "I saw Chu Yixuan last month, and you are the only one left in your family now. Right?"

"Hey." When talking about Chu Yixuan, Chu Yunfei couldn't hold back, and sighed heavily. In this way, there is no need for him to say more, Jiang Sheng can also see his boredom.

After the two chatted for a while, Jiang Sheng came to the topic. His time is very busy and tense. Every day the small meeting is held non-stop, and it is not easy to find time to meet Chu Yunfei.

"I want to arrange someone to go to Guangzhou. Can Old General Chu have a suitable candidate?"

Chu Yunfei was taken aback for a moment, looked at him puzzledly and asked, "Where do I adjust?"

"Here or Nanjing."

This answer... is worth thinking about. Chu Yunfei wondered what Jiang Sheng meant, but didn't say anything immediately. At this time, Jiang Sheng said again. "Bai Yingjie will come to City B at the end of this month. I have already contacted him."

"The Prime Minister came to me today, does he really want me to recommend someone, or is there any other instructions?"

"Of course it's the previous one. You are more familiar with the military area. If you are not trusted, it is impossible to invite your old man over."

Jiang Sheng's words are nice, but he can say this, but Chu Yunfei can't believe it all.

Chu Yunfei is indeed familiar with the military area. But is this a good thing or a bad thing for Jiang Sheng? In Jiang Sheng's eyes, it's not necessarily true, right?

In a few words, you can't figure out what Jiang Sheng meant. So how to answer this question really makes Chu Yunfei a little bit embarrassed.

"Why, there is no suitable candidate?" Jiang Sheng asked when Chu Yunfei was silent.

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