Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1369: You are mine, you can't go with others!

After busying for a while, Gu Xiaoxiao lay back on the bed top-heavy.

"Are you starting to shame?"

"Just shame, what's the matter?" Gu Xiaoxiao, who had drunk, was quite courageous. "I still want to find grandma, I won't sleep with you."

Stumbled and ran out, Chu Yichen stretched out his long arms and easily retrieved the person.

Falling into Chu Yichen's arms dizzy, Gu Xiaoxiao was really a little confused.

Looking up at him, Gu Xiaoxiao slapped Chu Yichen's face with both hands, and then kissed his thin lips.

"How do I feel that you seem a little handsome today?" Looking at Chu Yichen's face suspiciously, Gu Xiaoxiao asked and answered, "Well, it must be because I drank."

Chu Yichen couldn't laugh or cry, did not respond to her words, turned her body directly, lowered her head to help her tidy up the dress that had been messed up by her.

After the zipper was pulled down smoothly, Gu Xiaoxiao looked down at the skirt that had fallen to the ground afterwards, exclaimed, and threw herself on the bed.

"What to hide? We are the two of us." Chu Yichen followed up with a smirk, pressed her under him, and asked her in a low voice, "What did you just say? I didn't hear it very clearly. Say it again? "

"I said you are handsome!"

"What about the latter sentence?" Chu Yichen asked, and when she saw that she refused to admit it, he reminded her, "Does it usually look ugly?"

"Chu Yichen, why are you a big man so concerned about his face?"

"People who eat with their faces don't care what they do. Just outside, there were two other women who wanted me to call, but I was very conscious and didn't give them."

"Huh, I'll need it next time, and give her my number!" With gritted teeth, Gu Xiaoxiao crossed his neck and frowned and said, "You are mine, you can't go with others!"

Staring at Chu Yichen's smiling eyes, Gu Xiaoxiao still felt very upset. This man still hooks people, what should I do?

"Let's go home and leave tomorrow." Gu Xiaoxiao softly suggested Tie Chu Yichen's face.

"So fast? Stop playing for a few days?"

"Stop playing, I want to go home." Gu Xiaoxiao nodded firmly, thinking that foreign girls are too open and too powerful. Maybe she would block the toilet and **** or **** her husband if she didn't pay attention. Then who would she need to settle the accounts and reason?

After thinking about it, Gu Xiaoxiao didn't think it was right. Chen Jingyao's friends here are all high-quality. With blond hair and blue eyes and long legs, even a woman didn't think she had the power to resist, let alone a normal man like Chu Yichen.

"What are you thinking about? Tell me." Chu Yichen knew what she was thinking about when she looked at her. "Hey, tell me about it."

After even coaxing and deceiving, Chu Yichen took a lot of effort to finally get the words out.

"In your eyes, your husband is so defenseless?"

"Well... in my eyes, you are lustful."

Besides, Fu Ziheng still had so much romantic history before... They were going to school abroad together at that time, maybe...

"Don't compare me to Fu Ziheng." At a glance, she could see through what she was still muttering in her heart, Chu Yichen said softly, "He is him, I am me, it's different."

"I didn't know you before, how could I know the difference." Weak and boneless, he squeezed into Chu Yichen's body, Gu Xiaoxiao only felt that his body was cold and comfortable.

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