Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1381: Staying away from me is good for both of us.

"Is there anything I can't say here? Where are you taking me?!"

He hasn't spoken, and he doesn't seem to have any intention of slowing down. Li Youran was a little annoyed when she saw this.

"Chu Yixuan, let me ask you something! Don't go anymore, my feet hurt!"

Finally, under her anger, Chu Yixuan slowly stopped. At this time, they had already reached the edge of the venue, in a quiet corner.

Shaking off Chu Yixuan's hand forcefully, Li Youran looked at him unhappy.

"What do you want to do?"

"I should ask you this. What are you doing here?" Looking at her blankly, as if looking at a stranger. Chu Yixuan's expression made Li Youran's heart aching.

"This is the wedding scene, of course I am here to attend the wedding."

"Oh?" Chu Yixuan smiled sarcastically, not believing what Li Youran said. "Why don't I know that Fu Ziheng still knows a big-name friend like you."

"Chu Yixuan, can you speak without stabbing? I didn't mean to..."

"Stay away from my family." Before she could finish her words, Chu Yixuan spoke impatiently. "Don't let me see you with the two of them again."

Cold eyes, absolutely determined tone. Li Youran felt that in his eyes, she was like a virus. When he saw him, he wanted to put on the isolation gown and run away.

After gritting his teeth, Li Youran smiled quickly.

"I will not stay away from the two of them, what can you do to me?" Throwing away the hand bag in his hand, Li Youran took a step forward, narrowing the distance between herself and Chu Yixuan.

"I just want to be friends with the two of them. Can you stop me? I just want to use them. Who makes your Chu family so valuable?"

A few steps came in front of Chu Yixuan, and there was only a punch between the two. Li Youran looked at him indifferently, stretched out his hand to pull his collar, and kissed him unconventionally.

As soon as the lips touched, Chu Yixuan directly pushed away. This was in Li Youran's expectation, so there is no loss. Thanks to her mental preparation, she fell to the ground without embarrassment.

Li Youran stood there casually, looking at Chu Yixuan with a smile unchanged.

"Why, so afraid of me? You brought me here on purpose, didn't you just want to warn me? You know that warnings are useless to me, so why bother?"

"Li Youran, I don't want to get too involved with you. Staying away from me is good for both of us."

Chu Yixuan opened his mouth calmly, completely unaffected by Li Youran, which made Li Youran feel even more uncomfortable.

He has always been like this, no matter what she said or did, how she made noises or howl, he was like an unrelated bystander, just looking at her quietly. As if afraid that others would not know, they were two strangers.

Li Youran hated him the most, so she felt that she was guilty of being cheap.

Why did she still not forget him when he treated herself like this? Obviously, even a few years ago, their intersections were not too large. Is she seeing too few men? Still, she would fall into his hands in her entire life and couldn't escape.

Thinking of this, Li Youran became uncomfortably mad.

"I won't."

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