Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1384: Did she approach him for a purpose?

"It's okay, what can I do." Li Youran said with a wry smile when he fastened the seat belt with one hand, "I am with Chu Yixuan, and he will send me back."

"Oh, well, you can send me a message when you get home."

"Ok, bye."

After hanging up the phone, Li Youran kept a posture, staring at the person in the driver's seat. The car drove slowly, and there was no exchange between the two. It wasn't until Li Youran's residence that Chu Yixuan said in a cold voice, "Get off."

"I don't." Stubbornly grasping the seat belt, Li Youran looked down at the dirty dress on her body, feeling particularly embarrassed.

Obviously, I went to attend someone's wedding in a beautifully-dressed manner, but as a result, I didn't even see the bride, so I came back so embarrassed.

"Chu Yixuan, you made me like this, how can I go home to see people?"

"I made you like this?" Chu Yixuan disagreed with her remarks while squinting at him. "If I remember correctly, you are the one who rolled on the ground and refused to get up."

"I..." Being blocked by him, Li Youran felt that this man was really enough. "Can't you let me be a little bit? I'm a woman, how do you always compare with me?!"

"Let you? If I remember correctly, the person who just pressed me to the ground is also you."

"You bastard!"

Unable to bear his ridicule, Li Youran turned to open the door and left. But after moving, I remembered that the seat belt had not been unfastened.

Embarrassed, she ran home from Chu Yixuan's sight. After Chu Yixuan watched her enter the door, he sighed and started the car to leave.

Li Youran ran back to the house in one breath and found that Jiang Sheng was actually at home after entering the living room.

The man sitting on the sofa raised his head to see Li Youran's appearance, and couldn't help frowning.

"Isn't that I went to Fu Ziheng's wedding? How did it happen?" Looking at Li Youran suspiciously, he could tell from his voice that he was very dissatisfied with Li Youran's appearance.

"How come this is happening? It's not all because of you!" Li Youran's eyes flushed and couldn't help shouting. "If I weren't for your daughter, I wouldn't have been bullied like this!"

Being bullied?

Who dares to bully his Jiang Sheng's daughter?

Seeing Li Youran running upstairs, Jiang Sheng was silent for a while and said nothing.

Li Youran returned to her room, locked the door, and fell on the bed, crying. Thinking of the words Chu Yixuan said to her and the tone of voice when speaking, she couldn't do it.

The people she approached their home must be purposeful?

Why does he think so? !

If she can, she doesn't want to be Jiang Sheng's daughter more than anyone else. She would rather be an adopted child in an orphanage, and she would live more freely than she is now!

Angry and hateful, the makeup on Li Youran's face was crying, but she didn't bother to wash it. Finally fell asleep on the bed, and when I woke up, it was already three hours later.

Slowly got up, and after washing his face, Li Youran went downstairs. She hasn't eaten anything from morning till now, and her hungry stomach feels uncomfortable. But after seeing Jiang Sheng who was still sitting in the living room, that hunger disappeared.

Why is he still at home? How many hours have it been? Not leaving today?

Li Youran froze on the stairs, Jiang Sheng looked up at her and said, "Come here."

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