Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1386: Send Chu Yixuan to Guangzhou

The two looked at each other, and no one was willing to back down on this issue.

After watching him for a while, Li Youran got up suddenly and ran back to the room, lying on the bed at a loss.

She didn't know what Jiang Sheng was thinking. What Li Youran was certain was that he didn't like Chu Yixuan.

It is because he is optimistic about Chu Yixuan and the Chu family that he will make those moves recently. That being the case, why didn't he agree to be with Chu Yixuan?

Her chest was painful and stuffy, and Li Youran was uncomfortably mad.

Among the three, only she herself was willing to try to work hard. This is definitely not possible...

With a sad smile, Li Youran felt that she was really pitiful at home. Pulling the quilt over his face, just lie down. When someone came to tell her to go downstairs to eat, she also pretended not to hear.

If Jiang Sheng did not leave, she would not leave this door. Li Youran has already made such a plan.

Without sleeping all night, Jiang Sheng left at three o'clock in the morning. Li Youran lay on the window sill and watched his car leave, slowly breathing out.

Taking the mobile phone to the study, Li Youran went downstairs in a daze after watching the movie and seeing dawn.

"Miss, did you sleep well last night?" Huba asked, looking at Li Youran with a haggard look.

"It's not that I didn't sleep well, it's that I didn't sleep at all." Li Youran said weakly after looking at him. "Uncle Hu, cook me noodles, I'm so hungry."

Lying on the dining table and waiting, Li Youran was bored playing with her mobile phone and found the message Gu Xiaoxiao sent her yesterday.

It's almost a day, do you want to return...

After thinking about it seriously, Li Youran sat up straight, typed a line and sent it over.

"Something happened suddenly yesterday, so I went home early. Sorry~"

"It's okay~ If you have time, call us and take you to eat good food. A new restaurant has opened nearby. I heard it's pretty good."

The information came back soon, Li Youran looked at it, smiled, and after returning the word "OK", he threw the phone aside.

Gu Xiaoxiao got the answer from Chu Yichen's mouth last night by betraying her hue. She was really shocked by the identity of Li Youran. I also slightly understand why the eldest brother "dislikes" this girl.

It's not that I don't like it, but I can't like it.

But the status of the Chu family in City B is not low, is it really that much worse?

Without understanding the affairs of officialdom, Gu Xiaoxiao did not dare to say anything casually. Li Youran did not take the initiative to confess his identity, and Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't tell others casually. So even Chu Xiaoxi did not disclose it.

I heard that the people above are going to send Chu Yixuan to Guangzhou. Such news is unexpected, but also expected. It is conceivable that there must be a mess in Guangzhou now. Especially the Feng family, I don't know what to worry about.

Gu Xiaoxiao knew that Feng Shengxi's father was already squatting in prison, but the dozens of years old would suffer such hardship. But she didn't feel distressed at all, she felt that they deserved the crime and deserved it.

Guangzhou, Feng's house.

Feng Shengxi sat in the room with the phone in his hand, restless.

Chu Yixuan is coming to Guangzhou... She knows what this means.

Bai Yingjie doesn't care about their family affairs at all now. This kind of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge also made Feng Shengxi completely dead.

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