Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1400: Is Ryugasaki Takumi coming to China for acquisition?

Ryugasaki Takumi heard her meaning, but had no intention to refuse. Because he really wanted to see her.

"It's half past seven, okay?"

"Yes, I will send you the address of the restaurant when I decide it, and I will wait for you there.

After making an appointment with Long Qi, Gu Xiaoxiao found a restaurant not too far from the company, and notified him after the reservation was made.

Cheer up and continue to work. When it was time to get off work, Chu Yichen came to look for her. Gu Xiaoxiao looked at the time and shook her head.

"I made an appointment with a friend for dinner, so I won't go back with you, bye~"

Chu Yichen leaned against the door frame, a little unhappy.

"Which friend, you are so willing to abandon me."

"Leisure, she has something to do with me." Gu Xiaoxiao casually scorned, and Chu Yichen had no doubts.

After instructing Gu Xiaoxiao to pay attention when driving on the road, he left. Gu Xiaoxiao looked at the closed door, feeling a little confused.

Arrived at the appointed restaurant half an hour earlier, and Ryugasaki Takumi also arrived ten minutes earlier.

Sitting there face to face, Gu Xiaoxiao looked at him with one hand on his cheek and smiled.

"You are so busy, shouldn't I ask you?" He is still wearing a suit, which is rare for Ryugasaki Takumi.

"In my heart, all the customers should be behind you, you know that." Ryugasaki Takumi looked at the restaurant's environment and asked curiously, "Is this restaurant delicious? Have you come here often? "

"No, this is the first time I came here. Try it today, if it doesn't taste good, I won't come again."

Gu Xiaoxiao smiled and looked down at the menu in his hand. After the two ordered a meal, they continued to talk quietly.

"They seem to know you." Looking at the waiters not far away, Ryugasaki Takumi reminded the person opposite. "Are you talking about us?"

"That's not thanks to you." Gu Xiaoxiao didn't need to look back to know that what he said was right. These people usually like to gossip, because it is relatively close to the Fengyang Group, they sometimes pay attention to the news of the Fengyang Group, which is normal.

Gu Xiaoxiao often went on the gossip news some time ago, and she was no stranger to someone who could recognize her. And now sitting across from her is her "scandalous boyfriend." Moreover, the identity of Ryugasaki Takumi has never been announced in the country. Many people do not know that he is the president of Ryugasaki Co., Ltd.

Thinking of these things, Gu Xiaoxiao wanted to roll her eyes. Resisting this impulse, he cautiously chatted with Ryugasaki Takumi, trying hard to get some clues from him.

"How many days will you stay in China this time?"

"A week or so. Why, want to have dinner with me every night? Then I will be very happy."

"Don't make trouble..." Gu Xiaoxiao looked at him helplessly. "Is it a cooperation with our company?"

"Forget it, half and half. There are other companies that need to meet."

That's right.

Half and half.

This answer is very questionable.

Because as far as Gu Xiaoxiao knows, he probably won't have any contact with the company recently. What does this half of his mouth refer to?

Moreover, Chu Yichen had guessed before that Ryugasaki Takumi did not establish a branch in China, and it is very likely that he wanted to acquire other companies. So the person he came to meet this time was just talking about the acquisition?

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