Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1522: Won't give up easily

Chu Yichen talked and happily expressed his attitude at the forum meeting, and accepted the "challenge" to Ryugasaki Takumi, then how Ryugasaki Takumi would respond has become the focus of everyone's attention.

After leaving the venue, Ryugasaki Takumi returned directly to his residence. He has been staying in a hotel recently, and the safety of the hotel has not been so safe. Everyone knows this.

After Ryugasaki Takumi entered the room, the accompanying people kept guarding outside the door to avoid tracking, monitoring or eavesdropping.

After entering the room, he took off his jacket and threw it on the sofa. Ryugasaki Takumi sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, staring at the scenery under the window, sipping the wine in the glass.

The phone's ringtone broke the silence, Ryugasaki Takumi turned his head slightly and glanced at the phone on the desktop. It was a private phone, and I received two emails.

Reaching out for the phone, he looked at the lock screen picture of the phone and his eyes moved.

The photo is a group photo of him and Gu Xiaoxiao, which was more than a year ago.

At that time, there was no Chu Yichen among them. At that time, Gu Xiaoxiao was a simple girl who would accompany him to see the cherry blossoms, talk and laugh with him, and talk comics with him.

Time has changed, and I didn't expect that in just one year, they would have become what they are now. He now has difficulty even wanting to see her.

Thoughts stay in memories, unwilling to be sober. Ryugasaki Takumi pondered for a long time before sliding on the screen to read the two unread emails.

After quickly browsing the above information, Ryugasaki Takumi sneered.

This thing of women, sometimes it really makes him feel quite magical.

Ryugasaki Takumi grew up, and there have been countless women around him. Even his father's mistress, he almost can't remember how many.

He doesn't know who his mother is, but he is Ryugasaki Shuhei's only son, a young master who has never lacked anything since he was a child.

When did he fall in love with Gu Xiaoxiao? Regarding that memory, Ryugasaki Takumi is also a little vague. I just vaguely remember that every time I see her smile, my mood will get better inexplicably, and in the end, I will even laugh with her.

It's not a simple mouth raising, but a joy from the heart.

He once tried Gu Xiaoxiao, using money, using things, using everything he could think of. Because she is so beautiful, he wants to pull her into the abyss and become like himself.

Unfortunately, it failed.

This is the first time I want to get someone so, so no matter what obstacles ahead, he will not give up easily. The three-year relationship is not just a joke.

Ryugasaki Takumi quickly responded to the email, guessing what Gu Xiaoxiao was doing now. When he heard his men knock on the door and said that a reporter was squatting downstairs, and when he was going out for a while, he thought about whether to park the car at the side door of the hotel and waited for him. He ordered his men to go out and say hello to the reporter.

"Let them all go back today, just say that this Friday, I will spare half an hour to cooperate with them for an interview. I will not agree to any media in advance. At 3 o'clock on Friday afternoon, who is the first to come to me, I’ll leave it to my exclusive interview."

"Ok, I see."

Nodding and leaving, Hasegawa went downstairs to convey Ryugasaki Takumi's meaning. Looking at the reporters who looked at each other, they gave a cold smile without a trace.

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