Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1530: Encountered Ryugasaki Takumi

"Xiao Xiao, aren't you and my brother going to Nanjing? Why didn't you go there suddenly?" Chu Xiaoxi asked Gu Xiaoxiao to go to the hospital for a checkup that day, and asked curiously. "Did something happen to the company?"

Recently, the affairs of Fengyang Group and Longqi Company have always been hot topics, which makes people not want to pay attention.

"No, I have something wrong, so I postponed it."

Chu Lin's affairs must not be let Chu Xiaoxi know, how many lies Gu Xiaoxiao told recently, even she herself can hardly remember.

Looking at Chu Xiaoxi with a guilty conscience, Gu Xiaoxiaohu said, "I didn’t want to be handed over to others by Chu Yichen for a project I followed up, so I want to do something again this week. And, I I also care more about Big Brother and Youran."

Gu Xiaoxiao knows how to transfer Chu Xiaoxi's mind. Chu Yixuan seems to have been running from both sides of Guangzhou City B recently. Although he did not go home, everyone in the family knew about this.

Except for the two of them and Chu Yichen, no one else at home seemed to know about Li Youran, and Chu Yixuan had never mentioned that name at home. Chu Xiaoxi really wanted to know what Chu Yixuan thought. Now when Gu Xiaoxiao said this, he nodded and couldn't wait to say, "I care too! But the eldest brother didn't say anything. Me and Youran are not that way. I’m too familiar, I’m sorry to ask, hey."

The two of them walked and talked. They met the doctor for a series of examinations and after confirming the health of the fetus, they returned to the company.

Gu Xiaoxiao felt that it was a coincidence, because she and Chu Xiaoxi talked about Li Youran, and Li Youran called her. You know, they haven't been in contact recently.

Li Youran didn't say anything important on the phone, only that she was a little bored at home and wanted to Gu Xiaoxiao, and asked Gu Xiaoxiao when she would have time and wanted to see Gu Xiaoxiao.

Gu Xiaoxiao was urged by Chu Xiaoxi to make an appointment with her. After putting down the phone, she sighed.

"I really feel sorry for You Ran, being so strict by his father, I don't know what she will do with the big brother."

"What else can I do? I'm willing to do it with all my hardships~ When I went back last time, I seriously thought about the two of them. You think, even if you marry at our house, you will definitely not suffer. What are your parents? Isn’t it clear? Even if the eldest brother is angry, the big deal is to neglect her for a while. But anyway, Youran is his wife, no matter whether it is public or private, he dare not do anything to Youran!"

Listening to Chu Xiaoxi's talk, Gu Xiaoxiao shook his head, not so much in agreement.

"What you said, it’s a bit of a backache that you can’t speak while standing. If you don’t talk about her and your eldest brother, let’s talk about the two of us. If Chu Yichen and An Chenglang fight a cold war with us, can you stand it? No matter how good it is, what's the use? When I get home, it’s not a cloud of cold air. It’s scary to think about it.

Chu Xiaoxi followed her words for a moment, and felt that what she said was reasonable.

An Chenglang dare to snub her? Isn't that looking for death?

After meeting Li Youran for afternoon tea, Gu Xiaoxiao had no time to deal with the company's affairs. I cleaned up the papers and planned to take them back to work overtime at night. When I arrived at the coffee shop agreed upon with Chu Xiaoxi, Gu Xiaoxiao never expected that he would meet Longqi Takumi here.

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