Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1534: Aunt is underestimating me?

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at her mobile phone again. It turned out that Chu Yichen had already sent her a message and said hello.

Did he... go to see Chu Lin?

Calculating the time, Chu Lin should have returned home these two days, right? I don’t know what they will talk about after they meet...

At half past one in the morning, City B International Airport.

Chu Yichen sat in the car, staring at the phone screen. Every time when it went dark, he would light it up again.

The car window was knocked twice, Chu Yichen's eyes flashed, turned to look, and quickly unlocked the car.

The car door was opened in the next moment, and the man naturally took the seat of the co-pilot, and then whispered an address to him.

Chu Yichen knew that place, he started the car and slowly left the parking lot. The line of sight should have been looking straight ahead, but he was always distracted and wanted to see the people around him.

Since Chu Lin got into the car, he only told him an address, and then he said nothing. She seemed very tired, she kept closing her eyes and rested her mind, saying nothing.

Chu Yichen turned her head to look at her several times, feeling a little vague. The person in the deepest memory is now really sitting in front of him. The familiar but unfamiliar feeling made it impossible to say many words stuck in the throat.

"If you see me on the street, will you recognize who I am?"

It seemed that he felt Chu Yichen's gaze. When he looked over again, Chu Lin suddenly opened his eyes and asked softly.

"I can't recognize it." Chu Yichen answered honestly, "Even if I feel like it, I dare not recognize it."

Chu Lin smiled silently, and he said "Don't dare to recognize", which really made people feel helpless.

For more than ten or twenty years, it seems to be difficult to walk all the way, but now that I think back to the past, it seems that it is going very quickly.

He was a child when she left. When she came back, he was already a father.

The two stopped talking, Chu Yichen drove the car to the place designated by Chu Lin, which was a very ordinary residential area.

He thought she would go to the army or stay in a hotel. He didn't expect it to be such a place.

Chu Lin got out of the car, and Chu Yichen naturally followed behind her. The key to the room was in the meter box in the corridor. Watching Chu Lin took out the key to open the door and stepped in, Chu Yichen hesitated and continued to follow.

The house is very small, only 30 square meters, and some simple daily necessities are all ready.

Chu Lin casually threw his luggage on the ground, then sat on the sofa and looked at Chu Yichen. Seeing him standing at the door all the time, he smiled and asked, "Why didn't you come? Didn't you have something to tell me?"

Chu Yichen walked over and sat down beside her.

"Does Xiaoxiao know about my return today?"

"Yeah. I know."

"In the future, don't let her know so much about my affairs. It's not a good thing. I have already taught her about Su Zhiying, and I won't let her contact Xiaoxiao again." Chu Lin seriously and Chu Yichen Talking about business matters, "And you, after seeing me today, just forget about it, don't tell the family."

"Auntie is underestimating me?" Chu Yichen frowned and looked at her and asked.

Chu Lin smiled and leaned on the sofa and shook his head. "Auntie knows that you are great now, but there are some things that you can't intervene after all. Now that you have your wife and children by your side, it is best to focus on them."

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