Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1552: Go to Ryugasaki Takumi

"Other than that, he drank wine yesterday, so...a bit unconscious."

Chu Yichen snorted, he didn't think that Ryugasaki Takumi's alcohol volume was so bad.

"Xiao Xi will wait to accompany you. You don't have to go to the company or go home today. Just wait for me here."

"okay, I get it."

Gu Xiaoxiao was so cute and disobedient, and in fact, she didn't dare to be disobedient.

Chu Yichen now is like a time bomb, who knows when he will explode...

Chu Yichen left after eating. Gu Xiaoxiao thought he was going to the company. There was no doubt or expectation that he would go to Longqi Takumi today.

Chu Xiaoxi arrived an hour later and didn't know what happened, so seeing Gu Xiaoxiao was quite nervous, thinking she was injured or something.

As soon as she entered the door, Chu Xiaoxi looked her up and down. But I didn't see the wound, but saw two hickeys on her neck.

With a light cough, Chu Xiaoxi deliberately teased her.

"What does my brother mean by asking me to come? Nothing was said on the phone. Did you two quarrel or fight?"

"No noise or fight..."

"Then what's going on on your neck? Who bit it?"

There was a smile in Chu Xiaoxi's voice and eyes. Gu Xiaoxiao later realized what it meant, and his face instantly blushed, pulling at her collar with some irritation, and then staring at her.

"Okay, okay, because I ran over to accompany you in the morning, don't stare at me."

Pulling Gu Xiaoxiao and sitting on the sofa, Chu Xiaoxi felt that something was wrong.

"You slept here last night? What happened?"

When Gu Xiaoxiao finished talking to her in a low tone, Chu Xiaoxi exploded immediately.

"This stinky shameless guy! He can even do this kind of thing! Sure enough, people are not good-looking, he is a human face and beast heart! A beast in clothing!"

"Okay, stop scolding." Gu Xiaoxiao tilted her body and leaned on her. "I just want to know what his words mean."

"Let my brother check it out! I don't believe it. We can't find something that a Japanese can find out!"

Japanese... he is not a simple Japanese...

Recalling everything that happened yesterday, Gu Xiaoxiao was sure that Ryugasaki Takumi recognized Li Youran. Otherwise, how could he let himself go immediately after seeing her.

Li Youran's identity is so secret, he can even know, what else does he do not know?

After Chu Yichen left home, he drove to the place that he had arranged with Ryuqi Takumi. Ryugasaki Takumi agreed to meet him so happily, which actually made Chu Yichen a little unexpected.

Long Qi had arrived at the meeting place long before Chu Yichen. There is Gu Xiaoxiao's backpack on hand, and all the contents inside are also Gu Xiaoxiao's.

He did have a big drink yesterday, but he thought that if he did it again, he would still do something like that. Because...that was what he wanted to do a long time ago. He had endured it for a long time, but after all, he couldn't hold it back.

After Gu Xiaoxiao was taken away by Li Youran yesterday, Ryugasaki Takumi calmed down a bit. But later, he couldn't calm down again.

For the feelings between Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Yichen, Ryugasaki Takumi has always felt that it is not so deep.

They were separated for three years, not three months. What's more, before they separated, the time together was not long.

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