Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1573: Jiang Sheng is sick

"Doctor Qiao is joking. You don't know what I am doing. How can I have so much time to rest?"

Jiang Sheng smiled and shook his head. He did not find Li Youran on the stairs.

"I'm going to Europe next week, so if you have any medicine that works quickly, just bring it to me."

"Taking such a large amount of medicine, in case there are any side effects..."

"You have always been my attending doctor. Should I explain what I should do? You also understand my physical condition. It is not so good and so bad. After a while, I may be more relaxed. It’s not too late to adjust the treatment plan."

"Hey, all right. You rest early today, and I will come back at noon tomorrow to bring you medicine."

Jiang Sheng nodded and ordered someone to send the doctor home.

Li Youran stood there for a while, she couldn't tell how she felt now.

Is Jiang Sheng sick? What disease? is it serious?

Although Huba had spoken to her during the day, Li Youran didn't take it seriously at that time, thinking he was lying to herself. Now it seems……

Recovered, Li Youran went downstairs to the restaurant. While walking, he glanced at Jiang Sheng's side.

He actually has his own residence, and this is just what was prepared for Li Youran. But later, he became more and more accustomed to running here, so slowly everyone got used to it.

Li Youran sat at the table and looked at the table full of food, but he was not as hungry as when he was in the room just now, but had no appetite.

"Uncle Hu, he...don't he eat?"

Seeing Huba who came to him, Li Youran asked in a low voice.

Seeing that she cares about Jiang Sheng, Huba smiled, shook his head and replied, "Master has a bad stomach and can't eat these things. Just drank some porridge, so don't worry, Miss."

After giving her an answer, Huba remembered something, and continued: "These are all made for you by the master's orders. You see, they are all you like to eat."

"Talk more." Li Youran glared at him, picked up his chopsticks and looked at the dishes in front of him, feeling a little heavy.

Not to mention, she really likes to eat.

Eating dinner without knowing the taste, Li Youran ate for a long time, but the rice in the bowl was not scarce. Jiang Sheng watched TV for a while, answered two calls, and went to the study. Li Youran has been paying attention to his actions, so she naturally knows when he returned to the room to rest.

At half past one in the morning, this was the time Jiang Sheng returned from the study to the bedroom.

When Li Youran came down the next morning, Jiang Sheng had already returned from a walk outside. He looked very energetic. He couldn't see that he had stayed up the night last night, or even that he was sick.

Millet porridge is very nourishing. Li Youran drank two bowls and Jiang Sheng drank one.

"Are you going to be at home all day today?" After thinking about it, Li Youran couldn't help but started talking to him.

"What, something?"

"Can't you talk to me with a better attitude?" Li Youran protested helplessly, "I asked if something was wrong with your itinerary? It couldn't be caring about you? You and your driver's bodyguard should speak in both ways. Better than me, should this be? Is this science?"

When she said a bunch of things in one breath, Li Youran was **** off by herself.

"Forget it, I won't tell you."

Putting down the chopsticks, she went for a walk in the yard angrily. And Jiang Sheng is still reminiscing about the few words she just said.

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