Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1584: Interrupted ambiguous

"What if I really refuse?"

Chu Yichen squinted at her and asked deliberately.

"Then I'll be separated from you... Anyway, Xiao Xi moved in in a few days."

Chu Yichen didn't say anything, but hit her **** twice, and Gu Xiaoxiao frowned.

"You can see her, but you must tell me in advance that I will accompany you."

"Then we go shopping and chat and talk about gossip, you will follow?" Gu Xiaoxiao looked at him disbelievingly.

"Trust me, she won't have that kind of carelessness to accompany you to do those things. Don't forget, even if she comes to China, she has a mission."

On this point, Chu Yichen is still very sure.

As far as he knew, Chu Lin had never agreed with Su Zhiying to come to China. Because she grew up in Japan and was not familiar with everything here, Chu Lin would also worry about her safety. So Chu Yichen thought, even if Su Zhiying can come this time, there should be a time limit.

"Even if I don't accompany you, she will definitely want to see me."

Chu Yichen's words were so swearing that Gu Xiaoxiao felt that it would be wrong not to believe his words. So she nodded slowly and agreed to his condition.

"If you take you there, I will take you there. Xiao Xiba and I don't have to have another person to help carry things."

With her entire body leaning against his arms, Gu Xiaoxiao's lazy and coquettish tone sounded exceptionally good.

Chu Yichen couldn't help lowering his head and grabbed her delicate red lips. Gu Xiaoxiao who kissed her breathed quickly, and her hands were not consciously put into her clothes.


The ignorant knock on the door interrupted the interaction between the two. A trace of anger crossed Chu Yichen's eyes, deliberately pretending not to hear, and pressing Gu Xiaoxiao under him. But the people outside seemed to have made up their minds and must see them.

"Mom! Are you there?!"

As soon as Gu Xiaoxiao heard Chu Muqian's voice, he immediately pushed Chu Yichen away. Ignoring Chu Yichen's dissatisfaction, she quickly adjusted her clothes and hair, took a deep breath, got out of bed and opened the door.

Outside the door, the two little guys stood side by side and smiled satisfied after seeing Gu Xiaoxiao.

"Why is it so slow?" Chu Muqian complained a little unhappy. But after catching a glimpse of Gu Xiaoxiao's flushed cheeks, she asked worriedly, "Have you caught a cold because your face is so red?"

Hearing this question, Gu Xiaoxiao wanted to find the person in the house to settle the account.

"Mom doesn't have a cold, but the temperature in the room is a bit high, I'm a bit hot." Gu Xiaoxiao asked softly, "What can you do if you want me?"

"Mom, stay with me." Chu Muran coquettishly asked her to hug her, and after lying on her body like a koala, he couldn't wait to kiss her. "You haven't accompanied me to a dance class for a long time. I miss you very much."

Girls just act like a coquettish... I can see them every day, but she will say these coaxing things every day. Gu Xiaoxiao, who listened to her, felt very soft. She really hoped to do nothing and stay by their side.

"Well, mom is wrong. When is the next dance class? Mom accompanies you, okay?"


"Okay, then tomorrow."

After kissing her on the forehead, Gu Xiaoxiao walked towards the children's room with her two children. Chu Yichen was just ignored by the big and the two, lying on the bed and sighing.

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