Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1600: Call from kindergarten

Early in the morning, the two were awakened by an impatient knock on the door. Don't think too much, the people who dare to disturb Chu Yichen's dreams in this bold way at this time must be the two little ancestors.

Every time, Chu Yichen would close his eyes first and tell himself that he was his son, his biological son. Then he got up, put on his clothes, went to the door and opened the door unhurriedly.

Gu Xiaoxiao sat on the bed sleepily, straightened her messy hair, and tugged the clothes she put on quickly.

"Happy birthday, dad!"

As soon as the door was opened, the two little guys heard crisp and bright voices. Looking at their smiling faces, they all flew away, even if they were getting up.

Chu Yichen knelt down and rubbed their heads, and responded softly. "Thank you baby."

"Dad, I will listen to you today!" Chu Muqian took the initiative to show his favor, but Chu Yichen felt a little disgusted when he saw it.

"only today?"

"Today I will be particularly obedient!" Chu Muqian emphasized the word "special", which made Chu Yichen laugh.

Under normal circumstances, as long as Chu Muqian said, he would do it. So Chu Yichen didn't doubt that today would be a happy day.

But things are often unpredictable. Just after Chu Muqian said that he would be particularly obedient, he began to "make things"...

When Gu Xiaoxiao received a call from the kindergarten, saying that it was for her to go there, her heart almost stopped beating. I got up from the chair with a sigh, because the movement was too violent, and my knee hit the table.

"Did something happen? What happened to the child?"

"Don't worry, both children are safe, no problem, but..."

The teacher first calmed Gu Xiaoxiao's emotions, and then briefly said the matter.

Chu Muqian had a fight at school... Chu Muran was howling and crying, but he couldn't coax him no matter how hard he was, just to find his mother.

Both of these were young ancestors, and the teacher was really unable to do so, so he made this call.


Gu Xiaoxiao quickly got dressed and went downstairs. Chu Xiaoxi was sitting downstairs and chatting with Chu Yunfei. Seeing her panicked, she asked for a while and went with her.

Needless to say, if Chu Muqian had a fight, his **** son would definitely have a share. Those two brat pants are almost wearing a pair, as long as they are together, nothing can be separated.

Hurrying to school, the two met a few children.


Chu Muran's crying face was all over, his nose flushed, and the beautiful braids that had been combed were also scattered. Her long hair was scattered behind her, and she threw herself into Gu Xiaoxiao's arms.

"Ranran, don't cry anymore." Gu Xiaoxiao picked her up, not knowing how the child cried so hard. "Where is it hurt? You tell mom."

"No, it doesn't hurt." Chu Muran sobbed, and pointed to Chu Muqian who was not far away, "Brother hurts."

Gu Xiaoxiao turned to look at her son. The little guy was already glamorous, but not serious. Just as Chu Xiaoxi thought, An Jingyan, who was standing on the side, looked the same.

"I don't hurt!" Chu Muqian replied loudly when she heard her talk about herself, frowning, and after touching Gu Xiaoxiao's sight, she flinched, a little afraid to look at her.

"Brother is okay, don't worry about the dye. Then you sit here obediently, don't cry, mom check if he is injured, can you?"

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