When running downstairs, only Chu Xiaoxi was sitting there watching TV in the living room. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he looked over, his eyes a little ambiguous.

"Get up? Are you hungry?" Chu Xiaoxi asked actively, and after seeing Li Youran shook his head blushing, he smiled.

"Where are they?"

"Xiao Xiao and my brother went to the company. Your husband left early in the morning and don't know what to do. Grandparents and grandma are playing cards with mom upstairs. If you want to join in, you can go and see."

"I don't know how to fight, let's forget it." Li Youran sat next to her nervously and asked quietly: "I overslept... They are not angry, are they?"

"No, Chu Yixuan said you are a little uncomfortable with a cold, are you okay?"

"No, nothing."

Chu Xiaoxi didn't need to ask anything. With just a pair of eyes, she could tell from her what happened last night. But she and Li Youran are not too familiar, and she doesn't know where the bottom line of this girl is, so she dare not tease easily.

The two were talking and chatting, and it was noon unknowingly when Gu Xiaoxiao came back.

Gu Xiaoxiao came back with Chu Yixuan, which surprised them a little.

Gu Xiaoxiao took off her high heels and went upstairs to change clothes. After working for several hours, she still had a report to complete and hand it to Xu Ming. She was supposed to stay in the company, but thinking about Li Youran, she returned.

When Li Youran saw her back, she couldn't help but relax. Some thoughts, after all, I just want to talk to her.

"Take the medicine."

Chu Yixuan walked over with the water cup and medicine, looked down at Li Youran and said. Li Youran was startled, her face a bit bad, but she reached out and took the medicine and swallowed it.

"You Ran, you really have a cold?" Chu Xiaoxi didn't know what was going on, but thought she was taking cold medicine. But Li Youran knew that what Chu Yixuan gave her was contraceptives...

"Well, the head is a little uncomfortable, just take some medicine." With a forced smile, Li Youran didn't look at Chu Yixuan's face. Chu Yixuan also deliberately avoided her. It seemed that he was only coming back to deliver medicine on purpose. Seeing Li Youran finished eating, she left soon.

"I can't tell, my brother still cares about you." Chu Xiaoxi jokingly laughed at the sound of the car starting outside. As soon as I turned around, I saw Li Youran's pale and godless face and realized that he might have said something wrong.

"Perhaps." Li Youran nodded without saying too much.

Everyone had a meal together at noon. In the afternoon, Li Youran has been following Gu Xiaoxiao. Even Gu Xiaoxiao went to the study to work.

Chu Xiaoxi looked at these two people and felt unhappy.

Why is this? Want to isolate yourself? Is there any secret you don't want her to know? She doesn't come back often, has she reached the point of being rejected?

Clenched fists and stood up, Chu Xiaoxi followed aggressively.

Randomly knocked on the door twice, she pushed the door and walked inside. Looking at the eyes of the two inside, he said seriously and seriously: "What are you talking about? I want to listen!"

Angrily walked to the sofa and sat down, Chu Xiaoxi looked at them aggrievedly, and his voice was full of grievances.

"Why don't you take me for chat? Isn't that going to not take me for future play?"

Sitting behind the table, Gu Xiaoxiao looked at Chu Xiaoxi's angrily face with one hand supporting her cheek. Then she glanced at Li Youran and said with a smile: "Whatever I said, she will definitely come over."

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